How long will be continue to put up with Trump...

How long will be continue to put up with Trump? As a right-winger who is against SJWs and for traditional conservative values I originally supported the Republican Party but the way Trump is behaving makes this more and more difficult for me.

We may not like Hillary, but at least she would defend America against a foreign attack. Meanwhile Trump has done nothing... which really makes you wonder why?

>former trump voter here
>meme flag
Do the shills even try anymore?


not everybody who disagrees with you is a shill. get a grip ivan.

wtf is even going on with this tweet? Russian Pearl Harbor? ...just what

Meme flag really a leaf
Pretending to be Trump voter.
Share blue hires the dumbest and gayest people

>some Russians buying Facebook ads and creating events is the same thing as bombing half the U.S. Pacific Fleet
Liberals are bad at metaphors.

Stop posting twitter screencaps of moronic analogies from complete nobodi...
>Jonathan Alter
Oh fuck me.

Cuz Russian trolls and the Pearl Harbor attacks are totally on the same level. Fuck off cunt. Sage

>How long will be continue to put up with Trump? As a right-winger who is against SJWs and for traditional conservative values I originally supported the Republican Party but the way Trump is behaving makes this more and more difficult for me.
>We may not like Hillary, but at least she would defend America against a foreign attack. Meanwhile Trump has done nothing... which really makes you wonder why?
Take your slide thread and shove back in your asshole where you found it.

>thousand sailors being bombed to death and the destruction of our fleet is the same as anti-clinton faceberg ads
do you guys think they actually mean what they say? to me this is clearly exaggeration to make him seem right, not an honest comment... I mean it CAN'T be, can it?

>Cuz Russian trolls and the Pearl Harbor attacks are totally on the same level. Fuck off cunt. Sage
How many service men were on FaceBook when the Russians bombed it?



13 Russian shitposters is not fucking pearl harbor you useless shill. Hope the rabbis shaft you on your paycheck for being so easy to detect.

A "which way is the wind blowing" faggot asking why I don't reexamine my beliefs every 20 minutes based on my kikebook feed.

That's just swell.


imagine if FDR didnt put immigrants into concentration camps.
Imagnie if FDR didnt put American Citizens into concentration camps.

Did you just type out the post number? How is it you shills still don't know how to use this place?

>Did you just type out the post number? How is it you shills still don't know how to use this place?

Many desperately sick people - including most journalists - now consider social media to be "The Real World". So posting mean things is akin to physical violence and brigading/botting/whatever is akin to a military invasion etc.

>How long will be continue to put up with Trump?

only 7 more years

you don't belong here.

its a meme you dip

show your flag leaf and begone

Yes, let's start a third world war over some stupid bull shit.

Nice Larp Globalist Faggot. You fucks gotta get smarter.


The @ before the post number was a nice touch.
Decent bait, user. 6/10


Mueller ought to arrest himself and his goons for operating as (((unwitting))) Kremlin agents for engaging in a campaign to overturn an American election, and then President Trump shall order VP Pence to fire up Ol’ Sparky and execute them all plus everyone I hate on Twitter.

He ran and won 4 terms. He would have been president for 16 years.

imagine if FDR imprisoned all Japanese-americans over the actions of a few Japanese

Um. Russia didn't bomb Pearl Harbor?

>Hello fellow right wingers
>Do you not think Grombald Blumpft is an embarrassment
>I think we should stop supporting him
God, I hope you're a bot because I find it hard to believe an actual human being is this stupid.


I too am a rock ribbed conservative Republican but dang it, Hillary would have been an awsome president am I right?

>comparing Trump to the guy that shoved American citizens into concentration camps because their eyes were slanted and they said "hai" too often

We would be a lot better off if FDR did do that. What was the point if WW2?

I understand attacking the japs but to attack Germany was stupid. Europe is a cancer to America and we should never had entered into WW1 or WW2.

>We may not like Hillary, but at least she would defend America against a foreign attack
>"Let's establish a No Fly Zone in Syria!"
Yeah, no thanks.

>as a shill pretending to be on your side

This is having the opposite effect of what you desire.

Obvious shill is obviously shitty. Eww you smell.

Sorry but this board has a no cum dripping off your face dress code. You have to leave.

because you won't war for yourself thundertwunt

The desperation and penis breath are a dead give away for a shill.

>false equivalency argument

this is against the rules

I think I need to re-evaluate my lack of television. Apparently a foreign nation just killed a couple thousand Americans and sunk eight of our capital ships? I'm confused.

What if FDR had just banned bombs?

>13 russians memeing is pearl harbor
Why can't I get the same drugs as these people? Stop fucking holding out on me, CIA.

>right winger
>supports the GOP
Correct the Record has seen better days lol

Try harder cuck.

Defend us from what? Memes and clickbait?

Amen, brother. These Sup Forumsfaggots will never stop gagging on Trump's cock like their retard "savior" is going to "lead them". All they'll get is,,, nothing.

>How long will be continue to put up with Trump?
At this rate? Until January 2025.
>I originally supported the Republican Party but the way Trump is behaving makes this more and more difficult for me.
Ronny Reagan facilitated the Iran Contra affair. Bush got us into a war that lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths and passed the patriot act. But when Trump has sex with some hookers, that's where you draw the line?
>We may not like Hillary, but at least she would defend America against a foreign attack. Meanwhile Trump has done nothing
We weren't "attacked".

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

Comparing Shills to Pearl Harbor?

You're human garbage