Is Ben Shapiro too much of an autist for Normies to handle?

Is Ben Shapiro too much of an autist for Normies to handle?
I feel like he’s incredibly intelligent and a good debator, someone who can advocate for more conservative viewpoints against prevailing leftist ideology that is corrupting western values. However, the guy has no charisma. He feels like someone from /r9k/ who is incredibly intelligent but after making an incredibly poignant and well constructed argument it would all be torn down by some leftist chad screaming “VIRGIN MANLET” as the crowd erupts in laughter.

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He is a confirmed /r9k/ shitter.

but he has the most popular conservative podcast and growing, how is this normie?

Sup Forums will just hound on you because he’s Jewish, Jap. but yes, he’s a great debator

lol this jewish shill only has 2 fake shilling compilations of ben shapiro because theres literally nothing fallacious about him except his provocateuring quotes. sad

Benji definitely lurks here

Ben Shapiro is what stupid people think smart people are like. It's hilarious how all the right wing "intellectuals" are pundits and frauds. There's a reason why the vast majority of educated people vote left.


Ben "I don't care about the browning of America but let's forcibly push all Palestinians into Jordan to create a purely Jewish state" Shapiro

I hate any of you pushing this duplicitous jew.

The guy graduated Harvard and has his own law practice firm. What have you accomplished snow chink?

He is a kike. The only thought you're supposed to have about him is about a best way to deliver him into the oven.

user "I dont have any actual factual claims to disprove this quote but I'm just going to state my opinion for no reason" faggot

He tweeted his thoughts on the browning of America late last year and his article on ethnic cleansing from like 2005 is floating around the web.

Google it, kike faggot

how the fuck does this disprove his quote? stupid shill

Where are the right wing political scientists and philosophers? It's very telling that THE right-wing smart guy is a literal pundit with a law degree.


He's manipulative and purposefully ignores certain facts. He is a good debater but that's it.

wasted trips

What quote are you wanting me to disprove? The validity or authenticity? Authenticity is easy to find. As for validity, that's a matter of perspective, of course, but Shapiro acts like 90%+ of all jews with his stance of "nationalism for me but not for thee."

(((Shapiro))) is a lifecuck that wants to increase the nigger population.

He's a good debater but he's hardly an intellectual. As far as repbulicans go he's just your average neocon really, just more slippery than your average one.

Everyone calling Ben Shapiro a "good debater" has literally never attended a real debate


shapiro is married and has children

>"Am I willing to risk a Hillary presidency not to vote for Trump? The answer is yes. The reason the answer is yes is because I am not going to watch the only party that has a possibility of reflecting conservatism descend into this. I’m just not going to do it. I’m not going to be complicit in the death of the conservative movement at the hands of Donald Trump." -Ben Shapiro


i want you to disprove his rationale. i want you to tell me without lying why you disagree with the quote

Okay. From a purely political/electoral standpoint, the browner America gets, it will become increasingly impossible for a conservative to win at the national level or in certain states. All non-white groups, bar none, vote Democratic as a whole.

From a racial/cultural standpoint, the browner America becomes, the less safe whites are, the more American culture (an Anglo offshoot) is erased and spat upon, the less intelligent the nation overall becomes, and the more divided the nation becomes.

>the browner it gets
like he said, skin color doesnt matter, and if a conservative is skin tone 1 out of 10, and another with the same beliefs is 10 out of 10, theres literally no reason why skin color would matter
>racial/cultural standpoint
read above

He's wrong in that skin color doesn't matter. Race is more than just skin deep.

The overall electoral effects are felt regardless. California used to be a reliably Republican state before mass immigration and Reagan's 1986 amnesty. Now, radical Mexicans dominate the state legislature.