Remember, that Stella's only crime was that she loved. May she find exoneration. And maybe vindication.
What do you think of the Gen 4 TSFs?
Remember, that Stella's only crime was that she loved. May she find exoneration. And maybe vindication.
What do you think of the Gen 4 TSFs?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pump and dump Stella
Reminder that Total Eclipse had the best ED by far,
I want to spoil Vivi and Lise.
Already? Damn.
Who do you even support anyways?
>Anime character designer-san can actually make Beatrix look cute but didn't bother during the anime
Hmmm, the rest is fine as well. If only he drew less Theo.
Her boobs also look 2x as big
Anett doesn't look right in a long skirt.
Irisdina is not that big
Consider that in some alternative timeline, that this would be a thing.
Well, she is the titty queen of SM.
So I've seen some hcg with characters from all ages spin-off, are those official or not?
Haven't followed the franchise for a while.
They are.
>thighgap and slight chub
Why does this glorious son of a bitch keep redeeming himself?
Where are they from?
I suppose it's a sort of nukige-like fandisc with characters from each title, right?
Happy birthday Marimo-chan!
Strike Frontier.
Why does he need to redeem himself?
I heard she give s a good head.
Couldn't help myself, sorry. Someone would do that eventually anyway
You know that Alternative is getting a sequel, right?
Being accesory to character butchery, removing her thigh-gap in the anime, designing fugly merchandise, etc.
I didn't know, as I said I haven't been following the series since TE.
So Alternative is getting a sequel, uh? This is interesting, are they releasing a novel as well?
Is this a series of novels or an unique game?
>Is this a series of novels or an unique game?
It's a game.
I see punchable face is something that runs in the Kouzuki family.
>implying she wouldn't punch you instead.
>So Alternative is getting a sequel, uh? This is interesting, are they releasing a novel as well?
Don't know what they plan to do with Exogularity. Here's the translation and dump, btw. Prior scans were crap, so here's the good shit.
January 1st, 2049
Historical Yokohama Base Space Port
Operation Cherry Blossom Victory Commemoration Plaza
United Mankind, Founding Commissioner, Yashiro Kasumi
(or One Humanity Project, Mankind Unification Society, whatever.)
Damn auto reply.
Forty-eight years have passed since the destruction of the Original Hive.
As I stand before you now, here on these hallowed grounds where the Noble Seven and I first launched the Kashgar offensive, words cannot express how grateful I am to have lived to see this auspicious day.
Until now, the course of human history has swung like a pendulum between unification and dissolution.
Times of peace give rise to distrust and strife among brothers, before inevitably dragging us back into the throes of war.
But when confronted with such atrocities, we have proven time and time again our capacity to come together as a species and find common ground in our desire to restore peace and order to the world.
It is a tragic cycle, the repetition of which is an innate propensity of our human nature…
But we did not break out of this cycle through our own intellect, no — it took the invasion of an extraterrestrial race, the BETA, to compel us to change.
In the face of an insurmountable evil that showed no capacity for negotiation, mankind was driven to the edge of extinction in the blink of an eye.
But after a decades-long struggle and billions upon billions of sacrifices, the Noble Seven gave their lives to buy our species a few more decades of survival.
However, even after eradicating the BETA from our solar system and enjoying the recent prosperity that the G-Elements harvested from the Martian hives have allowed, we still have yet to truly come together as a unified people. Instead, we have chosen to engage in fruitless intraspecies conflicts, and we continue to teeter on the verge of self-annihilation.
>"Get this rabbit off the stage! Freebird!"
Our national, organizational, individual, racial, ethnic, and religious ties…
Organic, genetically enhanced, artificial, or synthetic life…
Our materialistic gains, those triumphs we’ve seized from the jaws of adversity… the will we’ve inherited from our predecessors.
Our stubborn beliefs and refusal to let go of our vested interests are our greatest weaknesses, and have led us to falsely believe the vile notion that dividing ourselves from our brethren is, in fact, the proper way of being.
I can't find Beatrix's cgs and many others, got a link?
But five years ago, our entire body of delegates gathered in one room and finally came to an agreement that this infighting must come to an end.
They each acknowledged these weaknesses, and decided to take the first steps on the road to coexistence and mutual prosperity by accepting one another’s differences and abolishing identity politics.
We mustn’t forget, however, that there are still many who cry out in opposition to coexistence, and would sooner take up arms against us than join our cause.
But we will accept their viewpoints as equally valid nonetheless.
We must tolerate our differences… No matter how deep-seated our prejudices, we will move past them.
Because that is the decision we have come to, of our own volition…
And as we speak, our young warriors are about to embark on yet another perilous journey.
Their mission is of critical importance: to set off for the Siliconian homeworld, and make it known that mankind is indeed a valid form of life.
Yes, this endeavor may ultimately lead us into an interstellar war.
And to be sure, we could just as easily shirk away from that danger and continue to wait with bated breath, as we always have…
But the decision has already been made - humanity must start moving forward.
Never again can we allow ourselves to commit the folly of entrusting our fate to the whims of others or to starry-eyed optimism.
True peace and prosperity can only be obtained by those who would rise up to claim it for themselves.
We have chosen to overcome our petty rivalries and coexist as equals… There is no reason we cannot do the same with them.
I have every confidence in that.
Go now, brave youths.
We entrust in you our sincerest aspirations, as a callow species that for so long could do nothing but fight amongst ourselves.
We entrust in you the future that all our fallen comrades so dreamed of.
May your journey lay the foundation for a universe in which all living creatures can live together in harmony…
I’ll never forget you all…
Who you were, and what you left behind…
That's because you'll only find the leaks on Sup Forums.
muvluv is extremely bad
Mind sharing those leaks then?
There's no real archive. People post imgur links whenever they get it.
This sure sucks.
Oh well, it was nice knowing someone banged schwarzesmarken girls.
>Oh well, it was nice knowing someone banged schwarzesmarken girls.
Pretty much all Theo.
No one loves Axe Murderers
No one loves crazy.
Yet everyone loves Bea
Wait is alternative really getting a sequel? Is it confirmed? If so source pls
Here's a good base to start with:
From there, just lurk (either here or the archive) and it'll come to you.
Even the Captcha loves her.
Streams and merchandise.
We wish.
Which girl deserves a sudden kiss on the cheek the most?
Meant for
His initial designs of her were pretty cute, but it was later toned down. She does have larger, fuller eyes in a lot of these pictures though.
>His initial designs of her were pretty cute
Bullshit user, the difference between those and the anime is minimal. The only notizable difference is the almost permanent grin on the final product.
I think it looks cuter, especially with one of the faces based off of her BiS form.
Would Iris have been happier had she never met Beatrix?
Thank you.
Isn't the game a moba?
How come there are hcg in it?
I will take the scissors and cut her hair shoulder-length.
>she sees your chocolate bar
She has only herself to blame, she's the one who wanted to be friends in the first place and the one who ruined their friendship later on.
>you will never take Lise into the woods at night
>you will never gaze at stars together as you lay on the ground holding hands
>you will never princess-carry her to a warmer place when she falls asleep
In that universe everyone is fucked anyway.
Especially Sumika har har har
Beatrix would certainly be happier if that brother-killer fell down the stairs and broke her neck.
What a shit friend.
It's Walther, right?
Why does Theo hate having sex with Beatrix in SF?
Because he'll always hate her guts no matter what?
He is just being tsun.
Who are those five girls who basically look like the original cast but with a haircut?
That's a nice Beatrix.
Made for motorboating.
Would that bosom be wonderful to rest in?
It'd be great for paizuri.
Those oppai were made for impregnation.
i want to FUCK that titpussy
Jesus. She's big, but these are ridiculous.
Remove Inia
Same user as before, just wanted to ask if you happen to have some Beatrix, Yui,Lise or Irisdina's cg.
Imgur kinda fucked up the order, but here's Beatrix:
Axmann doesn't need Lise's "services"
Doesn't matter, he needs to fuck off.
It was a trash fest all around. But at least we got these.
It's because you never bothered seeing her as a girl, stupid. She's actually quite girly.
I never knew Pham was a jedi.
I STILL maintain this isn't really a good idea, jumping that far ahead. I mean is Kouki doing it because he's relatively older now, and wants to set lore sometime before he passes? And this essentially means little post-trilogy stuff until way later in the future.
>Who you were, and what you left behind
When in doubt, ending DS9 style is always a good way to go.
Stop bullying Irisdina!
Worst friend and worst sister got her just desserts.
More like the team derped and didn't bring her to a hospital.
Pham-nee will be whatever you want her to be!
Though Ao Dai are not jedi robes.
Someone draw her in a tight, ultra form fitting qipao already.
What is Theo thinking here?