no bully anons :(
/DG/ Degeneracy General: Things I Shouldn't Have Fapped To Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
god... I love autistic girls
fuck man
from the thumbnail, i thought that was going to be Gail
She's not. She made a very late followup video.
Is dating autistic girls a good strategy to find a wife?
>how did they get my secretary to hook up with my dream secretary?
this pleased me greatly
Reminds me of that vid where mexican old and ugly mother taught her daughter to french kiss and daughter cringed when mom put her tongue way too fucking deep.
Why is she so fucking awesome
It was deleted from xnxx, shame tho, you could tell it was authentic, daughter was hot, mom ugly and old but god damn it, what she did was pretty much a tongue rape.
You could also tell girl wasnt really into this and at a few points cringed.
>Oh fuck I got it on my chair
>But that's ok because I can clean it up
>Let's get... the butt...
Oh god... Please... more...
She is cute..
yeah seriously man what's the fucking sauce on this?
Morgi Chan is willing to do peanut butter part 2 for a price.
Chubby asians stuffing each other. Broke my 15 days of nofap. Don't regret it, going to be going 1 week at a time now.
I'm not proud at all.
Really not proud of this one.
Underrated post.
Well that's the end of my 30 day nofap streak. Thanks user.
doggo took her to the pound
Did someone say degeneracy?
I'm trans and a guy just told me he loved me
My heart fluttered
this is the fakest shit in the world
She looks indeed like a young fit gail
Being a hedonist is part of being white, did everyone forget about Rome?
Christianity was created to make us forget about such things and be easier to control by Jews.
>peanut butterface
shit user, few days ago I fapped to something similar that popped up. I recon this is from the same site but I won't share anything, this degeneracy must stop.
Ohhhhh guess you must convert to islam now, but its ok
provide sauce you faggot
rewlin for bria
If someone has a link to one of her vids i'll do it again right now.