what the fuck is wrong with mexicans?
What the fuck is wrong with mexicans?
Aztec blood
god damn it god damn it god damn it
is this new?
it's sicko Olympics they try to outdo each cartel
build the wall now
What isn't wrong with Mexicans? Seriously, name one good thing about Mexicans that isn't better achieved by an actual race.
>protip: you can't.
live by the sword, die by the sword
stay away from that shit
They're better at dissociation than white people.
Cutting each other into pieces and filming it
They make pretty good mexican food.
No idea, show this on the news, and we would have a wall built in weeks
I like Mexico, not all Mexicans are like that.
Wishing Mexico the best through this earthquake.
Aztec genetics.
Europeans were better at flaying, better at filming things.
Too many tortillas will make men do anything and everything to avoid tortilla life. It's scientifically proven that the more tortillas a man eats the less happy he is.
Drug cartels n shit
Please nuke us.
Problem with Mexicans is the Spanish didn't genocide them all like they were supposed to. We got rid of our injuns thus, we don't have to deal with that shit anymore except a few dumb reds every once and awhile, Mexico, much like most of South America is the result of not getting rid of the natives quick enough
Easier to cross the boarder in tiny pieces.
ok so the aztexicans are still doing homonid sacrifices.
Fox is a cuck who's afraid to speak out or else that'd be him so he talks shit about Trump
Can somebody PLEASE nuke this non-human country already?
just go full ted kaczynski and start blowing shit up, eventually america will be called in
Someone tweet this to Trump I bet he'll repost
Thats nothing. Watch this fresh piece from hue-land theync.com
Almost everything south of Texas is going to be a bad time. The indio can only pretend to be civilized for so long.
I was eating. Now I don't feel like eating the rest of my pizza. ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?
Anyone can follow a fucking recipe.
I wish Trump would one day finally get sick of everyone and start showing clips of this on live TV during a State of the Union going "See? This is why we need a fucking wall. A big fucking wall."
Brainlet here. Aren't they spanish? Or are they some type of southern indian? I don't get this, they speak Spanish.
>Some, I assume, are good people
Race mixing and low IQ's lead to this degeneracy and savagery. We must do everything in our power to stop the US from ever turning into this.
Mexico could actually become a nice country if the government stopped being so corrupt.
This would actually work. But only after the nuclear meltdown from the democrats/liberals
why does it have an Israel watermark?
>Ah, another day in paradise!
The corruption is because of their genetically low IQ's. It will never go away. All low IQ countries are correlated with high levels of corruption.
That is what happens when you race mix with savage low IQ Indians. Spain really fucked up there...
Not my prodest fap
Yeah they're mostly Indian mixes. There are some purer Spanish groups that look hwhuite.
The state provided the gun and flag?
>muttland and mehico arguing which of their countries is a bigger shithole
leaf post
>a while fucking country to buffer faggot leafs
Almonds activated.
Wew lad
Natives. There was a population before the Spaniggers arrived.
>healthcare goes from $220 a month to an unaffordable $560 a month
>hurr Americans are so dumb they dont even have health insurance
under after Obama care*
Grab your guns and fig... never mind. I forgot you have common sense gun control.
I blame Spain.
Watch the link you faggots
>Leafchink talking about muh Country
We can only buy a pistol but is a pain in the ass with all the paperwork so don't even bother.
At least he died for a good cause.
jews probably pay to watch this crap, don't they come down to latin america to rape kids? god this world is so fucked
good luck spicbro **don't come here please** stay safe and I hope something can save your country
be nice. our chink only rarely eat people
They are shit skins with no empathy what else is new
South American injuns mostly, which is why most Mexicans look so odd, and not like their Spanish counterparts. When the Spanish first went there, Spain was actually pretty white, yeah not all of them, but a lot were far whiter then any native injun would have been
>genetically low IQ's
As a white Mexican, ic an cofnirm that in my regular daily routine, 90% of people i come across are literally, medically retarded.
They are like monkeys only able to speak a few sentences, and getting along their lives just by eating, shitting and sleeping.
And im not even talking about the indigenous people since they are actually quite productive making wooden furniture, clothing, candy and other things, im talking about the mixture of indigenous with... whatever the fuck they were bred.
Absolutely incapable of thinking beyond today, throwing garbage on the street even when theres a trashcan a few feet away.
Its gonna take generations, and a sistemaric sterlization and eugenics.
How come these videos never explain what they did to deserve it?
Try not to fuck this one up, FBI
The people that miss the Rapture are fucked
Spain didn't finish the job.
>be Mexican
>have 7.2 magnitude earthquake
>earth shaking like a mother fucker
>be on ground, nobody dies
>at same time, be in helicopter, above ground
Fucking Mexico is a bizarro world
people used to be flayed alive constantly in the middle ages yet i never see this form of torture on any of the most """brutal""" executions... why is that?
they're mexicans.
>what they did to deserve it?
there is no logic, for they are mexicans
Excuuuse me?
They watched too much Zorro,
people involved in crime know who thy are, these are nothing but psy warfare.
But all of them none the less, are in some shapoe or form, related to either crimes like kidnapping or selling drugs.
>constantly in the middle ages
back when everyone was illiterate and shat in the street, ie mexicans today
WTF is wrong with us, seriously
(((White))) men
Pretty much this. Mexican is half aztec half Spanish, unfortunately they didn't learn how to not be savages from the Spanish. They did really well carrying over the indigenous culture.
They are spics
>t 4 million for a 1k sq ft house that's following no code.
Bow down to the Second Amendment.
Really. Seriously. Now.
Love your family. Make peace with God and neighbor. Be armed. Si vis pacem, para bellum
Araucanos were very violent and you have no problems like those of the Mexicans now.
Our Diaguita-Calchaquies were advanced Andean cultures and fought the Spaniards fro 15 years, and we don't suffer any kind of shit like that in our north western provinces.
Some Indianans are better than others.
>t. big enough poophole to have $1(one) houses
Honestly I think the small amount of White Mexicans and Castizos should form their own ethnostate at this point. Mexico is fucked
Drug cartels are scum of the earth
yeah but mexicans still won't properly flay you alive, they'll just gore you and rip out organs or something
>Wishing Mexico the best through this earthquake.
I hope that means you wish the ground opens up and Swallows up Mexico DF.
at least our shitholes are marked at an appropriate price. inb4 anywhere in california
That guy is taking it like a boss though, not even wincing in pain
>yet i never see this form of torture on any of the most """brutal""" executions... why is that?
Because it's not an execution, it's a form of torture. A skilled practitioner could keep a flayed man alive for days.
The savages in the video on the other hand made quite a mess of the procedure. At least I assume the job they did would make a person skilled in flaying from back in the day do a "ye ol face table".
The conquistadores didn't finish the job.
to everyone bitching about guy getting it too rough...
video says this guy was a sicario (hitman)
if he was trying to kill you and your friends, what would you do when you caught him?
Build the wall ameribros
This is none of your concern gringo, carry on to taco Tuesday.
>Fill the place up with niggers instead
Are the niggers the British left living in the Lesser Antilles anglos because they speak the same language as them?
Omg kys user XD
it isnt "US" Hermenegildo... its actually "THEM"
All those stories about one race we all same is nothing but horse ass.
Theres a clear difference in intelligence btw US and THEM, try this tomorrow and make a thread other day...
As you go by your daily routine to work or school, analize how many people you see doing fucked upthings like throwing garbage on the street, spitting public phones or seats, beiong cruel to any random animal for no reason, doing something that goes against basic social rules like parkin in double line or using 2 parking slots, skipping a red light, invading the other side of the highway, etc.
Then after counting them all, think about how many people would that be, now multiply that for 4 people in that family growing up wth those shitty social values, and then realize that these people can vote.