No matter how much you larp and go on about NOT BE INFRINGED, if the government demanded you hand in your guns, you would
Very few of you are strong enough in yoru convictions that you would go down guns blazing
You know this to be true
No matter how much you larp and go on about NOT BE INFRINGED, if the government demanded you hand in your guns, you would
Very few of you are strong enough in yoru convictions that you would go down guns blazing
You know this to be true
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Anti 2A thread 23
Connecticut tried to force people to register/hand in their ARs following sandy hook.
3% complied.
You know what I like?
Shooting deer in the heart from 500m.
tell that to the staunch gun bearing rednecks in rural america, they'll die fighting for their right to bear arms
>Cops are all racist murderers
>Only Cops should have guns
Which one?
well they're not going anywhere, come and take 'em
Even if he is 95% right, that would still be a lot of dead bodies.
Cops are all racist murderers obviously. The police are a Jewish invention created so that regular citizens could feel safe turning in their guns. It's a layer of authority that quite simply should not exist.
Sadly, this is probably true. There countless instances of government tyranny that second amendment proponents swore to take up arms against, but no one has done shit.
don't be ridiculous
we'd just hide them and report them stolen
>I'm a gutless coward so you must be a gutless coward.
This is what liberals actually believe.
Try and see. I’m bored.
>not knowing how many firearms are lost in boating accidents
All of them user. Fucking all of them
Come get them.
Cops wouldn't enforce it anyways
>compiling with confiscation
lol. You MIGHT have some luck with big city LEOs
This is so creepy.
What do we even do about this?
Cop here.
You must be out of your fucking mind if you think I'm going door-to-door and risking my life taking guns from ordinary law-abiding citizens because of your liberal agenda. No cop in their right mind would agree to this. It's bad enough being on edge during every traffic stop for some crazed loon who might have a handgun.
We're not some authoritarian robots doing the will of a communist banana republic.
Not to mention the military. Also he is assuming there are more cops and soldiers than armed citizens. This is wrong, very wrong.
Not going to happen. Most would simply hide their weapons. Some would give their up, then acquire new ones from friends, relatives and black marketeers who retained their own. And yes, many would fight, no matter what Twitter liberals say. If people thought prohibition of alcohol went poorly, give prohibition of firearms a shot and see what happens. I'll tell you what WON'T happen: a drop in death by gunfire.
I sure hope they don't try a gun grab. My poor little city needs all of the police it can get. If they all start getting shot in home raids, my town would suffer.
We got better things to do, like getting niggers off the street.
Trump wouldn't allow a Ruby Ridge or Waco. I feel sorry for the guys in the Hillary timeline.
You greatly underestimate the will and determination of American men with little left to lose fighting on their home turf.
Try it. Not larping. Try it and let's see how it goes.
You are very very wrong about this.
If they came for the guns of every American citizen, it would immediately start a civil war, no joke.
This is what gives me hope that the freak elite will never be able to take over completely
I'll think about it when the time comes ya leftist shitsack.You can prematurely masturbate your braincell spergin' about it!
What would you do if a giant cheeseball from outerspace fell through your roo and started eating you ass first like a wold does to a sheep?
When wolves eat sheep they start at the ass and the sheep doesn't say a fkn thing.
What would you do in that situation?
What would you do?!
I gotta know!!!!!!!!!!!!
no matter how much the brits or canadians demand america do away with the second amendment or how many school shootings we havent elected people who will phase it out
the left controlled the government after the election of 2008 . they had majority control of the legislative branch. the stimulus package went through with zero republican votes in support of it. no phasing out of the 2nd amendment and no federal level gun control in the first 2 years of obamas first term of despite columbine having happened years earlier. despite constant demands for it to be done by the left. gun grabbers isnt a term created in the last couple years its old
Id love to see the libtards try and take the guns.
Not just rural rednecks leaf...
Yeah, but no. Most people will say "sorry mate, sold it", because, especially where I live, it's perfectly legal to sell privately. So unless they're willing to get a warrant for every home, ain't nothing gonna happen nigger.
You're doing a valuable service, user. Thank you.
Liberals don't want this either, we all know how Black people fucking refuse to comply with Cops, hows it gonna go down when the Cops are knocking on Tyrone's door & telling him to give up his gear?
Is this the new version of the rifle vs. government drone meme?
I would kill every being who showed up to confiscate.
Haven't even opened the Gadsden folder yet. These are all unsorted.
Friendo the west died long ago. Anybody who is dumb enough to wreck their life over this feminist, doublethink, dystopian hellhole isn’t “strong,” merely slow on the uptake.
All you tradcucks who are thinking of being hero’s remember, it will be cucked white men who lock you up on the orders of white women.
Do these people not remember the feds pussying out at the Bundy ranch? Or the Oregon standoff that they were only able to end via assassinating one of the lead guys? Fact is if they came for guns and enough people stood their ground the government would eventually cave.
good lord these people live in a bubble.
there's a whole world outside your little enclaves that you could never imagine, pussy
>u dun goofed OP
A national freedom rape whistle will be blown, and everyone starts heading innawoods.
>out rights
>Very few of you are strong enough in yoru convictions that you would go down guns blazing
>You know this to be true
You, pic related.
Hmmmm. Looks like facts are a stubborn fucking thing, eh?
And that's all it would take.
The US is not Australia. This guy has no clue and how devout most gun owners are. Hell, I'm not much of a gun nut and I would kill ANYONE trying to take my guns away. Some of us crazies are not afraid of death.
wouldn't happen, US government is great and protects my freedoms
thank you USA
I don't think they understand what Bundy Ranch actually meant. No more Ruby Ridges, no more Wacos. It's serious fucking business.
most gun owners i know are so zealous about them they'd rather die than live in a world where they can't own them.
they aren't larping. what kind of people do you think generally joins the military?
those who love guns and grew up loving them, or those that despise guns?
hmm. really activates the old almonds
This. I have nothing to live for but anime girls and my guns. Try me if you want to. I have nothing to lose.
We're just some dumb redneck country folk.. Remeber? :^)
By that logic don't expect us to have any reasoning when we feel uncomfortable.
Therefore come and try it and find out what happens beta bitch.
>hand your guns over to our gun carrying police or die
Man thats a tough decision
Well obviously. your pea-shooter ain't going to do shit against a Hellfire missile. Gun-Nut fagtards in the USA are nothing like these hardcore Islamist who eat goat and sleep on rocks in the desert we kill by the dozen.
They love to talk "anti-(American) Government from their fucking lazy-boy chair on their iPhone. Fuck a hellfire missile, take away their diabetes medicine and half the "Militia" will be dead in a month.
Don't fuck with my guns, or my anime. I will gut any fucker that'll try, even if it means I have to die.
Come and take them.
can confirm, am a redneck living in missouri
avid gun owners have also made friends with a lot of avid gun owners.
my gf's dad has a fucking armory and a concrete bunker-style house. it was built in Joplin after the big tornado hit. there's probably a dozen of us minimum who already know where we're gonna meet when the happening happens.
All power is derived from the capability/ability to use force, thus all political power is derived from the barrel of a gun.
If the white man surrenders his guns, he surrenders all of his political power and the state will have a near absolute monopoly on violence.
The left keeps hopping down this path adamant that it won't result in overwhelming bloodshed.
Should be biting the foot
i'd also point out there's a LOTTA meth around here.
people get kinda edgy about their guns in these places.
Fucking thank you! I don't think people really understand that most LEO's are strong supporters of responsible gun ownership. If I was told by my superiors that I needed to take guns away from innocent citizens I would tell them to fuck off. #1, I don't see any reason to punish the innocent for no reason other than some hippie retard's tears, and #2 I'm sure as hell not risking my life for that bullshit.
What percentage of people will openly revolt after the first person is killed trying to take their guns? Is the government willing to take the risk?
>1 post by this ID
>hardcore Islamist
This is why you should never register your firearms.
>a nation founded on renegade notions
>don't have the balls to commit themselves to rebellion again
>over something like disarming the citizen
There would be soldiers, citizens and everything between willing to fight. Because it never stops. Learn from history.
Who says we want to live in your World, asshole? Fuck your version of the World. Your intimidation will not work.
Damn. Almost started clapping in my bedroom at 1 30 am...
Thank you for yet another 1 post by this ID thread and a big thank you to everyone that replied.
Deer are better eating but the feral hogs are better target practice.
Detroit, Baltimore, and Chicago would be a bloodbath. Militarized police would have to kill thousands of niggers.
The majority of cops would refuse to carry out the law.
And what, pray together as an AGM-114 makes red mist of all of you? Gay.
All those guns will just be slag mixed in with your body parts.
You don't understand. You take three to five percent of the resisters against your tyranny, and they have enough numbers to raise a permanent insurgency. It would be bloody, terrible, and those born to comfort would become hard, solemn, fucked up men. America as we know it would die, and so many of it's citizens would die in the process. It is not an enjoyable idea to hurt fellow citizens. It is fucked up and makes me queazy thinking about it.
That does not mean I wouldn't do it. America is more important than anybody's individual lives.
>thus all political power is derived from the barrel of a gun.
Conflict Resolution?
You're very welcome. I like to think of it this way:
>If there's one post by this ID, but only sage for miles around, did the thread happen at all?
>implying the goal is to disarm minorities
I truly do not give a fuck. Maybe you will turn my country into a nanny state POZtopia, but you can't make me live to see it and you can't stop me from taking some of you with me.