I think they hit insanity now

I think they hit insanity now.

Other urls found in this thread:


>truck of peace, nailbombs, 9 fucking 11
ffs geraldine

>Mass butterknifing
Is this bitch british?

__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. ( archive.is/hkpKO )
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. ( archive.is/eU9Az )
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. ( archive.is/pJeMy#selection-2671.0-2671.178 )

__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. ( youtube.com/watch?v=OFly5Ut5Jag )
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.( archive.is/O0jbm )
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus. ( youtu.be/zlhMGWyT_uU )
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. ( youtube.com/watch?v=_R39tNfv_fg )
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.( archive.is/GOlmf )
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. ( archive.is/8MfoN )

__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. ( archive.is/uAhPt )
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.

__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. ( archive.is/p6UIl )

Let's buy that person a ticket to the UK.


So lucky they don't teach organic chemistry in highschool anymore.

Then these cunts would be pushing to ban Ryder vans.

>lonely boy; psychologically tortured to the point of killing others while permanently destroying his own life
>"Stop making it easy for them"


If a person wants to commit a mass murder, the best thing for society is for them to use is a gun. A gun is just for attention. If they don't have access to that, they start looking into other much more effective methods to kill for attention. These people can't look up historical acts of terrorism from 20 years ago?

America doesn't have a gun problem it has a morality problem.

>Drive through groups of students at the end of the school day
Wowwwwwwwwwwwww so hard.

why didn't anyone shoot back? thats what its for right?

Liberals went nuts well before Trump was elected.

Some guy in China just killed 33 people with a knife

It will be bombs after that.

this guy gets it.
eventually we'll have to ban cars & trucks too. or they'll have some high-tech way to check your sanity/mental state before you can fire up the nignition.

Literally; what is poison gas? Improvised explosives?

More like trash cans, diesel fuel and fertilizer

literally a locked room vented with bleach and ammonia
a group of kids and a car
a nail gun and a crowd
zyklon b and a chamber
multi lane drifting and people tied to train tracks

Lol. This guy needs to watch what he says. Psychopaths could burn diwn all the forrests if they wanted to. They could hurl stones onto freeways. They dont even have to kill people. They could just be assholes. Go around slashing peoples tires. Breaking windows. They could be a real nuisance if they wanted. All you have to do is think anti socially.

Can't ban bombs. Too easy to make. Would have to ban pretty much any energy source.

You can craft your own make guns out of shit from home depot.

You can buy full auto from mexican gangs that they mass produce in factories in Mexico.

You faggots are something else.

Usa is literally the only developed country in the entire world to have a mass shooting and gun violence problem. And somehow you still think it isnt the guns.

Do you have any idea how much easier it is to track bomb making materials with modern tech than gun purchases? Or how often they fuck up and dont go off? Or go off at home and hurt nobody?

Meanwhile the "truck of peace" is nowhere near as deadly as the fucking club shooting. And even then, good luck to a kid trying to rent it IF he has a license and THEN getting it into multiple kids who (being kids) are in smaller groups of 3+ in a urban environment.

God damn you people are retarded. I wonder if pol can ever go back to being libertarian / centrist.

Trucks of peace and machetes of peace are less fatal than guns. Bombs can be as fatal if they are successful, but there's so many ways explosives can go wrong. And then there's 9/11, literally one of the most successful terrorist attacks in world history, a monster outlier. The fact of the matter is that when we look at attempts at terrorism/mass murder in Europe, it typically ends with some immigrant of peace stabbing 10 people and killing like 1 before the cops subdue him. As a simple matter of objective empirical fact, European gun laws have succeeded in their aim of making guns less accessible to terrorists and mass killers and the result has been fewer casualties. These are just facts. If you believe all of the additional corpses are worth "muh freedumbs," then by all means, keep defending America's insane gun laws.

Why doesn't Serbia have a gun problem?

Or have gun carrying citizens.

The problem is niggers you statistically illiterate faggot

>Fill up car with gas cans
>Drive it into gay bar
>Resulting inferno incinerates the entire lot of them plus endangering the firefighters who now have to put it out. Fire may also spread to other buildings.
Wowwwwwww so hard.

This school's got everything!

Knife-wielding Mass murderers may discover they can attack in packs rather than lone wolf style

If they ban guns with a law, that piece of paper doesn’t magically collect them. Gun violence will go through the roof when they try to collect them.

Not just normal facotories, I hear the cartels actually manufacture them in-house.

Plus there was a serial killer in Japan who poisoned food. I can't recall the details

The result of fertilizer

And yet this apparently simple plan isn't actually carried out. Instead, terrorist attacks in Europe tend to consist of stabbings that involve substantially fewer casualties than the average American school shooting. We don't need to speculate about hypotheticals here. Empirically speaking, European gun control works.

Wants liberty, wants to make us slaves to the state...

>leaves bottle of Ammonia and Bleach in the back of the class room

The reason the problem persists is because the media shifts attention away from the actual majority cause of gun death in the US (read: niggers) and then sensationalise only the incidents that they can spin into their preferred narrative.



Lol I remember when they were bombing buses and trains every other week.

Just because spineless school shooters don't have an imagination doesn't mean these options aren't as viable or even more viable than guns.
Blame Columbine and the media for inspiring the amount of school shootings.


>If we run the scapegoat out of town they will find another scapegoat

Then let them try to find another scapegoat. Let them try to get a high KPS [because KPS is all that matters, gaymers represent] with a goddamn scapesheep. Let them hurl scapecamels. Let's force niggers to get creative as hell. Because I need them to vote for me and they can't do that if they're dead.

closest thing i could find

there's also a very relevant one about a guy who killed 48 elderly by putting disinfectant in their IV


>Let's force mass murders to get creative as hell

Do these idiots actually think before they write something that stupid?

1. Serbia's gun laws are stricter than America's. Serbians must obtain a permit, go through a background check, and store their guns in a safe place.
2. Let's be clear what gun control advocates believe: ceteris paribus, a country with lax gun laws will have fewer homicides because guns make violence orders of magnitude more deadly/effective. Gun control advocates do not claim that gun control is literally the only variable that effects homicide. I'm willing to concede that the absence of blacks and mestizos in Serbia makes it a more peaceful country than America, but that just proves that gun laws aren't the only variable.

>at least i wasnt shot
Not a big consolation prize for the poor sod that dies
>its about numbers
Then ban above ground swimming pools and fists they kill more people a year than deadly salt rifles

According to the FBI, if America was 100% white, we'd have a lower murder rate than Serbia, Sweden, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, France, Finland, Canada, Bulgaria, Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.



Why are they so worried about body counts? Why not address the presence of murderers in the first place?

>school killer uses knife
>the next first world country over has neither happening despite having both guns and knives

Kys reddit


These fucking idiot Leftists don't have a clue. They have no idea what they are asking people to do, to become. If they push this, there will come a day when they wished they had left peaceful, gun owning Americans alone. Insane, violent people will learn to kill in ways they never imagined possible.

Imagine being this retarded


Be fucking quiet gun owner

If they have a strict gun control, then why is it the second most country per capita to own guns? Right under the US.

Why do people not believe they have the right to use any reasonable means to defend themselves?

You can buy chlorine packets at Home Depot and ammonia at Walmart. Anyone with basic knowledge in chemistry can tell you what happens next

someone check its greencard

Well of course - and these criminal demographics belong to the democratic party. Banning guns are a perfect example of scapegoating. They're blaming the sins of their own demographics on an inanimate object and trying to run it out of town - and it's fucking pissing me off. Time to run them out of town instead.

>not shooping so that the car gets bloody

Come and make me.

You have no idea what you are talking about.


I found this in two minutes. Just scroll down to the section on making explosives..........

Dumbledore's Army, we got this. It's time to take their toys away.


And thermite explosives
IED made from fireworks
Explosives made with homemade gunpowder
Botulism toxin from poorly done home canning
Building a STEN mk5 with a Dremel

The list is endless.

Listen brainlette.
See this child in pic related, she's shooting a semi auto assault rifle.
But you will never see her picture on the news blowing people away.
You know why? Because the child has experience with firearms.
She knows full well what happens to anything on the other side of her cross hairs.
She has TWO loving parents who teach her the value of life, and a father willing to get his ass off the sofa and teach her responsible gun usage.
She will not grow up to be an unbalanced schizophrenic fucking mess, because she is raised in a loving environment and taught to be responsible for her actions.
And you will rage until the stars in the sky go black, because she has something you will never have.

No control group sample size under 30.

Nothing empirical about that. Don't lie.

>pls run the scapegoat out of your town because that's what we did
>didn't work but makes my feels tingle
How about no - furthermore, fuck your own face, and the only thing bad about school shootings is when a conservative dies.

Same with guns: would have to ban urine used to make saltpeter, access to metal, and many laws of physics.

Make us.

Now they're actually using the vehicles to do the work.

>machetes less fatal than guns


Tim McVeigh would like a word with you

>+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. ( archive.is/uAhPt )
what kind of idiot would take life in an american prison over death? I dont believe it for a second

>It's the guns
That's why other countries with guns have nowhere near the same problems.
If there was ever the wrong gun for a mass shooting, the AR15 would be it. Anyone with a brain would pack a couple of semi-auto pistols. You can carry more ammo that's better suited to your situation and not be obvious until you start shooting.

It's the niggers.
It's the mutts who can't even bring themselves to say "i'm proud to be an american" because if they're too white, they're supposed to hate themselves, and if they're too black, they're supposed to hate everyone else.
It's the white boys doped up on two antidepressants and a steady supply of adderall.
It's the mothers who work high stress jobs while pregnant, while nursing, while rearing, and, work work work until the day their kids fuck off.
It's the endocrine disruptors europe banned that we haven't, because there's too much money to be made with them

It's not the guns. It's the country.

you're a faggot and the fact you're from my country makes me cringe.


they've made it very clear that their goal is to genocide whites (or any race that opposes their maniacal egalitarian ideals), disarming the individual and making us helpless is the only thing that stands in the way of that goal.

you could slowly explain this to them that what they are doing is utterly monstrous and despicable, but they just won't have it.

>she thinks guns are the only ways monsters commit attack
Oklahoma, france, germany, spain, and new york say otherwise

do you really want weekly bombings instead of shootings?

a really expansive one that doesn't involve guns is fentanyl in the water supply, honestly i think thats the quickest way to kill a large amount of people`

Can your dumb ass not see that the USA is mostly coasting on developments of the past as it transitions into the third world, and that's where the vast majority of the crime is coming from? We're sinking in virtually every important measure, and you think it's all because of a metal tube with a hole drilled in it - one that was with us before, during, and after our peak.

>thinking the (((goal))) isn't to force people to use auto-driving cars
sadly, this is where we're heading. you're going to need a horse if you want to ride anywhere on your own in the future. automated uber/google cars are coming

>daily attack of niggers and illegals with drugmoney paid illegally acquired guns
>honest citizen survive because legally acquired gun
Sure lets take away the second because schoolschooting rarer then terror-attacks

People are so comfortable in their everyday that they don't realize, every second there's wars being fought. Wars like your immune system fighting off sickness, animals trying to survive the winter, terrorist trying to bring down countries. If anyone gives up even an inch of their defense, they'll get fucked over. We may be like zoo animals, but that doesn't mean we should give up our sharp teeth. We might need them one day.

Mass shootings happen in shitskin countries every day. It's just that nobody cares, not even white liberals.

now i know why adults just laugh and smile

She knows in Europe they just run people over right?

I don't get it; what do they think happens when you can just 3D print bombs in the near future? do they these mentally ill kids are going to hold off because that'd kill not 10-20 but maybe like 500-1000? raise your fucking kid to not kill people, jesus christ


>less fatal

Florida shooting: 17 dead

France Nice truck attack: 89 dead

Makes you think....

They should move to Europe

Did you forget about the truck of peace that killed 90 in France?

Even with the new regulations it’s pretty easy to pull a 9-11. I get that these Air Marshals are screened and shit, but Air Marshals have access to the locked cockpit whenever. Let’s say a school shooter can’t get a gun because of sweeping regulations, but he hates his school so much that he’s suicidal and wants revenge. He joins the military for job experience, gets a job as an Air Marshal, gets access to the cockpit and shoots both pilots, then flies the plane into his high school. Never underestimate anyone, ever, because this scenario, no matter how outlandish it may seem, can happen, along with any other scenario that involves mass murder.

It takes less effort and cost to make a bomb to kill 0-100+ people than it does to make a gun that can kill 0-20 on a good day.
Prove me wrong, I dare you.

>Bombs can be as fatal if they are successful, but there's so many ways explosives can go wrong
you're right about that but when it goes right its a million times more deadly and effective than a simple handgun or rifle

Ugh that photograph. It actually makes me sort of feel sorry for niggers, they literally need a fictional character and country to feel proud.

If this is true, anyone on here can be the next patsy. I'm assuming everyone already knows that though.

>people than it does to make a gun that can kill 0-20 on a good day
that vegas guy got damn near 60 killed. Anders breivik killed almost 70

personal responsibility is no longer a facet of american culture

it's always someone else's fault. even people on Sup Forums will say
>well, SOMEONE should have forced them to live their lives correctly!
listen, "maybe they shouldn't have killed those people" is not a valid statement to the american mind. it just isn't. it's always "no, maybe people should have been nicer to them" etc etc, t. anyone under 30. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IS NOT A VALID CONCEPT IN AMERICAN THOUGHT. PERIOD. we have entire industries built around the idea that someone else caused your problems and someone else can fix them. zero reponsibility is how we live

even alt-culture losers have no responsibility. "i'm a virgin because of anime, you're a virgin because of anime, furry porn turned you gay, masturbating made you into a beta". there is always a cause but it is never personal agency. you are never a virgin because you never tried until you weren't one, it's got to be the anime, or the indie music, or....

and if people lack personal responsibility, why are they allowed to have guns? or cars? or any freedom, for that matter? they aren't. that's where we're headed.

because why the FUCK would anyone want responsibility back? life is easier when you don't have to exercise control over yourself.

kind of surprised this hasn't happened hundreds of times already (in the US of course, obviously it's part and parcel of living in Europe)