Guys we all need to get together and turn in our guns for a better tomorrow.
Be a real American and stand up for your fellow man.
Guys we all need to get together and turn in our guns for a better tomorrow.
Be a real American and stand up for your fellow man.
What a faggot. Guns are for killing and enforcement. If you can't see th583942 need for a gun, you are NOT an American. Fuckin Redcoats
So the retard gave up his gun for another gun that will probably be even worse? This has to be satire.
You need a rifle in order to kill humans and open up tactical options in combat. Not now, luckily. But just in case. That's the whole fucking point.
>Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus.
The lynchpin of the entire thing. She looks like she's having a good time, even smiling when talking about a teacher who got shot in the fucking head and spent zero fucking time talking about that when she's obviously been in a hugely traumatic experience
Literally a textbook example of reporters giving some bitch a script and then claiming she was on the inside, and it makes your whole conspiracy theory bullshit
Anti 2A thread 25
Why do people lie?
Parkland proves:
>anti-bullying campaigns don't work
>campus security doesn't work
>active shooter drills don't work
>lockdowns don't work
>tips to the FBI don't work
It's time to ban guns, guys. For our children, our future.
>ben dickmann
You love it
Actually about to go buy some more.
You'll never take them from me faggot.
I'm buying 3 more.
I swear for every fag that does this, I will buy an 80% lower and make a fucking rifle.
Please, turn it in.
For the sake of the children's future.
Let the panic buying commence.
I will never understand virtue signalers that act as if the decisions they make are the golden standard that should apply to everyone else.
How can you be such a self important person or lacking in any sort of real accomplishment in life to prop yourself up like that.
I have no problem with this, because I can just mow down a group of people with my truck instead.
Just got some more M3 AK PMAGs in.
Gun banners can get bent.
>be me
>already turned in 17 guns
>already turned in 15 knives
>already turned in 20 forks
>already turned in 3 nail files
>already turned in 8 pieces of furniture with slightly sharp corners
>already turned in 7 teeth
Feels good to be making the country safe. When are you gonna get on my level, user?
I'm looking into getting a lathe and making some homemade rifles. Its legal as long as it doesn't cross state lines and you build them the same way non NFA guns are built. No short barrels, suppressors, automatics etc.
I can get a harbor freight lathe for 100 bucks used, downside is it can't do any long barrels. Hella cheap though.
I turned in my dick and balls. Beat that hot shot.
>tfw saving up for an AR that I'll legally be able to own in California because based SCOTUS respects the 2nd amendment and there's zero chance it's repealed
Feels good.
Molon labe
For every gun you don't own I will buy 2 tomorrow for my birthday.
How many guns in America vs mass shootings ?
Anyone who wants to turn in their guns, I'll take care of them for you. I have a large safe that can accommodate many many more guns.
Where have I seen this exact brand of bullshit before? It was after another notorious (((shooting))) with lots of plot holes and was almost entirely worded the same. Hmmmm. It's like there's a pattern here...
Oh yeah! Here we are.
Turn in your guns right now Sup Forums!
A gallon of gas, a chain a padlock and a zippo would have done so much better, students said there were only two exits, such a low score faggot...sad
good for him
>"Yes come on, be a good goy. You don't need weapons because you already have cops to protect you so why are you so afraid, goy?What could possibly go wrong?"
I turned in my dick, balls, and wife's uterus so we can no longer produce the weapons of mass destruction that are white people
I bet that leftist faggot bought that gun specifically to pull this pr stunt.
>jew jewjew
Also, that fake FB account. 8 posts in 7 years.
You're welcome to my shit when I'm dead. Until then, FUCK OFF!!
Because they have no conscience.
Wheres all the video footage? Even columbine a million years ago had footage
>he didn't at least take the optic off and sell it.
I hope his house gets broken into while he's asleep.
Only cowards in a coward nation give up their only means of self defense. First go the guns then go the lives. I don't see any tards demanding rental trucks be banned, or trucks in general, the OKC building was a crater, no RIFLE needed, DO YOU THINK We NEED RIFLES? COME ON. Whom keep you safe as a society? The training to do that was leanered by your military men, govt taking arms and then trying to conquer us results in war as it has in the past. Civil war, not that long ago, guns tended to make civil war not worth it back then, a slaughterhouse. This is nothing compared to then, that was civilians vs civilians. That was a REAL MASS shooting. One can use other weaponry more primitive to achieve similar levels of destruction.
When will the sheriff hold an auction for this man's donation to the county?
I remember that from the Vegas shooting. The plot sickens....
>real american
>against 2nd amendment
you can only pick one.
>Match me, fellow goys!
If you hand in your guns do you get reimbursed? Or are you buying a gun and then a few years later handing them in for free to virtue signal?
Fuck off larp faggot
Yes! Lets bury this 5.7 fad once and for all. It doesn't need to exist, it was a gimmick and a meme, and even the minimal performance achieved disappears using civilian rounds. No one should buy this gun.
The gun debate is over sharebluefag
People go into shock after a traumatic experience and don't really show emotion properly.
I turned in my gender. The media has shown me there is no need for men
>I turn in a gun and you give me money? Concert tickets?
>You get your life.
Urple is more relevant than ever.
a gun is a rock throwing power tool, this is not up for debate, what jackasses....
Standard Psy-Op issue
So now niggers and spics can target his house and rob it since he has no defense?
I hope this faggot is home invaded by a pack of niggers.
So he turned in his gun that does the same thing as his other gun(s) he owns, and functionally didn't change his ability to do any less damage to anything he points one of his guns at. That is unless he was planning on running into a school dual-wielding semi-auto rifles like he's in Contra 3.
I will. After we've killed all the niggers and kikes.
I think I finally put the jew plan together. This was to set the precedence for preemptive arrests and confiscation for online threats and (((hate speech))). They are setting up the procedure for arresting armed "right wing extremists" just like Cruz. Sneaky fucking kikes are giving the constitution the reach around.
>It's fun to shoot
>Therefore fuck having fun things because I can't use it as a "tool".
Nigga is dumb
Whatever he has the same right to own it as he does to not own it. He is not the problem unless he is having thoughts of mass murder. The virtue signaling is strong with this one.
This is completely true. He fails to understand that it will just make its way into another citizens hand for better or worse.
What a virtue signaling retard. He knows damn well that the other guns in his safe/cabinet/closet will kill people just as dead as that one.
If he can't trust himself with an AR then he should just turn all his guns in and quit being a hypocrite.
Fucking cuck
Maximum soy.
/k/ here. Its a fucking its a $200 ruger 10/22 in a $100 tactical stock. A .22 plinking rifle.
He literally found the cheapest "tactical" looking weapon that's only use is for tacticool larping while plinking cans, and turned it in to the police for maximum social media virtue signalling points.
This is beyond pathetic.
Swear this is a copypasta.
I heard this exact thing after Sandy Hook
>I own this rifle
>But I don't need it
>Its not a tool
>I will be giving up mine, goys, will you?
>Are you brave enough to give up your arms goys??
>to any home invaders, watch out, i bought a slugger
dat shiet ain't no match fo no nigger wit a nine! he gon get blacked!
A person turning in their gun prevents absolutely 0 crime, as they were willing to do so in the first place. If this post is real then he is a damn cuck.
What a fucking cuck.
>lets kill millions of people to stop 100~ people a year (in a country of 370~ million) from dying
> AR-57......
Maximum faggot detected, stopped reading there. Nothing of value was lost in this person or his weapon.
Phonefag detected
So what you're saying is...OP is a tool
Fucking kek
. Hahaha hahaha haha
Shall not be infringed
Come and take em faggots.
Don’t be a bigot.
What is the point? Have they never heard of the P90?
Because the civillian version of the p90 looks fucking stupid due to it's federally legal 16" barrel and costs almost two grand while that AR costs like 750 bucks.
Forgot my picture
Hitler would have loved useful idiots like you and Ben.
the fun part is that they're just going to auction it off
Don't you love Hitler?
That's where you're wrong kiddo
I just tell these retards I'm keeping my AR & other guns because the evil Russians might come.
It's fun to watch as their brains short circuit trying to decide whether to defend Russians or gun control.
That makes sense. I've been noticing how they've been picking off people who were in Charlottesville one by one. It's almost uncanny how many of them have been arrested on some charge or another, from murder to a train plot. This would give (((them))) even more leverage to go after conservative white males for anything, even some bogus, made-up shit.
I support this guy
nobody this gullible needs a gun that nice
True, but doing this he managed virtue signal among his friends.
>Sometimes you just need dem wound vektors man.
Actually no I'm not. Only citizens approved by the Nazi party were allowed to be in the Volkssturm. Anyone else was forbidden to own a firearm without a permit and Jews and other undesirables were forbidden from even getting a permit or producing firearms. You were expected to turn in your firearms if you could not obtain a permit and if you didn't and the gun raids found you didn't you were sent to a camp.
Membership restrictions to the Volksasturm was because Goebbels understood fanaticism in the Nazi cause was more important than even numbers. Thus only those who showed extreme support for the party were allowed to join. Even then they were placed under direct control of Nazi party officials to drum up morale when the members started to realize that they were considered weak and expendable in the war effort.
Learn some history.
I don't fall for the meme.
>Jews and other undesirables were forbidden from even getting a permit or producing firearms
I fail to see the problem with that.
>Only those who showed extreme support for the party were allowed to join
Again, wrong. You were drafted into the Volksstrum, those who had "extreme support" for the party and cause were already serving some other role in the war effort.
Conscription doesn't mean anyone and everyone was allowed to be conscripted. I said allowed to be in it not allowed to volunteer. The Nazi Party District Leader was responsible for conscripting members and most were pulled from groups like Hitler Youth or were elderly. They even conscripted women because there were so few in the population that would fit the requirements of fanaticism that Goebbels required.
Oh wow so they didn't let Marxists fight in the militia? Imagine my shok
That aside, your original point was that Hitler would've loved this cuck and you're only further weakening that point by pointing out that even the conscripts had a measure of selectiveness.
The point about the Volkssturm was made by you not me. ONLY the members of the Volkssturm were not encouraged or required to relinquish firearms as they were the only ones the Nazi party felt would not revolt during the war. Before the Volkssturm was even created not even they were allowed to bypass the firearms license requirement. Volkssturm was an effort to turn the tide of the war Germany was already losing. Before 1944 they weren't eve a factor in this issue in the first place. The one being retarded is you.
The fuck are you doing owning guns when your nation is being invaded if you're not going to use them to defend your nation? You fucking lolbertarians are a joke.