How are you holding up Sup Forums?
How are you holding up Sup Forums?
russian bots have abandoned their stations
It's..... it's almost like the good old days here.
Waiting for the next global conflict to start
Not too good my dude still a virgin at 25 with no signs of changing send help
eh it's whatever
Most threads today are garbarge honestly. Just a bunch of tweets coupled with the obligatory "really makes you think".
my gay boss fired me, I think it's because I didn't blow him. Going to start my own company on monday. Just lifting weights and popping adderall and then smoking tons of weed and taking sleeping pills to come down at night.
I'm not even trolling bros. I tried so hard to hide my power level from my boss, even pretended to be kind of gay, but he eventually figured out I was a neo-nazi because I kept rambling about how the nazis were pretty bro tier.
Ah well, such is life as they say.
with what?
>I tried so hard to hide my power level from my boss
>I kept rambling about how the nazis were pretty bro tier.
ur gonna fuck ur heart up
I hate everything. Everywhere I look it's either kike propaganda or people pushing kike propaganda. Ads with White women and black men, all the time. I hate all these fucking cunts. I hate them all. Pieces of living human fucking garbage.
I’m finally thinking about leaving this board forever, taking what the oldfags told me in its creation, up until it’s death after Trump won, with me. This board has just gotten too stale and repetitive, it’s just to unoriginal and unappealing, it seems like most people just didn’t assimilate and the board just died. Expecially after crossposters from r/thedonald released the floodgates and brought half the subreddit. It’s been a good ride and an honor Sup Forums, you’ve made me laugh with your originality and shitposting, but I’ll never forget how you’ve changed me from a skinny liberal kid into a strong, intelligent, and well to do man. I wish you originalfags all the best, see you later space cowboy.
>applying for jobs
>not getting any responses
i should've never taken the NEET pill
You'll be back, you fucking liar. You'll come back here every fucking day, in spite of all the things this place made you accomplish. You'll see all the fucking horrid shit subhuman nigger cunts do and grow to hate more and more, and you will always come back for more. Even if you never come back here, even if you never touch this website again, the justified distrust of shitskins and kikes will be with you like a cancer. Good luck on the outside, just try to not notice every single part of society being infected with this fucking sickness.
Im tired of new fags not reporting off topic and troll threads. Or maybe its just the mods of doing shit.
You’re probably right I’ll be back. I have no one on the outside, only you. But I’ll try my best, this board turned to shit and I don’t want to waste my time debating civic nationalist kike worshipping redditors that don’t retain information for more than 5 minutes. I’ll try my best motherfucker, I hope I don’t see you again.
Pretty anxious and depressed.
Debating whether I should finish my senior year of college (history BA) or work as an electrician
See you tomorrow
Nigger I tried and the longest I could hold out for was two weeks. You’ll be back no matter how mentally strong you are.
No, its so much worse.
Now we are alone against the shill menace.
The Ruskies are our old enemy. However they are more out brothers than any dirty kike, wetback, or nigger.
See you tomorrow.
Just go to a prostitute and be honest with her. It'll give u some confidence when u get drunk and hook up with your future wife
i throw up sometimes, it's kind of annoying. like i just get a little fphlegm and throw up.
>even pretended to be kind of gay
you cannot be called gay, you are a simple faggot
without the act maybe he would have more respect
That is the most asinine statement I have seen all day.
Anyways not good OP. I am sad that that the left has to resort to subversion and astroturfing to mess this place up.
Hey shill
havent been on in a couple of days feels bretty gud any big things i missed ?
and then there are staying USA rednecks
I hear you. Still board is painful to be on nowadays but there's no leaving.
I feel you, the boards have been pretty bad for a while now. We need a real happening to breathe some life back in
>hook up
>future wife
I hope not
the older i get the more i see how society is shit
Growing up christian you hear how the world is corrupted and fallen, but now it really hits home
I work in data, and keep toying with the idea of starting a data blog to provide insight into how shitty the world is, and maybe that will wake some people up. Most people in the data analysis have their head up their ass, so I think I could fill an interesting niche.
A teenage lesbian with a shaved head said she was going to take my guns.
I'll be up until about 3:30 and if she's not here by then I'm going to bed.
Do it.
Start with the big issues, the big questions.
Decline in sense of community.
Decline in white population.
Decline in testosterone
Increase in debt
I flit between a few states and none of them feel good. A raw existential dread, an anxiety for the future of not just me but all white nations and people. A depression brought about by hopelessness and inaction. The only times I feel any love or comfort is when I read about the European spirit, or imagine the quiet and wholesome life I want to live. These thoughts and fantasies almost always make way for that same palpable, quiet death of hope.
It's tough. It's really tough. It's been 7 fucking years from my first existential crisis and still haven't recovered since. Zero friends, obviously zero gfs and general laziness about everything. Completely dead inside but somehow keep coming to this place.
Just tired, really tired.
This, it's all so tiresome
idk man reality is so weird, when you pop too many red pills you enter a haze-like state.
also (BLACK PILL) well never get our ethnostate :(
so so. i am thinking about homesteading more and more. I think about 0.5 mil would do. single i could get that togeather in about ten years.