this for all you americans
i know ye's say "ive me right to guns" but just cos its your "right" dont mean its right, jeno what im sayin?
i live in the republic of ireland where guns aren't really a thing. never even seen one cept one time in belfast and i was like "whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah a fucken gun"
anyways guns arent really a thing, guess when the last mass shooto was? 1994! and even that was to do with the troubles, ulster vigilante shite. if we've not had a mass shooto in 24 years, does it not seem logical to take a leaf ou our book? cos in america theres more people, and with more people, theres more crazy people, no wonder youre all dying like flies. i know ye's say "guns don't kill people, people kill people" but why make it easier for the mad cunts? how can you keep justifying your gun shite?! start the conversation.
This for all you americans
Other urls found in this thread:
You type like a nigger user.
__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. (
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. (
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. (
__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. (
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.(
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus. (
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. (
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.(
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. (
__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. (
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. (
What’s your population again?
Shut the fuck up potato nigger
Who fucking cares?
4 million
If everyone had a gun no one would pull three shit these niggers pull, at least not for very long. Ban all gun legislation
>i live in the republic of ireland where guns aren't really a thing.
And thats why the north of your country are subservient cucks to the UK
why have i read this at least 17 times and it literally still does not add up? why cant schizophrenics create anything of value
Yes m9 we need to ban guns fast, if we follow Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela and the rest of the smart countries to gun-control, we can maybe one day be as safe as Mexico too@@ Great idea OP.
thats the scene of a tragic cock overdose
lmao think your fucken savage? "lets go for the potato insult oh MAN that'll show her"
ha you yanks you. you all want suma this irish blood with your "im __% irish" queen elizabeths mickey WHA
If the Irish didn't have guns then you would be part of the U.K.
hahahhaha the republics not part of the uk silly doughnut.
i didnt say there was no guns i specifically said "they're not really a thing". course there's guns. RA and BM. but the amount of people who own any is v low
ha think your fucken clever?
>(speaks in explosion)
I don’t understand what you’re saying.
>guns aren't a thing in Ireland
Yes they are retard.
>that's why you're dying like flies
It only seems that way to you because one shitty mock Irish bar fits twice the Irish population.
So maybe stop being a potato faggot and stuffs
>inb4. Mug Ireland
You are a land of people who have earned my ire.
Mexico followed your advice. Good job. I don't think we are going to follow your advice, but thanks for being retarded.
Law abiding citizens use guns everyday and do not harm a soul. Why punish the innocent for the actions of criminals? Criminals aren’t going to fox’s up their guns if banned.
shut up meg.
This potato nigger doesn't know the gun debate is over.
We won
and today Sup Forums learns that the irish are basically jews
you about 14?
listen yank i fucken lived here all me life, guns aren't a poxy thing in the fucken republic like i said. only gango yokes have some. i jus clearly fucken said "not really a thing" means wha ih means retard didn't say it wasn't a thing at all in the republic. the north is not in the republic ye fucken spanner
iyaho, this is fer all yah potatoes out thar. fuck guns, am'might? weh onlya suff'red teh brits for a hunner yars moer thn u. troost us'ns.
Enjoy your gun free zone.
And which state or major metro area were you comparing you Irish crime stats to?
i never guv any advice to fuckn mexico? and they've restrictive gun laws? fucken good? like whats bad about that ye spa
rephrase deh last bita dat
whos fucken meg no ones called "meg"
thats fuckin gas
i know it's not objectively right but i really can't help but think that the irish are the worst people on planet earth.
Fuck off you stupid potato nigger
id b intersted teh know why ye think so
don't poxin understand that dyeh speak english?
your daily fuckin gun violence
Glad we've heard from the tax haven of 4 million homogeneous people who, not 100 years after achieving independence, have handed the reigns over to Brussels while being entirely reliant on the UK for defense.
Any more internationally irrelevant, sub 100 IQ "countries" want to weigh in on the matter, while the topic is on the table?
my eyes just kinda glossed over your post
have a (you) anyway
How many potatoes does it take to kill and Irish family?
nice wan ye fat bastard
>be australian
>has a straightner wira kangaroo
>lets kangaroo fuck in ass
>sucks kangaroos fuzzy peach dick
nice wan
>i never guv any advice to fuckn mexico?
Retarded libtards like you did give advice to Mexico, told them to ban or restrict gun ownership.
>and they've restrictive gun laws? fucken good?
Yes indeed, Mexico listened to the geniuses like you, and banned guns
>like whats bad about that ye spa
In my opinion, the results are poor, but if you like slaughter and blood and death, then you will have a different take, on the results of gun control.
People like Stephen Colbert are not actual Americans, potato.
speak fucken english
thank you id like a (you)
ha original
>i know ye's say "ive me right to guns" but just cos its your "right" dont mean its right, jeno what im sayin?
It doesn't have to be right, it just has to be my right.
do weee really need assault rifles?
ders not been none here?
who dehfucks steo colbert?
Every time I hear that question I need two more.
No you are right, we should ban guns like Mexico did, the results speak for themself
You type like a retard.
Guns are a constitutional right. They will always be a constitutional right until the constitution is changed.
If your argument is anything other than an referendum to change the constitution then you are retarded. If you believe there is a strong enough support to change the constitution you are equally retarded.
>And thats why the north of your country are subservient cucks to the UK
Northern Ireland has less restrictive gun laws than Texas.
Know your place, potato nigger. You're on average 6+ IQ points behind everyone in this thread, but going by your candor you're probably 60.
No you traded them for stabbings and rapes. Alot of stabbings and even more rapes. Are you proud of that?
no ones fucken tellin me wha happened in mexico and why? deh why is very important tickos
I wish we had guns OP so I could blow your fucking head off. Absolute cringe reading the shite you just posted. Give me your address now and fight me you smelly fat knacker.
The south of Ireland is free because of guns and blood... the north is cuccked because you dont have anymore guns...shut your coward mouth
1/10 for trolling effort. Step up your game next time.
4.7 million actually. 6.6 if you include norn iron
What are you even saying?
Oh- Mexico disarmed the citizens of their own nation, and the country descended into a bloodbath of crime and murder. Remains in this condition even today. Gun control had similar results in Brazil, Cambodia the list goes on.....
Literally the wrong way round.
The republic has gun control, Northern Ireland doesn't.
blablablabla contituto right buzz thats all ye's ever have to say when asked to present a fuckin justification HA
ha you fucken fat pony fappers are always like "muh iq"
mines 131 if your fucken interested. im well fuckin intelligent.
everyone gets poxy raped and stabbed in every country. at least no ones goin into schools and shooting fuckin KIDS
Part of the diaspora. That's why the UK is still there. Pussy ass bitches.
Implying Texans who brag about their guns and independence aren't "cucks" to the U.S. guns, just based your dependency on federal highway, Medicaid and Medicare funding alone.
I don't really care but Ameriflaps need to learn the laws.
Northern Ireland = Sexy free guns for all with open carry and pew pews.
ReKUCKlic of DIREland (slaves to the EU and suck nigger cock) = Gun control and cuckery whilst pretending to be freedom fighters.
Those are the laws of the universe, said laws must be learned and respected.
Good luck lad, you may be here when we are all done and gone!
I for one wouldn't want to give up a right I am given because of a few bad eggs. It doesn't matter if you even own a gun in the US, you shouldn't willingly give up ANY given right of yours. These same people who bitch for gun bans are now trying to give back a freedom of theirs to this SAME government they claim to despise. Why? Isnt that just ass backwards? You want as many cards in play as possible. You're already at a disadvantage compared to the establishment themselves.
Take one freedom away, then its even easier to take the next one away, then the next, then the next, etc. Its a slippery slope.
In the meantime, hoard your guns.
bet your names jamo ye fat cunt i know you nice red trousers ye look like a fuckin prick
still a fuckin virgin? fappo
if you're not jamo then i apologise
where you at then? fuckin CMON not a troll ye fuckin crab i just dont fucken understand how you cunts are ok with kids dyin
tells fuckin why?
States still have the right to create reasonable restrictions in the interest of public safety. Where do you think the restrictions on owning machine guns and Stinger missiles comes from. You may agree banning AR-15s is an unreasonable restriction but it's been done before and was constitutional.
OP as a Dub (west Tallaght) to be precise.
Shut the fuck up!
Embarrassing us!
There's plenty of evidence on YouTube of multiple shooters ffs!
The fix is in here!
Lads something sussy bout this character. Can't say for certain paid shill, but def suspect!
You'd be charged with assaulting a minor, then you'd have to deal with his 200 brothers/cousins/potential fathers in jail
dats a fuckin interestin perspective palo. but do sumtin bout yer FUCKIN GUN PROBLEM YEEEEH sound
If the constitution is all that's ever said it's because that's all that's ever needed.
You remember how you all thought Scotland was brave and fighting for muh freedumbz (thanks to Mel Gibson) and we all told you they were cucks that would vote to stay in the UK (and we were right as usual because we're God and we know everything).
Time for you all once again to listen to us (your God who knows everything and knows how things operate).
You all really should pay attention, for we are your God and you will lick our penises for us! Oh yes you will, get your tongue all over our cocks and clean them!
Motherfucker do you speak English?
OP is such a knacker that his fellow potato niggers are rolling in to try to save some face here.
>Img triggers the potato niggers
> literally translates to English as 'Plague Pit'
ive only me da ye presumptuous cunt!
how am i from poxy tallaght?
...and you wonder why we treated you guys like niggers when you came to America.
I hope you have another potato famine, faggot.
Thanks. But do something about your speech problem, for real.
Silence yid and show some respect to the superior white man!
even if you 'got rid of guns' there are more niggers in the US that will illegally keep them than people in your entire country.
how am i from fucken tallaght? how would anyone know that withou hearin me speak?
I didn't check the links (phoneposting in my bed, sue me) but if his claims check out like if a witness talked to him while shots were fired elsewhere that's sus af. I'd like to hear what the Uber driver has to say.
howjeh kno?
how do I know what? that they'd keep them?
Well that's a little much, but I am still rooting for you and I hope you keep the shitskins (and the cucks) out.
Use the first line of the 2nd amendment then. Form militias, have them actually patrol around and work with the police, have them raise money for charities via community events that bring your neighbourhoods together, use the money raised and invest it in mental health care so you have powers of early intervention care of the mentally ill.
Sure nothing will stop a nigger shooting a bunch of other niggers in a drive by but who really cares about that?
That way, gun lovers show that they respect the rights they have and take away power from those that are trying to "gun grab". And you protect other parts of the constitution from being raped if any precedent is set (banning certain firearms, restrictions on them etc).
You know my idea is a good one..
OP your a muppet talking shite!
If you can't even see the overwhelming evidence that shooting (among others) are sussy, then you're too retarded even for the Chan's...arsehole!
they've been fed propaganda about the police hunting blacks for fun, you think they'd willingly disarm? hell most people in the country wouldn't. they'd need to be taken by force.
wtf is "sussy" literally shut your hole fat jamo. (if ur not jamo i apologise) if you are your trousers are manky. btw, whyje think you kno im in tallaght?
Kek somehow I can hear you speak.
Maybe take those that really are wanting to kill people on a hunt, make them go shoot a deer or some shit. Take them to a firing range to vent out anger they have on non living targets.
Point is, the inaction from the NRA and gun lovers to show any kind of responsibility and respect the full wording of the 2nd amendment means that you are taking the right you have for granted, it shows that you do not care about protecting it. And over time these shootings will continue and the inaction and complacency from gun lovers will also continue and slowly and insidiously you'll have your rights infringed (in a subtle way over time).
Start making an effort gun lovers, complacency will not protect you.
Eat a dick, potato nigger
eat everything in your local shop diabeetus cunt
Fucking potato niggers
Crypto-Kikes I swear.
You don't have nordic red hair like the Scottish, you have jewish ginger fros. Something is up here.
He has likely already sucked Conor McGregor's cock, or at least tried to.
Guns are meant to be used for hunting and home defense. If someone misuses a product that doesn't mean you take the product away from every person in a country. Emotion understandably makes people not think of it that way but hey we're all just human right. Also if you're a true Irishman you'll throw some Gaeilge in your posts, Plastic Paddy out nerd!
>States still have the right to create reasonable restrictions in the interest of public safety. Where do you think the restrictions on owning machine guns and Stinger missiles comes from. You may agree banning AR-15s is an unreasonable restriction but it's been done before and was constitutional.
>it's been done before and was constitutional.
>was constitutional.
That's where you're wrong.
im not a fuckin chap. not even on a "aaaaa dont miss gender me triggered" buzz just sick of been called a chap anytime im on here hahah.
huntin? fuckin america, only country i know of where you actively ruin your countrys cool stuff as a sport, extinctin all de animals
>extinctin all de animals
>de animals
stupid fucking nigger. wah u chat like dem from de caribbean for? eh wah u come say fi shit like dat in ere like a nigger from ghetto town jamaica?
ehhh? cha you lil ras clat.
its de way i fucken talk ye big commentary youtuber
whats good shawty
not shawtin at antin. watchin de fucken simpsons waitin on replies