Has anyone seen this autism?
Has anyone seen this autism?
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A bunch of opportunistic kids want to have smoke weed day off as a school holiday.
Lel they won’t even #NameTheChan
They have to dogwhistle about Sup Forums
This is the power of Jewry
>Beg for government totalitarianism on Hitler's Birthday
I see your autism and raise you one spectrum.
4/20 brah
>High school kids want to ditch on 4:20
Degenerate teens will use any excuse to get stoned
>protesting guns despite there being bans on high cap mags, rpm limits on semi auto fire, ban on bump stocks, ban on trigger stops, ban on extended clips, ban on certain ammunition types, ban on automatic weapons, and magazine restrictions in most states all implemented in the LAST 6 MONTHS
>wont protest for ANYTHING involving mental health
i feel less bad about those high schoolers dying now.
I want to meme "home schooling is safer" so public schools and teachers get fucked.
ive seen spammers spamming here how the shooting was conducted by israel, so yes, i have seen autism
It's hitler's birthday,too!
Fat fuckin chance.
There have been 90 "mass shooting" (4 or more casualties in the last thirty years and these little pussies act like they are on the beaches of Normandy or the liberation of Fallujah. The emasculation is mindboggling.
Kids will either bandwagon for a chance to go get high and use the protest to get around the trouble they'll face for skipping, or nothing will happen at all. I see the latter happening personally
Niggers skipping school isn't a protest
>>wont protest for ANYTHING involving mental health
Or suicides, the leading cause of gun deaths, or domestic violence counseling/shelters/hotlines since domestic abuse is the third leading cause of gun death, not being a fucking bitch ass puss in high school.
Ah, I love it when kids skip school for a cause. I remember when a high school walked out in protest to the Iraq War in 2003, some reporter quizzed the kids with basic questions such as who the president of Iraq was or where Iraq was or why we were even invading.
Kids don't give a shit about anything except finding excuses to slack off and not go to school.
Can someone please explain why this is being called autism? What's the deal with always talking about autism on Sup Forums?
just retweet the shit out of it with #HappyBirthDayAdolf
its his birthday
Man, I would be on the fence about this if I still were in HS. Guns are good, but days off are good too.
>Mfw I'm allowed to carry on campus