Just black things.
Kangz General
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If they're all kings, who rules?
Black people deserves to feel pride in what they are. White people will never accept this though you want to put other races down
>what are triumvirates
Outed yourself as a brainlet.
It’s not pride, cuckold. It’s delusion.
>proud to be a race of felons and crybabies
show flag your leaf
After The Black Panther film. I'm ready for a whole Black Marvel Universe. I hope the next film will be the Black Hulk.
>Just black things.
What fantasy world is this?
Not sure, but I was watching the Bellator Grand Prix replay from yesterday and noticed this
Serious question why do niggers always refer to themselves as kings and queens?
Reminds me of the picture I sadly never saved with a bunch of photos of black muscle men and the caption "White boys, do you seriously want a race war!?"
Anyone have it?
It seems the Black man has embraced the philosophy of Huey Long
nothing wrong with fathers actually being good fathers.
Jesus christ Sup Forums does seeing black people being happy with who they are fill you with vitriol? why are you so damn pissed at people living their lives, and in a traditional family oriented way?
does seeing any sort of happiness in a black person ruin your day?
King Nigger, king of the niggers
>If they're all kings, who rules?
user, my gf went to see this movie with her bff and her bff's bbc. The movie ended almost 2 hours ago and she's not back yet. I'm starting to dread she's gagging on The Black Panther.
BBC - Men stealing meat from lions.
Niggers too lazy to hunt. Have to steal from lions.
Guaranteed desu, not even joking.
I am sick and tieds of black motherfuckers running up to me trying to sell me crack or dope, or telling girls I'm close to they are going to rape her when she's walking by a large group of the bastards. EWvery night at nine thirty I have to go pick her up from work and drive her home and it fucking sucks, I fucking HATE fucking black assholes, I didn't even think about them until I moved to this city. Now I wouldn't care if they all died right...NOW!
Apparently she just texted her sister that she just made out with him while his gf sucked his dick, but not to tell me.
You dun goofed
coincidence? I don't believe in coincidences
Can’t fucking spell “ancient” correctly though.
I hear ya brother. The way to get rid of blacks is by cutting welfare. Problem will sort itself out
>implying there wasn't a true ruler of any duopoly/triumvirate
double brainlet, only a true king fools two others to be political stooges for future scapegoating
THIS CAN'T BE REAL. Post proof.
Yeah, at least we only have been dating for a few weeks. I'm trying to tap her sister anyways, but seriously, that was fucking rude.
They don't look Roman...
Well you need to pack all of her things and have them waiting for her outside the door. Or go stay at your parents’ house till she leaves.
Yeah, it's happening. You should have gone with her, asshole.
Not wasting money on KANGZ: THE MOVIE. We've only gone out for about a month. I didn't really give a fuck, b/c I'm trying to get with her sister, but still...That was just plain rude.
Fucking niggers. Had a table of em today and they tip and act like shit.
In this pic "opp" means "opposition", it's what niggers from certain parts of the country (mostly associated with Chicago, Pittsburgh, Cali, and a few other places) call rival gang members
Why are they so obsessed with kings? Kings aren't even part of their cultural history.
You know how many niggers I have say something to the effect of kill white people today alone? It has taken the worthless fucking animals around me a handful of years to turm my apathy into white hot hatred. Black motherfuckers better pay real close attention to where and how they cross the road around me...Their stupidity is about to become lethal.
What about grandma?
what about mom?
It's all part of the plan. See, I find a slutty girl with a "sympathetic" sister, then date the slutty girl for awhile, wait until she cheats on me, then act all depressed and beaten so the sister feels sorry for me and we start going out, and the relationship starts with that sympathy booty.
I couldn't envy you less
I seriously doubt those puffed up gym muscles are even worth a fuck in the real world.
"Black people" do not get to feel pride for being """""kings""""". They are not and never have been kings or anything related to kings. Voodoo shamans maybe
Looks like UFC: where are they now?
I apologize. I didn't know the full situation
I can't wait to see the black avengers, The AvenJahs
>Iron Mayne
>Captain Botswana
>Incarceratable Hulk
>Black Single Mother
>Red Bitch
>Spider Mandinka
I was thinking someone, stockboy? did that to fuck around, but then I noticed the second one behind the first.
Black folk be blamin white folk for what the jews be doin. And these niggas wonder why nuthin ever changes baka
They are the unhomed, bereft of kith and kin.
Apparently tribal chieftains = kings in the negro mind
I mean desu, any girl who actually wants to go see this shit, isn't waifu material. I figured I could get some anal since she's trampy, but alas, I won't get that anal before we break up it looks like.
Races that really did well in history.
Ask any historian. But ask now since SJW are pushing hard to manipulate history.
>Blacks from Africa --- Did nothing except for cow milking
>People from Indus valley---Planned cities, science and maths,
>Arabs---Science and maths plus architecture
>People from land occupied by Europe---Politics, Trickery,Architecture,Literature, science and maths
>Chinese---Literature, Paper, martial arts, architecture
>People from America---Literally nothing was happening or recorded before Europeans invaded.
Oh OK. Are white people allowed to feel pride too?
>three generations of a family
>father and father's father present
this is wholesome. this is not kangcer
Don't forget about the female "Rocket Coon".
Hey those 3 can celebrate, its rare to keep any black father around, and theres two in this pic.
I'm sorry user
Niggers should be banned from reading anything even remotely historical without white supervision.