Sup Forums Is Scaring My Family

I have a 17 year old cousin who my Aunt (and my mom too) is really worried about because when asked if he drank when he went out he started saying stuff like drinking is degenerate. He said rap music is degenerate, he said videogames were degenerate. He started calling these things degenerate. He then said "anyone who smokes weed is a degenerate" when talking about people at his school. He's talking about how great Milton Friedman is and stuff and my Aunt said he's basically exactly like Alex Keaten from Family Ties because both his parents are very Liberal. When asked where he learned all this he said pol

They are scared because the internet is turning previously normal people into super far right absolutist conservatives.

Other urls found in this thread: lansky roger stone roy cohn&client=firefox-b-1-ab&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwivobf87q7ZAhWJyIMKHSIiD7YQ_AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=631

Good. We tried baseless acceptance. Didn't work.

Your god damn right.... well done little brother we believe in you

How is it good? My family is thinking of sending him to a shrink.

Maybe the shrink will be red pilled by your cousin too

Your are gay

That will just redpill him even more; if he's here he already knows that the pharmajew will ruin his brain.

Your brother knows, but he does not know not to revile his powerlevel.
Remind him about it.

Ever heard the term th pendulum swings
The youth will be driven far right because they see absolutely degenerate cunts with green hair chop their cocks off and think I want to be the opposite of gen y

Gee i don't know .maybe make a big deal out of it ,tell him that he is wrong and messed up .i'm sure he will see it your way..also waste money on a shrink and alienate him from the family because he sees the world different than you

>Enforce totalitarian cultural control that drives moderates to the fringes
>Previously fringe elements experience a sudden explosion in popularity
Who could have predicted this

How on Earth is that the reaction? Sounds exactly like a fucking liberal.
>My child is actually learning about politics in an in depth manner and is making informed decisions on how to manifest progress and success in life, and how others could as well

Blame the stupid parents for forcing him to raise himself and establish his own functioning, fixed ethics.



Although identifying video games and drugs as degenerate isn't even fucking fringe, they just thought by defining it as fringe they'd eliminate it, but instead they just became Nazis

Your family needs the shrink and by shrink I mean gas chamber.

They are scared with facing the truth.

He sounds pretty sane to me.
He didn't go full Nazi but is boy a libertarian objectivist.

Drinking alcohol and smoking weed is generally unhealthy.

Video games can make one an addict .

Most rap music glorifies an immoral culture of gang violence, promiscuity and drugs so it is degenerate.

Maybe the family should listen to his reasoning first.
It isn't like he's imposed his values onto them.
He just stated his own opinions like a normal person.

Unless your family members are some sort of communists there's no real reason for them to freak out.


You deserve it. They deserve it. Just look around you


That moment when the shrink starts paying the kid during sessions...

Your other family members are the ones that need to go see a shrink, not him.

>hurr durr Nixon complained about da jooos SAGE

They have every right to be scared. We revel in the fear of the normie. Welcome to Sup Forums you massive faggot.

this. Lost interest in video games years ago, nigger noise is unbearable and the lyrics are sick. The kid is entitled to have his political and basic life beliefs. He just happens to be redpilled.

What'd you say little brother...oh yeah!

How the FUCK is thinking degenerate things are degenerate justification for a shrink? That family sounds degenerate.

You cousin sounds most woke on the JQ.

>previously normal people
Youve got that backward shill.

>They are scared because their own ideology is turning previously normal people into super far right absolutist conservatives.

Ftfy lansky roger stone roy cohn&client=firefox-b-1-ab&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwivobf87q7ZAhWJyIMKHSIiD7YQ_AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=631

Go my child. The rabbit hole doesn't end.

You actually south african? How is it over there brother?

Don’t blame us for explaining the unadulterated truth to your cousin. He was bound to know it evidently. Besides we tried being polite we tried being subversive. Than we just finally said fuck it initiate power level strats. Long story short when you blatantly tell the truth with no remorse people begin to come to their senses and while this is taking place our enemies are scared to the core.

Tell your cousin he’s here forever.

>Not smoking weed , drinking and listening to rap is considered far right
Right side of history lads

Embrace it fag. Cia niggers to be flayed.

And that's a good thing

Such degeneracy; don't drink, don't smoke, don't waste your life playing video games... Man, I can see why your family thinks these values are messed up. Forget about it all, smoke, drink, sit in front of your screen doing fuck all for hours; anyone who says differently needs to see a shrink of some shit. Enjoy your neo-hedonistic lifestyle; everyone else is a nazi anyway.


>Shrink starts having pleasant well informed conversations with the boy and even feels guilty for taking the family's money.
>Uses some connections to get a good job for the kid who proves him self and advances well in his career since he's impartial.
>"So user, my daughter is coming back from her university in a few days . I'd like to invite you for dinner so you two can get acquainted."
>Degenerate family members continue to screech autistically as user gets married, has kids , develops a great career and becomes a great father/husband.
>user proceeds to bring his kids to visit his parents during summer so they learn about the degeneracy first hand and can see that their dad is right.

And so the cycle of life continues.
From the rot grows a new sprout as it seeks to capture the sunlight and strives to grow taller.

Don't try and redpill them, just discourage them from actively bluepilling him. Whenever they're complaining, point out that atleast he isn't at risk of becoming a drug addict, alcoholic, baby daddy, etc.

"The edgy stuff is just normal teenage rebellion, at least he's rebelling away from things like drug abuse and risky sex instead of towards them, and if you try and hound him into conforming more, he's just going to want to rebel more and get edgier."

This tact will persuade your family to leave him alone at lot more than REEEing that "he's redpilled and you're all libtards" at them. Also, make sure you sit him down and give him a talk about hiding his powerlevel and picking his battles, there's no point ruining your relationship with your parents over the JQ.



Eventually * on this note I’m going to bed. Night /pol see you tomorrow.

It'll prove Sup Forums and your cousin right if they did.

your nonexistent family are a bunch of degenerate faggots then, but at least Sup Forums has saved your nonexistent cousin

im thinking if sending your family to a polish death camp

>polish death camp

You Nazi dare to blame the Poles for German war crimes!?

what war crimes