Hitler was wrong, prove me otherwise.
Hitler was wrong, prove me otherwise
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You're right though. He should have gassed the kikes.
be more specific
The burden of proof lies on the accuser.
His ideas of nationalism were flawed and based only on his own views of antisemitism against an innocent people
The sky is red. Prove me otherwise.
>Innocent people
everybody has flawed ideas due to personal bias
flawed isn't the same as wrong
especially in politics
Alright, make your point
He was wrong to blame the Jews and try to take over Europe at the expense of millions of lives
the germans had reason to distrust jews after the civil war
we locked up Japanese for similar trust reasons but the Germans had actual cause to suspect a possible 5th column
any sane leader would do the same
many jews fought in ww1 for Germany though, proving they were trustworthy.
Wrong about what, OP?
we had Japanese American soldiers who came straight from our camps to the front
still didn't free the rest
>Japanese Internment camps
Executive Order 9066 was a mistake; admitted by the United States government. Also, there's a difference between genocide and incarceration
>Actual cause to suspect Jews
While some Jewish people may have benefited during the economic recession in Germany blaming millions of people that had nothing to do with it and suffered the same as everyone else was not the solution
it wasn't a mistake and our leaders are cucks for saying so
Do innocent people get kicked out of countries over 200 times?
The fact that you are here shitposting proves him right. get fucked kike
Nigga was on meth lmao
>opinion unsupported by facts
Just because they have been discriminated against for thousands of years doesn't mean they did anything wrong; correlation does not prove causation
>Is also shitposting here
You're right, Rohm should not have been killed
hi buzzfeed
That's just Jew propaganda
>discriminated against for thousands of years by many different peoples and unique cultures
I'm sure the problem is just EVERYBODY else
So of course the solution is to kill everyone with even a trace of Jewish blood, regardless if they know about it or not
Your the one that made the thread faggot
>Feels insecure so posts to make sure he has the last word
>His ideas of nationalism were flawed
what about his ideas on socialism?
you do realize social darwinism is related to socialism, not nationalism right?
>hurr durr they're smarter than us so lets kill em all
You're not very good at Sup Forums amigo...
Watch this video to understand antisemitism’s legitimacy:
Certainly he was wrong about some things. No one is perfect. But he was right about a lot of things too. That's what people often forget.
Hitler wanted to send them to Palestine
why the Brits stopped him who knows
Israel would have been built decades early and been somewhere between 2 and 20 million stronger depending on which account you believe
the final solution was just that
the last plan in the drawer after every other failed
It was the nationalism that brainwashed an entire population to murder countless people
Op is a kike.
>troll confirmed
ok newguy
isn't antisemitism, atleast in non-islamic views, more economic than nationalistic? Marx himself, although a jew, was anti-semitic
According to the fun times, you are wrong
checkmate atheists
Marx was not anti Semitic as far as i know. just a fierce critic of communism.
>innocent people
Pick one.
He was wrong because he lost. Might makes right. After that it doesnt matter. The bigger guns win.
Humm, I don't think people where apposed to the Jew killing. It was that they are still human and treated like slaves and starved to death. I think if they had just shoot the Jews it would have gone over better.
>Got em
In a minute
True, but it's not what he is remembered for
prove this
>Also got em
>Only newfags post about newfags
The conformity created by Nazi rallies and the desire to create such a perfect race drove the population to follow Hitler's words blindly
>Marx created communism
Nope, I think ovens filled with innocent people make someone wrong
He wrote a whole essay on jews and how they were subversive. I'd say he was pretty anti-semitic
>Frantically pulls up pants and accidentally hits the door alerting mother to my presence
>Closet door still rattling
>The conformity created by Nazi rallies and the desire to create such a perfect race drove the population to follow Hitler's words blindly
And this relates to nationalism how exactly?
>Marx created communism
He was wrong about Dunkirk,Barbarossa, Normandy reinforcements, and trusting Goering; that's about it.
Absolute stupidity if Hitler wasn't so fucking paranoid about the jews he would have won ww2.
>Marx didn't create Communism
>Relates to nationalism how
The nationalism created an environment where you fit in and followed or stood out like a sore thumb
Quite the list, should've thought about those before injecting himself with so many drugs
never knew leafs were this stupid...
they wanted them sent anyplace else
even Madagascar
the haavara agreement facilitated the transfer of jews to brittish mandatory palestine
>win ww2
>jews remain in Germany
So everything would be exactly the same today. Feminism, open borders, etc.
You know the Nazis didn't kill anybody who didn't deserve it. If they were really about exterminating the Jews they would have used rendering plants to convert them into biodiesel to for their Panzers, not put them in what amounted to giant daycare facilities.
>Meat rendering plants process animal by-product materials for the production of tallow, grease, and high-protein meat and bone meal. Plants that operate in conjunction with animal slaughterhouses or poultry processing plants are called integrated rendering plants.
The Reich was trying to pay other countries to take the Jews and no one wanted them.
Youre not good at memeing
>Has a plan to destroy the lives of millions of people
>Doesn't have time to implement it
>Kills all of them instead
>Didn't kill anyone that didn't deserve it
pic related
>implying all jews promote that rhetoric
You can't generalize an entire group of people just because the top percent of the group wants to import foreign labour to cut costs.
Youre not good with apostrophes
>Wants to get jews out of Germany
>invades country full of jews
What a fucking retard.
>had a plan to spare the lives of millions of undesirables
>whole world fought a war to stop him
>into the trash it goes
also nice goal post move
>Wants to deport native German-speaking people
>Destroy their lives in the process
>World fights war that he started
>World's fault, obviously
you said prove he wanted them moved I did and you're being kind a whinny bitch about it
take your btfo and learn from it with honnor
Nazism is the obvious response, of course, what else?
Ok, you proved your point, doesn't mean the point is good
>worshiped a race from the north that pillaged european coasts for centuries
>killed fellow continental europeans
>lead deaths of young germans to his wars
>tainted nationalism worldwide
>paved the way for marxism to take advantage from his failure
>his loss made germans so cucked they'd completely replace themselves with middle easterns and africans
just the ones in academia and politics. Whatever dude, this isn't even my fight.
moving the posts again
>The nationalism created an environment where you fit in and followed or stood out like a sore thumb
social-darwinism - eugenics made people stick out.
Nationalism did not, not only because all of Europe solely consisted of sovereign nations, but also because Nationalism does not imply whatever bias people these days stuff into the terminology, like supremacy.
>Marx didn't create Communism
Marx didn't create Communism
>You and your German speaking family that lived here for generations has to now move to a foreign land because of your religion.
>Wtf no
>Into the gas chamber then
>gas chamber
user remain serious
a house divided can not stand
The depopulation of Eastern Europe along ethnic lines to make way for the German people, systematically murdering so-called "undesirables" from the gene pool. Seems to me that the Germans saw some other races in a pretty hateful light, doesn't it?
Ditto faggit.
The nationalism made people want to fit in. And due to this, people went along with the racism and war.
Kek. She died of Typhus, right? Too bad the allies bombed the supply lines and the Nazi doctors couldn't get medicine to save her. Also what about that ballpoint pen that she wrote her diary with which wasn't in production yet? Was she a time traveler?
You must be new.
>Died of Typhus
In a Nazi concentration camp
>Nazis would have helped her if allies hadn't bombed the supply lines
Of course they would have given her medical attention, that's why she was there in the first place right?
>Ballpoint pen
Of course it didn't happen, that's why we have all the footage and her own living father after the war to tell us all about it
Kek. Jews started civil war in Germany, Bavarian Soviet Revolution. They did Krystal Nacht to themselves as insurance scam; Jewish Lightning. These Jews always starting trouble, but somehow always the victims. You're literally a schizophrenic people du schlimme meschuggene du.
They had no intention of murdering anyone in cold blood. People in the concentration camps were dying from starvation and disease, such as typhus. Allied bombing raids cut off the German supply lines for keeping everyone supplied with food and medicine, making it impossible to have better living conditions. They could not be released because they are sympathetic to the USSR, along with their anti-German subversion
rape game
>put people in camps far away from civilization and proper shelter/resources against their will.
>supply lines get bombed
>people die
>"Guhh it wasn't our fault"
Can you prove that the Jews started the civil war or that krystal nacht was an insurance scam?
>Had no intention of murdering people in cold blood
That's why there were zyklon B gas chambers there right?
Can you pilpul harder and faster?
Fuck you lemming.
What's the point of debating anything if the facts are wrong and every point is taken a face value?