Cuck/Nu-Male/Soyboy/Bugman/Liberal hate thread.
Cuck/Nu-Male/Soyboy/Bugman/Liberal hate thread
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>"there is no jewish conspiracy"
Haha! That's a quality fucking meme right there!
These threads get perpetuated by jews to divide and conquer.
They do it on multiple boards too
>Implying faggoty white soyboys aren't complicit...
Literally made up words
I saw a group of soyboys and a purple haired woman get into a kia soul today.
If America gets attacked in the next 20 years then we are doomed..:: It’s going to take 20 years until we can successfully raise real men
Unfortunately we will use drones and robots. The soyboys are raised to fight from hangers in the deserts thru video games.
What's the difference between Soy beans and regular beans?
Regular beans are the alpha male toxic masculinity dish, they are nutritious, easy to cook and make you fart like an elephant, all the rural folk who does hard labor eat mostly beans, that's why they call us beaners.
So WTF are soy beans?
All the enemy has to do is get one able bodied male behind the lines and he’ll cut through those soy fags like a hot knife thru butter
I remember when the internet was a liberal safe haven. Then the Russian bots took over, indoctrinated all the disaffected young males, and turned them into edgy alt-right school shooters.
Congrats on being this easy to manipulate.
Thats what the dykes and bull negresses are there for. They act like an offensive line.
grug like fire
long nose tribe trade fire for protection
dark tribe fuck wife to no attack long nose tribe
Grugberg want berries
Give berries because Holobunga
There is literally nothing wrong with consuming soy products.
go literally anywhere in the south and you wont find even one soyboy. i live in the midwest and we have them here, but they are far from the majority. i work at a large warehouse with nearly 100% male workforce and all of the forklift drivers and truckers there are dudes who get 0% screen-time on any device (including the e-jew) and go hunting and make their own deer jerky and shit. we are far from being a nation of soyboys. and besides, pussies are nothing new we've always had them. in times past they just didnt have nintendo switch
grug throw you in volcano
smoking a pipe is soy? why?
Golden posts
>mfw i am faced with this
that's a "bowl." smoking weed is soy
really now?
maybe it's a vore fetish
hes right, there are soy bi-products and concentrates that are highly damaging but shit like soy milk is fine actually
all words are made up, friendo
Please give me all the sciences you can find about the "negative affects" of the nazi bean.
>men's health
>"dr. axe"
>the general psuedo bro science
if you dont know that shit like soylent and the soy biproduct thats used in shit like lats chips are terrible for people then you dont know shit
soy beans are good tho
>Please give me all the sciences you can find about the "negative affects" of the nazi bean.
I said post sciences.
But just for soylent, pic related is some guy on thirty days of nothing but soylent.
I thought so, because I'm sure they don't exist.
Tobacco is high level jewry.
Also wtf is a lat chip
now THIS is powerful
there is literally nothing wrong with blacked
I am getting meme'd out of existence when I only asked for science papers
Processed shit
>Soy is ubiquitous in the American diet. Over a quarter of all infant formula sold is made with it
Processed and the JEWED with real cheap soy biproduct that mimics estrogen
im sick of seeing this shit it just disgusts me.
video link of this?
> Post picture of homosexual vegan
> Put him on soy diet
> Correlation vs. causation
Soy is for weak faggots, anything good from it can be derived from other products, it contains phyto-estrogens, it's only for Chinks because they have evolved with it for 1000s of years
Phytoestrogens are present in different edible plants being most abundant in soy; among others, they are used to compensate for estrogen deficiency in menopause. However, the estrogenic potential of phytoestrogens does not prevent from extensive use of soy in infant food and other foodstuffs as well as pediatric parenteral nutrition. Feminizing effect of phytoestrogens and soy products may be subtle, detectable only statistically in large populations; it can be of particular importance for children and adolescents.
In a case report on gynecomastia associated with soy consumption by a man it was noted that after the patient stopped consuming soy products, ‘his breast tenderness resolved and his estradiol concentration slowly returned to normal’ [33]. It should be commented that, being estrogen analogues, phytoestrogens may exert estrogenic effects on their own independently of the levels of endogenous hormones.
Is this soy?
This is about why babies need to be breastfed instead of given formula. In fact, I don't know whoever thought infant formula was a good idea. Get a fucking wet nurse if you can't feed your children.
Josh Helton isn't a vegan nor is he a homosexual, but nice try. He didn't change at all so I'm wondering why you're posting about correlation vs. causation like anything happened to begin with
Uno reverse card. Cancelled out.
you arent reading the articles so you wont read any articles
here, read this
Your article is about infant formula user.
This does not look human at all
If you read that study you'll know they only claim soy won't render you infertile.
The title of that study is unironic clickbait.
this one isn't bad but obviously this shit is suppressed and it selectively and in moderation isnt bad
the idiot prob had to pay to be on the course and didnt even realise that he directly supported da man
"In contrast to the results of some rodent studies"
> meaning there is evidence to suggest it will affect humans
"...although only 3 intervention studies were identified and none were longer than 3 months in duration"
> we didn't take the study seriously lol
In my study, it proves that soy can and will affect babies and adolescents. Though you cannot pinpoint any evidence that soy intake feminises men overall, it does promote estrogen and of course we have seen the evidence of what these faggots turn out to be.
The reason why this does not turn Asians into faggots is because they evolved with it, whereas soy is relatively new to white civilisations. Vegetarians are one thing, but vegans in particular don't even get enough fat and/or protein from things like eggs, butter, cheese... shit we've been eating for a long, long time.
Soy is shit and should be banned, in any case.
this fat fuk works at lowes lol
> findings from a recently published metaanalysis and subsequently published studies show that neither isoflavone supplements nor isoflavone-rich soy affect total or free testosterone (T) levels.
>no evidence from the nine identified clinical studies that isoflavone exposure affects circulating estrogen levels in men.
>Clinical evidence also indicates that isoflavones have no effect on sperm or semen parameters, although only three intervention studies were identified and none were longer than 3 months in duration.
>findings from animal studies suggesting that isoflavones increase the risk of erectile dysfunction are not applicable to men, because of differences in isoflavone metabolism between rodents and humans and the excessively high amount of isoflavones to which the animals were exposed.
>only render you infertile
>In my study, it proves that soy can and will affect babies and adolescents.
Yeah. enough with the FUCKING BABY FORMULA. I KNOW it's bad
Why? It is amazing what guys will do to get layed.
their wifes might get laid, they wont.
I'm willing to give you this if it's also mentioned that things like soymilk, raw soybeans, aka non processed shit, isn't within the "bad".
>protein from things like eggs, butter, cheese... shit we've been eating for a long, long time.
And dying from, apparently
fornication isn't important, tradition and family are
FINE, but then why even consume this shit ever? IT CAUSES MAN TITS FOR FUCKS SAKE
This thread is hate speech!!!!
That's because Americans are unhealthy fat shits, has nothing to do with dairy products exclusively. What a fucking shitty, throw the baby out with the bathwater argument. Yeah you're right mutt, we should start drinking Soy Pepsi. Fucking arsehole.
Holy shit, that's not even Gyno any more.