So we can all agree Russia wanted to get caught in their interference of the election right? We can also agree they are not /ourguys/ and didn't do what they did just so we could be friends. Just why did they want to get caught? It's obvious their main goal was to just generally cause chaos and sow distrust. Maybe they were also just trying to ruin faith in the election and our government institutions too.
So we can all agree Russia wanted to get caught in their interference of the election right...
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums is russia shill central
oy suka shut it down
it's just their version of what the US does to them (and us). do you really expect other countries to NOT attempt to meddle in our affairs?
Hm. Sounds like something a Russian bot would say.
Putin did what he did because he's in a tough spot and knows things are closing in on him. The annexation of Crimea makes it obvious as well. He favored Trump, Sanders, and, Stein because they would've gave him breathing room. Simple as that.
The Magnitsky Act is a meme perpretated by a lying Jew, Bill Browder
>not our guys
They’re trolls, user. How could they not be our guys?
democrats literally try to import millions of 3rd world savages into our country to boost their voting base. Try to legalize illegals/allow illegals to vote. Making us all unsafe in the process lowering our trust in the country and make us racial divided.
Russians just shit post on the internet. Which is worse?
I've been posting here since last summer and I've found that I actually like you guys. Sticking around outside of work.
Is Russianbots™ the next ShareBlueShills™?
This thread is about what Russia is doing though. We have plenty of other threads discussing what Hillary and the Democrats have done, and my saying acknowledgment of Russia meddling in our election doesn't mean I don't know the DNC and Hillary have done shady things too.
>braindead low iq reponse
And you don't think there could possibly be any other reason than just getting one of them elected?
Yes, but unlike ShareBlueShills™ no one in Russia actually posts here. Shhh
The whole Russia deal is a big nothing berger. Ever since citizens united our politicians are for sale and they don't even have to disclose who's buying. The Chinese are the biggest players.
And it's not like the Russians could ruin our "democracy" it's a total joke with the privately run secret software voting machines with no paper trail. Trump kicked the crap out of Clinton because she was cheating like a mofo.
Carter does some election monitoring in other countries, the USA can't even be monitored because the voting system is such garbage.
Shit, I meant two summers ago. Time flies!!
>read between the lines friends
Naw it's shareblue shill central
Putin is jamming a wrench in the works of the globalist agenda and they are just trying to get back at him and Trump at the same time
The Clintons are more in bed with Russia than anyone. $140 Million in the uranium 1 deal. Can't tell me they did that for charity, it was just a straight up payoff.
Brown Dems with shit tons of illegals or white Russians, such a hard choice to make
Question: would the muh Russia narrative work if there wasn't a perception of Russians being white?
The russians are so god damn butt blasted that we are dominating the space race. we beat them to the moon and now that we are going to mars, putin can't handle this kind of glory coming from burgerland and he cant stop thinking about how we beat them to the moon so he is trying to stop trump from funding missions to the moon
Did you drink soy today?
Russia/Putin could give a fuck about our well-being. When they tank this country, it'll probably be the Russians that invade.
>And you don't think there could possibly be any other reason than just getting one of them elected?
I'm not following?
read the ingredients of everything you ate or drank, soy is in a LOT of processed foods
>not being a Russian bot
Cyka blyat-ing at u rn tbqhf
prove youre not russian op
What do you want, a picture of mcdonalds or something?
Russia was working on china's behalf. They get all our eyes on Russia when we should be worried about jina
I think maybe this article could explain it better than I can.
How about you just fuck off from my thread if you're going to be a paranoid retard?
I can personally say that I haven't posted anything that you have not also posted.
>NY Times
May as well listen to RT.
Just your liquor cabinet, if there’s not at least 7 bottles of vodka you’re LARPing
>this thread is about
lol, started with 7, down to two right now!
Зa здopoвьe!
cкaжи, чтo нa мoe лицo
Could be possible as well, the way I look at it is that Putin is ex-KGB (duh) and he speaks three laugaunges. Even though is LARPs are just knowing Russian when he has every interview ever. Most likely because of polls within Russian that stat Russian folk would see him as a more nationalistic figure if they only saw him speak Russian. The point of saying all this is, the guy is COINTEL PRO times ten going sixty miles an hour on the freeway and he's most likely been planning something like this after Obama got reelected. We can only guess what he's up too if he's willing to LARP at the language thing and kill those who don't fall into place than obviously everything he says as to be taken with a grain of salt.
4d шaхмaты
Sneaky fuckin Russians...