Do you believe in reincarnation?

Do you believe in reincarnation?

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I like to thing so, but if I believed it sincerely, then I wouldn't be so afraid of death. I think that I believe in reincarnation but I probably do not.

Too many stories of kids remembering past lives to make me not wonder if it could be or not. It's nice to think that you don't need to believe in your mind at all times that some deity created us and that we can be judged based on our actions without being purged to some lake of fire all because I didn't take some clergymans word for it.

I'm not really an atheist tho, I just want to KNOW what the fuck is going on so I can best prepare for the next world.

What the fuck. I'm spooped

It makes more sense to me than life-death Semitic desert shit, but I don't really know. Most Indo-European religions only have the leading political figures, the royal family, explicitly reincarnated, and that's mainly tied to their association with the sun. I think it's a fair inference to make to say reincarnation like eastern Indo-euro religions have, universalized, was a late-stage development of thought.

I guess, kid is rodney dangerfield

So forever in the future
Shall I battle as of yore,
Dying to be born a fighter
But to die again once more.

>wow i look like every other down syndrome person born before in ancient times
>i must be a reincarnation of a billion people
said every down syndrome kid ever born

If it's real, I made a terrible mistake this time around.

There is no evidence that the brain generates consciousness.

Therefore, it's only logical to assume that consciousness survives the death of the physical body.

Nope. Or at least not yet. Otherwise I'd probably have an hero'd by now, as my way of hitting life's reset button.



of course
reply to me if you wanna know why

>Abscense of evidence for claim A, cloncludes that claim B is logical
What is your IQ?

you're retarded

Spoken like a true brainlet

It is easy for a good person to do good but difficult for an evil person to do good. This is all a test to show the capabilities our souls posses in the next dimension. Reincarnation is real but not as a means of living forever. It's used as a way to move onto the next test.

damn it's him

you're dumb


yes, but not the cow>human bullshit poo in loo's will try to sell you
If you're enlightened enough after death you get to choose to stick around or throw yourself back into a newborn and start again.
If not then you linger around until you forget you exist

does it have to do with the Infinite Variableness of the Function of Life, by which you assume the possibility?

I do, but not in the typical definition. Typically when someone thinks of reincarnation they think of the transmigration of a specific soul. I believe the self is an illusion, and thus cannot be reincarnated as is or was. Instead I believe we are part of a primordial soup, and that sometimes the soup clumps and then it doesn't, and it clumps again somewhere else in the soup.
I borrow this model from Alan Watts, so it's not entirely my own conclusion, but it's one I've been unable to truly argue against.

who uses names on pol

Do you believe in reincarnation?
Consciousness is the result of integrated information. For multiple incarnations of consciousness to occur there needs to be multiple, discrete instantiations of the necessary substrates for particular integrated information.

Consider this: your consciousness is incarnated NOW, at this very moment; this is an indubitable fact proven by the cogito. This incarnation has existed for at least the last few decades and will continue for at least next few decades as evidenced by your past and continued phenomenology. Is this occurrence a one off that just happens to be right now? I doubt it

very nice! Now explore Number as a Function of the Infinite.


heaven is being reborn a bird

hell is a fish, etc. underwater

dance like a white man!

I am little bit of a dreamer too user, sometimes i dream about worlds in which tripfags get sodomized to death



Energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed. When organisms die their energy is transferred back into the earth, to be recycled into something new.

We are nothing, we never existed prior to this point in time and never will after we die.

It doesn't matter. There is no way to prove it one way or the other.


Yes, the research into children's reported previous lives done by Ian Stevenson convinced me of it. Apparently people reincarnate back into their ethnicity, instead of randomly having one life in this continent, one in another, one in another species etc.

The reincarnation system of the Hindus and Buddhists isn't supported by it.

As we exist in our physical form, this is hell. We are in a fallen state. Satan is the ruler of this world. Nirvana is heaven, and hell is reincarnation. That's the theory I have lately.

brain is consciousness
mess up with smb brain and (unless he dies) he will get a different personality

brain rots after death

anyway our self despite our sense of self importance has objectively no more importance than a tree branch or a canadian

tldr; no reincarnation

>Evola gets reincarnated
>Starts reviewing hamburgers
Fuck man.

The closest we can get to a scientific and rational view on reincarnation is the fact that your DNA is passed on as an unbroken chain through your family.
The building blocks of our consciousness' manifestation in the material world is passed on to our children which pretty much makes ancestral worship the most reasonable spiritual practice yet.

This is why religious celibacy is practiced, to end reincarnation and becoming absorbed into the godhead.

Or, is reviewing hamburgers on youtube the ultimate form of riding the tiger?

Our future leader

True, I also dream about worlds in which newfags who can't differentiate a tripfag and a namefag get sodomized to death

>this. God probably knows that if some people know for sure that there's something after this life, they would've heroed.

Can you elaborate on this? Are you proposing that given the perfect conditions two humans can, theoretically, have the same exact consciousness?

Two humans can have the exact same experience. Take lsd with your brother and do something you're familiar with and your experiences will be exactly the same to the extent that it feels like your minds are fused together. In this state you can communicate with one another perfectly as you're effectively one concious unit.

I believe all european pagans believed in reincarnation

Im a bit on the fence though

I used to believe in sequential incarnation – i.e. that there are many lives but they are not experienced by one and the same soul or entity – when I was an atheist (from age 0 to about 22) and didn't think about existence and world that much, but now I believe in reincarnation.

If reincarnation is real that means we are all in hell

Good job you fucked up faggots

I would only want reincarnation to exist if it's race based. I'd prefer afterlife over living as a nigger

Yes. I believe in souls; and ultimately, I believe life goes in a circle; we live, die, live, die, live, die.

In Nordic tradition, we're part of a world tree. Upon death, our bodies go into hel (literally a cognate of hill, hull and hall; all words deriving from a single word for "Ground"). But what in the ground stays in the ground? Nothing; the body is recycled into the tree. Existence itself is recycled into the tree.

where do the new souls come from?