I'm going to post this everyday until you like it.
I'm going to post this everyday until you like it
Other urls found in this thread:
I thought I wanted to do it once.
I like it!
But he did it once.
I missed you.
weren't you permabanned or something like that?
I am the fin of my fish.
I ate it.
I might have fallen in love with it.
Is it just me or is every thread always filled with the same posts.
sakuya giving the cirno the fishe
Be careful when eating fish.
I am indifferent to it.
Sakuya giving Sakuya the fishe
Sakuya giving Sakuya, who is giving Cirno the fishe, the fishe.
Sakuya giving Sakuya, who is giving Sakuya, who is giving Cirno the fishe, the fishe, the fishe.
I like it more than the user who posted "I like it!"!
Sakuya giving Sakuya, who has given Sakura the Fish and who is giving Sakuya, who is giving Cirno the fishe, the fishe, the fishe.
Can you prove it?
I post I like it! almost every day and you stole my post and you know it.
I still see no proof user, I think that guy likes it more than you do.
Sakuya giving Sakuya, who has given Sakura the Fake Fish and who is giving Sakuya, who is giving Cirno the fishe, the fishe, the fishe, while the Fish, who has tricked Sakuya, who has given Sakura the Fake Fish and who is giving Sakuya, who is giving Cirno the fishe, the fishe, nefariously by giving Sakuya, who has given Sakura the Fake Fish and who is giving Sakuya, who is giving Cirno the fishe, the fishe, the Fake Fish.
It's like clockwork.
Spooky fish music.
I ate it
Holistic exploration of the idea of Sakura eating the Fish
DEPTH exploration
Why is Sakura eating the Fish?
Where did the Fish come from?
What kind of Fish is she eating?
Is the Fish a fish or a SakuraFish?
Why is she eating the fish RATHER than having intercourse with it?
LATERAL exploration
What other people are eating the Fish?
What other fish are eaten by Sakura?
Is eating fish healthy?
How many little fish skeletons are inside the fish? How spooky is it?
What has the same taste as fish?
What is Sakura's favourite pastime?
VERTICAL exploration
What if rather than eating the Fish, Sakura was blowing the Fish?
Does the Fish have more fins than a tree does have needles? What if it did?
How does the Fish relate to the capture of Constantinople in the 29th of May, 1453?
How can the Fish be compared to Suleiman the Great?
How can I relate the act of eating the Fish to having intercourse?
>Why is Sakura eating the Fish?
Fleshbags need nutrients.
>Where did the Fish come from?
The Planet of Koi.
>What kind of Fish is she eating?
A koi.
>Is the Fish a fish or a SakuraFish?
SakuraFish is the name of the combination of Sakura and the Fish. The Fish is a distinguished entity that is a normal fish from the Planet Koi.
>Why is she eating the fish RATHER than having intercourse with it?
Koi dicks have barbs.
Face it, Hiro...
If Sakura wanted to do it to you, there's nothing you could do about it.
Can fish kill servants?
I had enough of this
You can't stop it. Nobody can.
That looks beautiful, but probably tastes bad.
I hate it.
Mmmm... Carp flavored!
Thanks doc.
haven't seen this thread in years
I still don't like it, maybe you should post this more often
>He's never had taiyaki
At long last, the fishe has finally come full circle!
deliver me unto an early death
The fishe will deliver you to salvation.
Or perhaps you will find love through the fishe.
To understand the relationship between Cirno and the Fishe, you first have to understand the nature of Gensokyo and Touhou in general. Looking at a strictly canon perspective, there is no confirmed situation where the Fishe and Cirno ever met, and certainly not through introduction by Sakuya as the OP image would imply. Cirno meeting the Fishe is merely an inferred situation: a posibility not set in stone through the word of ZUN, yet neither ruled out as something that couldn't occur through some sort of contrived circumstance. This is likewise why certain works depict the Fishe as an angry god demanding sacrifice, a benevolent figure from which to channel Cirno's hopes and desires, or a simple snack food to be swiftly consumed. Until deemed true or untrue, any of these outcomes could possibly occur in the hypotetical case that Cirno and the Fishe were to meet. It is something that is under no constraint, much like Momiji's personality and Reimu's family.
Primaries might scold you for stepping outside of canon constraints and attempting to fabricate a situation they deem contrary to character - "sakuya giving the cirno the fishe" would imply a certain sense of altruism on the former's part that has yet to show in canon, leading to the argument of character derailment, but many popular doujin works interpret the exact characterizations of characters differently from strict canon and are not always lesser for it. After all, the canon fighting games take artistic liberties in the depictions of individual characters, yet remain supported by ZUN regardless if they depict his characters in the way he originally invisioned them.
Ultimately, the Cirno and the Fishe's relationship is dependant on the context of the work you are consuming. In one picture, they can be bitter foes, a damsdel in distress trying to outrun a blood-thirsty monster in vein. In another, happily married. To under stand this is to have a basic understanding of Touhou as a doujin scene.
You get one fishe
There are many benefits to following the Fishe.
Well, it literally has been posted daily for the past 11+ years, so it's definitely on you.
I want more of it.
But it's a real commitment.
Perhaps the Fishe is symbolic of Cirno's self-doubt, the part of her that second guesses her actions and opinions, always looking to contradict her, such as the idea that she is not in fact, the strongest. A symptom of her insecurity, Cirno feels that by conquering the Fishe she can conquer her inner fears, allowing her to truely be the strongest fairy in all of Gensokyo. Cirno's struggle with the Fishe is the struggle with herself.
A struggle that she is not always victorious in.
That's one rotten fishe
I don't dislike it.
Sakuya catching the fishe.
vro what the fuck?
AoG... is that really you? Quick, draw a Cirno!
My feeling for the fish are complex.
I did it on tegaki with my mousepad though.
>Koi dicks have barbs.
Is this how fishing rods are being made? Using koi dicks?
I still don't like it.
Most of us thought you were gone forever! Eye thought you you were gone forever!
I think you might me mistaking me for someone else.
When the Anons, the Mods and Hiro are all gone, fishposting will exist, so long as one fish remains. It'll be lonely, but as long as one fish still lives...
...it will be eternal proof that SakuraFish ever existed.
>SakuraFish has this whole intricate lore about what it means to bite the fish and a lot of inside memes
>apparently some other cirno tripfag became the most prominent tripfag on /bant/
>I became "literally who" tier even though I've been browsing Sup Forums for 12 years
Aren't there multiple AoGs?
I like it!
I like it a lot!
It is to be expected. Blame it on the lack of your charming points, toe-less man.
There's been 3, I'm 2nd, 3rd died
Cirno tripfags are a bunch they are thorough the whole website.
Fuck you bud, I have toes.
I do ~~not~~ like it
You haven't seen the half of it. There are over 30, possibly 40 Cirnoposters on /bant/. Some of them are tripfags, the majority are generics.
A real snake-eater.
44 posters. Has Sakura fish become popular?
Explain what this is and it might be.
I like it.
>I like it