How do we know if someone is white?

It’s easy, you could say. But Sargon makes very good points. You see someone with blonde hair, blue eyes, very light skin, they are obviously white. Now you see someone with brown eyes, blonde hair, slightly tan skin. Still white. Brown hair and brown eyes, skin light. Probably still white. Swarthy skin, brown hair and brown eyes. Are they Mexican?

Is there some kind of standard we can trust? Everything just feels so subjective. Are meds white? Slavs? My great grand Dad was from Italy. Am I white?

if someone is from Europe they're white. the term "white" is kinda shitty because it functions as a term that colloquially everyone will take to mean "European" but it is also not that great because people can start splitting hairs over arabs and other eurasians and what is and isn't "white" in order to attack european (white) identity

Race doesn’t exist. We’re all the same race. White is subjective. Every race is the same.

Get out of here kekistanian fool


stop making this thread

How many times must alt hype answer this bullshit questions before you mongrels stop asking it?
In a best fit cluster of 7 or 9, if you cluster in the European cluster then you're white. Simple as that.

I thought Arabs weren’t considered European or white?

Oh, that is helpful. Do you know the video, I like the alt-hype.

Don't listen to the fuckers that want to divide us.
If a Norse calls you non white, just remember your ancestors made the western world great while they were busy being barbarians.

Here's a easy flow chart.

>Are they from European decent? Yes? White.

People close by but not from European decent are not white. They've tried to bullshit North Africans, Middle Easterners, and Indians are white because they are close by and pale. Their DNA is closer to other races so they are not white at all. North Africans are Africans and Indians are actually genetically closest related to Asians.

>Do they commit nigger tier crimes and have nigger level IQs that hovers around lower than whites? Not white.

Pale spics and sand niggers fail here. They resemble us, right up until the truck of peace hits you. Their high aggression and stupidity makes them stand out in any crime statistics.

Remember, all white communities used to exist where locked cars and homes were unheard of.

If you have pink nipples you are white.

>race doesn’t exist
So why do sub Saharan Africans have completely different immune systems than anyone with Neanderthal DNA?

I don't think that's a good metric pal.

>How do we know if someone is white?
Natural blond hair, blue eyes, skin type 1

>How do we know if someone is white?

Ask to inspect their nipples.

2% of Europeans have naturally blonde hair, and 55% of Europeans have brown eyes. That probably disqualifies close to 99% of whites

Well, race is only 0.1% genetic differences and barely matters.

Sure thing, nigger

Green and grey eyes meet the criteria, too; Skin type 1-2*

As time goes on, you are able to spot the signs of mongrelization. Nose, eye shape, head proportions, finger taper, ears, posture, complexion....etc. Many get surgery to hide their flaws but something always slips under the radar. All it takes is practice.

Something is transmitted in the bloodline that you wouldn't understand. One race seeks to be the only one of pure blood. There is a reason why.

What about this. 3 siblings, boy has blonde hair and blue eyes, both girls have brown eyes. I have a friend whose family is like that. How can only he be white if they have the same parents? Checkmate, retard. Also, I’m Asian. Both parents Japanese :)

This and their vagina lips

He's tanned in that picture if he was his normal tone they'd probably be lighter

If you have to question whether you are white or not you probably aren't white. The same goes for looking at other people. I'm sure as hell not white, I have a slight yellow hue because my great grandmother was Mongolian.

Wow he got owned

I could definitely pass as white. The only thing that concerns me is my Italian Great grandpa. My skin is extremely pale. My hair is usually a dirty blonde in the summer.

they aren't but people will bring them and other eurasians up and talk about their fair skin or how southern euros have a darker complexion than nordics or germans/celts etc and how that means white people dont exist.

"white" just means "european"

Makes my life easy, blonde hair, blue eyes, so white I nearly glow in the dark, but not pink.

A pinkish undertone to their skin is a sure bet that someone is pretty white.

>kekistani faggot

>Correct skin color
>Correct facial features
>Correct eye and hair color
>Correct birth place
>Correct lineage
>Correct haplogroups
>Correct personal habits
>Correct political stances

And on and on the Purity Spiral goes.


Read the phenotypical criteria again you nigger

pink genitalia retard

post your nipples and I'll tell you

Do you have down syndrome little boy? I will say this so you can understand. Two siblings from the same B I O L O G I C A L parents can’t be different races. My God, you are very stupid person.

Mendelian rule 2. Gene expression and phenotype change within a family based on genomes. What matters is the phenotype you smelly nigger lmao

I’m not African. And I thought we were talking about race, not phenotypes. Do you know what race is, or did you not get education? Do you have some African dna but blonde hair so you want to say ridiculous things that make no sense?

Beats living with niggers in the South honestly. Either A) Worry about potential violence in the future or B) Settle with the violence now

2 mixed race parents can make children that are different race.
Thats what racemixing does.

>But Sargon makes very good points.

He doesn't. His ridiculous argument that white is a nebulous term is exactly that, ridiculous. Your opposition that wants to see you rotting in Hell and campaigns tirelessly to have you removed from media, billboards, advertisements and high ranking political positions has NO ambiguities whatsoever as to what classifies someone as white. The reason is because there IS NO AMBIGUITY as to what distinguishes someone as white, if you look white, you ARE WHITE. Before someone brings up Jews, they don't look white and anyone interested in the topics of genetics, eugenics or ethnonationalism will easily be able to discern a full blooded Ashkenazi Jew from an actual European.

To make things simpler for you, let's take a hypothetical Sicilian man of 75% pure Southern European and 25% North African stock. Is he white? No, but that doesn't mean he's a lost cause. He is still overwhelmingly European and two more generations of mixing his lineage with pure-blooded whites will render the North African admixture obliterated FOR-FUCKING-EVER. This happened quite often in the New World when immigration policies were more sensible and America's population was vastly overrepresented in the North Western European contingent of people.

>looks aren't ambiguous or subjective

and then there's this retard

If you hate niggers And wetbacks, you are a white american. Clear?

Gosh Shareblue friends, how do we know if someone is black? You see someone with coal black skin, kinky hair and a wide nose. Obviously black. But what about dark mocha skin, slightly kinky hair and lighter brown eyes? Are they arab?

I'm begining to believe that "black people" dont really exist in the way we think they do!

I look at it this way - white is a group that is composed of many subgroups. Some could be arguably more, some less "white". If you look at a distribution map, white would be one cluster (area) not a point. As would black and asian.

>If you don't have AT LEAST ONE of these three traits, you're NOT white:

- light eyes
- light hair
- light skin

End of Story.

Admin you can close the thread now.

pink nipples

There's no such thing as "white race".
Someone from Ireland is obviously not the same race as someone from Poland or Sweden.
End of discussion.

Sargon the Faggot and science say 2 very different things, as always

At least TWO out of Three.

If black and asian exist, white does

La Creatura...

It applies to those races to, you fucking Amerimutt.
Someone from Japan is not the same race as someone from Mongolia (i.e. Genghis Khan vs Samurai), and someone from Ethopia is not the same race as someone from Congo (Jacob Zuma vs Haile Selassie).

For person to be white it needs to have blonde hair (blonde beard, blonde arm hair, blonde ass hair), blue eyes and pink nipples, small lips, and to be taller than 185 (man) , 175 (woman) Brown hair and green eyes are sign that person is in fact a nigger.

Le 100% face

Hes not white

This, Arabs and spics are white, they're just not European white, and that's not something we can compromise on.

Do they have white skin? Then they're white. It doesn't mean anything else.

This is no one true white race, there is no one european race, nor african, nor asian...

beautiful hand. i hope you havent been crippled by the mark of the kike

> Everything just feels so subjective

In some ways, it is. "White" is best described as someone with European ancestry.

The problem is of course, racemixing. Latin America isthe biggest example of muddied waters. Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, have significant portions of their populations that identify as White. Their culture is technically White in ancestry as well, as their origins come from the Romance countries (Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Greece)

If you take a look at the average Brazilian you are going to see strong European features in many of them. Even in the ones that have more native blood, they still show White admixture.

At the end of the day, our instincts are what counts. If someone identifies as European, acts European, looks European, then they are White IMO. Even if they have admixtures from other racial groups.

The "one drop" rule is especially retarded Barely anyone excerpt the purest of bloods would be considered White.

Also Argentina, Bolivia, Chile. I'm probably forgetting other countries. They all have Latin-based cultures with really strong influence from Italy and Iberia. Are they White? I would say yes.

Get that disgusting nigger out of my sight

You're correct but both of the kids are still mongrels.

What you are proposing is mixing a mostly clean glass of water that has a tiny bit of sewage with a clean glass of water and if you do it enough times the sewage will go away.

Negros exist. Mulattos exist. Arabs exist.

Have you even been around both? How the hell are they white to you

Look at some of the diagrams posted above you. Race denialists are so silly.

That's compromise. If someone is mixed, it doesn't matter what delusions they have about their race, they're not European. I understand in hueland they have no such standards.

If you're born with light skin and blonde hair you are white. Even if your hair darkens as you grow older as it does with some.

Same reason why your immune system is different than anyone elses retard.

Most things in reality exist on a gradient. E.g. there's no hard boundary between blue and green. This isn't a good point, it's stuff you should have realised as a child.

>"White" refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. It includes people who indicated their race(s) as "White" or reported entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan or Caucasian.

>4.7% Balkan

Come home Turk man

>Europe South: 52%
>100% White

Yeah right, Ali