Was this new school shooting faked? Give me a redpill, why the hell would a teacher be contemplating gun control in the middle of a school shooting?
Florida school shooting
Other urls found in this thread:
__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. ( archive.is
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. ( archive.is
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. ( archive.is
__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. ( youtube.com
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.( archive.is
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus. ( youtu.be
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. ( youtube.com
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.( archive.is
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. ( archive.is
__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. ( archive.is
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. ( archive.is
why would someone fake shooting innocent children? think about it for a second and stop believing in the Jew. stop asking questions to the Jewish to affirm your beliefs, it's not healthy
It was definitely fake. The democrats don't have any money, they are in debt, so they are faking shootings in counties where they hold the cards. This was Debbie Wasserman Schultz hometurf. Now they get "free" airtime for weeks pushing their agenda.
Expect more bullshit as we draw closer to the mid terms.
obviously not faked, why go back and post this on rebbit, you fucking faggot.
Who is behind this? CIA, FBI
But did people really die just tp push political agendas, that sounds insane?
Fake as fuck. Just watch the interviews with the "students"...trust your gut, look at the greenscreens, listen to all the predictable narratives, the phoney fake way of acting
When a school shotting happens in my area I swear to god I'll drive that way and take videos, try to investigate
I havent done mouch reading on the shooting. do we know where the 17 kids died? were they all in one classroom? or were they spread out? if cruz wasnt the shooter, then the real shooter(s) would have to kill every witness. i can only see this being feasible if he/they did some navy seal shit and snuck into one classroom and killed everyone in it. so basically not feasible at all. i have an open mind to this possibly being a false flag but theres no way the whole school could be in on it.
>Who is behind this? CIA, FBI
I'll give you a hint, they glow in the dark
>Give me a redpill
red pill me on X
MY KIKE-elepsy! I'm calling kikenwald for advice
Pieces on a gameboard user
real question: why are they holding each others shoulders?
>"It was a fire drill in the morning, not a lockdown drill, to my knowledge, there was a fire drill there earlier in the day-"
>"But you did have special operations officers that were in the immediate area..."
im guessing so no funny buisiness or something. It is weird, because there is footage of people just running out of the building all willy nilly, but then other people look like they're in the chain gang
The thing I don't get is demolishing the school, did the stray bullets somehow cause structural damage?
Start simple. Too often shills are going to try to get alternative narrative arguments going to sideline their bullshittery. State what you know can NOT be the case. Most normies are programmed to address 9/11 disbelievers with "BUT Y WUD DEY DO DAT, HUH!? OH U DON NO - CHEKMAETY!" I always say what I know to NOT be the case and work from there. What is being pressed which is absolutely not possible, and why? Don't let the shills get you mired into if not x, then y, but if y then not z so you're wrong arguments.
American schools are barely competent enough to teach the differences in "their, there, and they're" you think they can be apart of a fake shooting?
False flag evidence removal
ok, but why would they do it retard?
y teachers never could teach me the different between affect and effect
It's interesting isn't it
I think their more than capable of taking apart in a fake shooting.
>Cruz pleads guilty
you lost me here
a lot of reasons
To busy to focus on test material so grammar details get skimmed over.
To busy teaching on flawed essay format that most kids have a trouble understanding so that stuff gets skimmed over.
The curriculum focuses more on teaching literature in language arts than grammar (particularly of the brainwashing variety)
You probably weren't listening anyway
>it's all fake IT'S ALL FAKE bWaHAhAHaHAh4aavd@gr347_74lk!nG ch!cK3n 2 d w4LK!nG b007Y-bU5T##vo vocOI7C
You people are fucking certifiable.
I disagree
I see they didn't teach you the difference between too and to. I was not
yep, when I asked what the difference was in elementary school they told me too always goes on the end.
part of it also has to do with incompetency. Not that you can really blame them, most standardized essays are scored more on structure than grammar, it never really comes up, and they were probably taught wrong too.
Good thing I had a teacher who'd fail anyone immediately on using alot instead of a lot.
Known for her opposition to "draining the swamp"
It was a fake non-event. No students were shot, nobody was shot, just like at Sandy Hoax, Pulse etc. These are staged hoaxes made by government/media.
Also proves that Trump and CNN are on the same side, against us, teaming up to craft these hoaxes.
People should find out who owns this lakeview property at 8442 lakeview trail gated community. Was it the Snead family? Did they let Nickolas live there by himself from December to February?
It's interesting these types can never fathom it actually happening, like in a country of hundreds of millions there's not a few crazies who would do this. Like that is DEFINITELY not a possibility ..
because you couldn't do the SAME EXACT FUCKING THING if you were so inclined, guess what, you could. and that should put it firmly in the realm of possibility for someone angrier than you, more mentally disturbed than you, and with less to lose than you to act upon
You'll be arrested if you ask about crisis actors user, you are not allowed to go around snooping CIA projects.
You are filthy goyim to them. Your life has no value to the ruling class.
Had stories prepared days prior
I look it up and it is for sale & you can even take a virtual tour
This is my favorite part. Anybody get it?
Almost like you
Agreed that it was faked but I'm not seeing the Trump being in on it angle. Haven't seen anything that points to him being a part of it. You mind elaborating on why you think he is?
>so it’s gonna be all like *pschchewww* *pow pow pow* *blam blam* *die normies die!!!!*
The demolition is the biggest red flag of all. Nobody tears down a building just because it has bullet holes in it, it's an expensive undertaking and it's going to disrupt classes. The only time people ever demolish part of a school is if the rooms have dangerous amounts of mold or asbestos in the walls or ceiling.
>secret bonuses (aka dirty money bribes)
>possible future in politics (a la making potential voters sympathize for them preaching durine randos funerals)
>MK ULTRA BRAIN WASH (doubt our USA goverment is dosing random people looking for hookers with LSD anymore...
yeah, she didn't wanna drain the swamp, heh
"Yes, good."
>Highschool is named after a woman who wants to prevent the swamp being drained.
Looks like a warning to Trump.
He shot a dog?
not a dog
I would not be suprised if that's EXACTLY what was said during the planning phase
Was this a planted dummy? Please help me share this whole thing with my normie friends.
Honestly, that looks like a dufflebag full of weapons. The "cops" carrying whatever that is out of the building are likely the shooters.
Never post r/The_Donald ever again
Another Demonrat Hoax To Take Our Guns
Make America Great Again
What is this mutt walk called? Cuck chain?
What us their (((reason))) for demolishing it
These pups wear vests which have handles on top. You can see the tail swaying as the dude walks, user. The other guy has his leash.
>Before shots were even fired, she ushered 50 students and five adults into a media equipment room
>Ms Haneski said some teachers at her school believed the shooting was a drill as they had recently undergone training and had been informed a simulated incident would take place.
>They say it's because that students shouldn't have to sit in the building where shots were fired, but we all know it's to hide evidence.
False flag operations sure are expensive.
Doesn't look like a dummy. Looks like a bag full of weapons. Some think its a dog, but it doesn't look like a dog to me.
add 2 hours for the local time
One time there was a thread where someone asked whatd take for us to believe they real and they did in under a month exact what we said and it's sickening
Do they normally deploy or have dogs when these events happen? They are awfully urgent in getting this thing out of the premises, whatever it is.
That looks like a head and face if you skip to the last few seconds.
Link? Sauce?
Remember what it said?
add 2 hours for local time
>Retasking a squad to evacuate dead animal during firefight.
derp-o-meter pegged
it was over at that point, they were looking for him
watch for demo crews being required to sign NDAs
Will we be able to get that info other than asking one of the workers?
We should unironically protest the demolition, for research purposes
How exactly are we supposed to know if they've signed NDAs when they can't talk about it?
Just like Sandy Hook. They even erected a giant privacy fence around the whole school so nobody could look in from the outside.
Oh come on, one man could jump it and livestream in, the US has 350 million people
>Shooter's location unknown
"Everything is fine. Panic unload Scooby!"
I'm down user
not fake. they let it happen. they let anything that is politically advantageous fro them happen....
That's a great question, but judging by the SH news, even MSM was reporting that during that fiasco. I don't think it will be too hard to discern.
Lay siege to the school. drag it on and on, let media desecrate your image with Stefan Colbert leading it, run around the school unimpeded streaming it on a proxy livestream, mock the jew
This is what las vegas was supposed to be. The FBI pretty much let this happen.
And you know what the best part is? Even though it's obvious and there's a mountain of evidence proving it was faked, nothing will ever come of it. Normies will think it's tragic, libs will use it for fuel and questioning the event will be in poor taste. They'll knock down the school, inconsistencies will get memory holed and it'll only get brought up as a talking point for removing our rights down the line. What's worse is that they're going to pin every one of these on us from now on regardless of the facts. Muh Sandy Hook. Muh Parkland. Muh white nationalist. Muh assault rifles. Muh 17 dead. Muh holocaust class. You can kick and scream and show them the evidence and it just won't matter. We're up against a brainwashed army and a ruling class with infinite resources that pass around and murder children for entertainment.
This place and the people in it are being fattened up for the slaughter. It's the last bastion of free speech and an enemy to every monster in the bog. The jews can't get this place under wraps by conventional means so they're just going to transcend it entirely by turning the rest of the world against us.
Anyone with any sense would retreat to safer waters or go dark entirely and start planning for a world that hunts our kind. We all know Sup Forums is monitored, the only question is why. Every time something like this happens, the answer gets clearer and clearer.
What's even sadder is 99% don't even care, only the brainwashed 1% with a loud voice
Most people don't understand what a False flag is.
> covert operations that are designed to deceive in such a way that activities appear as though they are being carried out by individual entities, groups, or nations other than those who actually planned and executed them.
If they are going to pin it on us and start trying to take our weapons, you can expect not schools, but federal buildings to be shot up in the future. If politicians want to take our guns, you shoot the politicians. Thats what the 2nd amendment is for.
you see this ?
check it out. It's David Brock share blue niggers