Why does Asian cock feel so gooooood?
Why does Asian cock feel so gooooood?
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Skin is smoother easier to lubricate.
I'm a faggot and Asian men are my fetish.
A noose should be your fetish
I wish i was CIrcumCised
White people have rough skin.
I feel bad for Asian guys
your own parents want some white guy to knocl up your sister and dilute your gook genes
Is she enjoying herself?
no u
asian girls belong to the white man
Sauce? How does a common skinny asian dude get such a qt red head?
She looks kind of bored honestly.
Sage this shit! It's just another shill thread.
Whatsa happening, hot stuff?
pretty hot ngl
I don't know I never tried; are you a faggot by any chance?
Why are reddit Asians the most unhinged nutcases out there?
They used to come troll European nationalist subs for no apparent reasons, except maybe anger.
top cuck, if he's going that fast she should be far more ecstatic
Remember when all those Dutch women got the big Japanese cocks during WW2 in the East Indies?
Oh, that's right. It was like 5 of them, wasn't it.
Remember when all those Japanese women got the big Anglo cock?
Alarm! r/asianmasculinity detected!
>Why does Asian cock feel so gooooood?
Because it's too small to hurt.
now you know why there's about 5 billion of those fucking nippers on the planet.
This is true, at least among Filipinos. My parents are ecstatic when my sisters or I date a white person, even if the person is a bad egg. Bring a black or hispanic person to a family get together though and you get disowned.
i cant fuck my wife like that, hurts her and she gets bladder infections. it sucks because i'd love to just pound away.
he fucks like he has lower back problems.
When wamen get in that position,you have a small pee pee
>Boards full of insecure white guys literally search pornhub to mass downvote amwf videos
Why do this?
What if we where all hybrids and they have extensive data on the 1000’s of combos and drill the idea there are only 7 races and your skins makes you 100% one race so you’d never dig into your 8 great grandparents shit and find out excatly what hybrid you are and the weaknesses and strengths you possess?
>t. Justadudethatwantstochill
I hate that commie faggot, too! He's been posting his bullshit in other threads as well!
lol, i have a 5 inch cock and i fuck exactly like this
Im gonna need a sauce mane.
>5 inch cock
thats pretty small
>OPs flag
what does this feel like
>hybrid you are
I'm Welsh m8
>makes him use a condom
nice hooker you got there
Asian girls never let their white BFs use condoms
asian incels are hillarious
that is a nice looking pussy
goddamn sweden you are so fucking gay
I'm really small and have an asian girlfriend
she's the only girl I've been able to make orgasm
her pussy starts oozing like crazy when i'm in her
never want her to fuck a big dicked man
that would ruin her tight hole forever
i don't know if i'm lucky or if all asian women are this tight
Sauce it Asian bro
Anyone ever think its weird that people want to fuck alot when their country is about to get invaded or they are gonna die? I could see it if I was happily married and loved someone but it just seems so weird. I think specifically I just wonder how someone can do something to try and forget their plight instead of making peace with their life or whatever
This isn't true among the Chinese or Japanese.
The Japanese are (or used to be) an extremely proud people.
When it comes to the Chinese, only the extremely poor or those without a respectable parents racemix.
the ringleader is an insane hapa
How is this thread still up wtf?
nigga, china is full of club sluts
same for australia, full of dirty race mixing chink whore club sluts
>without respectable parents
>>without respectable parents
that's like 90% of chinese people
Nowhere near 90%. It seems like it because China is fucking huge and a lot of people there are poor.
This guy’s face is so uncanny valley
you are all niggers
You said "and" like 7 times in a single sentence...Jesus fuck, go back to 2nd grade, you fag.
This is a Christian board, user.
Get ready to get b&
I can't believe it myself! These dumbfucks eat this kind of shit up with a spoon and then bitch because the board is so shit nowadays! FUCKING MORONS!
He looks like GGG's older, edgier, "school shooter" brother.
Is that jelly Bean?
>rote mission position
>in the roastie hole
>in c.2018
100% this. When I was dating my wife, she straight out told me that if I wore a rubber, we weren't having sex because it felt like shit.
She had an IUD in at the time so I was fucking set. We've been together for almost eight years now and any time I want a kid she just pops that thing out and we fuck every day until she's knocked up. When we're not trying for a kid, we're screwing every other day more or less. Blowjobs and anal when she's on the rag.
Boys, I fucking love my wife.
I am ashamed of being r*SSian wh*Te sl*V(e) subhuman
I want the YELLOW BULL to fuck my wife and me
he's got a Kazakh look about him for sure
Asian women prefer white men even to other Asian men.
nigga you ARE yellow
She doesn't want Asian kids! Lol
He actually doesn't look half bad, but I guess he's a self-hating cuckold (never heard of him).
>t. 4 inch cock
Nigga, youre more like a dwarf goat
Video looks like it is more about technique and that size doesn't always dominate (as are needed by some lesser species).
>tfw big dick so I know this feel
My gf would never be get in that position because she always wants to make sure I can’t go balls deep and if I get close she’ll start screeching. And she’s white so I’ve got really big peepee.
White women are for the CHADsian.
Post dimensions for comparative purposes
It doesn't take much dude. I'm 7" and I bottom out every time. I know it hurts her but slamming my cock into her cervix or whatever just feels so fucking good.
>tfw half anglo
my germanic genes are sullied by the eternal celt mutt
u gotta get a black gf, they love that
Cool story friend
Still gonna pound that yerrow pussy though
Had one ages ago, half nig, half poo. She fucked like draining my balls was an Olympic sport and she was going for gold. Funny enough, I met her on /soc/.
Because she just wants pounding meat on her clit.
so who makes these threads
look at op's flag
if you see an aussie flag it'll always be a chink behind the post
speed beats size everytime
That’s a slippery slope
lmao this is what dicklets tell themselves every night
cope, my boy, cope