
What does Sup Forums think about this?

Is Sup Forums pulling the old "only edgelords think this is good xD" card or what?

Only edgelords think this shit is good.

It's in the top 3 anime this season desu

It looks like something kinda mirai Nikki. I don't know if i should watch it. I didn't even like mirai nikki, it's shit.

The manga was boring as fuck so probably the anime is the same

Watch Kanji instead of that crap.

pacing is godlike and the visuals are fun

it's like Kaiji without the dragged out bullshit and mediocre art/animation

It's Mirai Nikki.

I like anything with a large focus on gambling desu

Like Kaiji with better pacing and like SHAFT did the animation

It would be good if if it was a hentai
prove me wrong

>ITT: anons break out ALL the Kakegurui memes they can think of

I watched one episode and it looked like garbage. The main emphasis seems to be on creating girls that appeal to masochists

you have shit taste

Why is this popular again?

How did Mappa go from Yuri on Ice to this dumpster fire?

because the visuals are fun, something pretentious DEEPfags that take anime seriously can't appreciate

>It has some nice visuals
>the way diferent characters react to getting fucked in games is amusing
>the va's are doing a good job imo
>storyline is kinda strange but easy to follow and somewhat interesting
its the kind of anime where its amusing to guess what's gonna happen next. but its not AOTS material I dont think
one thing what interests me as someone who knows fuck all about gambling is how realistic are the gambling scenes/ rules?

>Implying Yuri on Ice isn't completely shit

It's absolutely nothing like Kaiji aside from gambling. Why do retards keep comparing the two? It's more like prison school than Kaiji.

It's entertaining that's all, Nothing that hits the ball out of the park creative wise but I still enjoy it.

Saori Hayami for life.

Pretty much this. Gambles are shallow at best, non-existent at worst since they're always a combination of hazard game + stupid twist that was off-camera and also possibly a plothole. Characters are shit and the story is forcing them down your throat in a way that tries desperately to make them look smart and impressing but they're really just shit. Emotions are replaced by ahegao faces. It's just that bad, so save yourself and don't listen to people who call it fun, because there's nothing fun in seeing smug insufferable bitch lose -> asspull something offscreen -> win all the time

they waste too much time coming up with dumb games to play.

They should play simpler games. Like, they have two sybians, both players are chained to them with vibrators on their clits, first one who can't continue loses.

I bet you like weak beta MCs too

I expected more Kaiji and Akagi and I got more Prison School

name another anime/manga with high risk gambling that involves cheating all the time except kaiji, akagi and liar game

You're both wrong. Probably on purpose, too. In which case, I hate your kind.

The series is pretty good, though. I read 5 volumes in a day.

Watch it if you like the Psycho-hime trope

legendary gambler tetsuya

If it's not moe blob SoL or has a age rating of PG and up then it's edgy shit.

Prison School mixed with the gambling/cheating aspect of Kaiji. mixed with the overexaggerated crazy face reactions from Mirai Nikki/Hellsing OVA is the correct answer

>He saw virgin boys get smacked around and dominated by giant, walking tits in Kakegurui.


Not that I mind, I like tits and pantyhose

I always think these are Hellsing threads. At a glance the girl looks like Alucard because they have the same color palet

Then I realise Sup Forums never talks about Hellsing

>having taste this terrible

It's poor man's Kaiji for femdomfags. But it's not all that bad, the gambles are decent.

Not that far from the truth desu

remember when Alucard was a himecut girl? Hirano doesn't

>watch kanji

>not having enough intellectual capacity to realize that Yuri on Ice is the best anime this decade
Go fuck yourself.

I watch it for the gambles. The rest can fuck off.

weekly fap material


right back at you, DEEPfag

It's fun.