Your life hasnt really cjanged since he got elected has it? come to think of it your life has stayed the exact same for as many presidents youve lived through. how odd...
Your life hasnt really cjanged since he got elected has it...
my stocks are up 150% since the election, I got a pay raise, a huge tax deduction, and I now have actual insurance instead of Obamacare. Trump HAS made my life significantly better. I'm sorry you guys are stuck with this faggot.
Just knowing that someone's in office that pisses hamplanets off made my life a thousand times better than before, user.
I live in a constant state of fear since he has won the election and was inaugurated.
that's probably got more to do with your social retardation than Trump desu
I hope you get fucking deported.
my life is better but maybe it's because I have a fucking JOB. Company minimum was raised, large bonuses on the way, less taxes and pretty sure insurance rates will be going down by the end of the year.
A bunch of butthurt salty niggers and lefties is just icing on the cake
> (OP)
>my stocks are up 150% since the election, I got a pay raise, a huge tax deduction, and I now have actual insurance instead of Obamacare. Trump HAS made my life significantly better. I'm sorry you guys are stuck with this faggot.
this. my work is dependent on building new projects, and the company just slated a bunch of them. i got a promotion, i'm making almost twice as much all told. by the time these new projects are done, i will most likely have doubled my income again. i could realistically just retire before the end of his second term.
Actually I just got a new job that pays almost twice as much and I got a lot of pussy this year too so really I can't go with you on this. Maybe your life sucks because you're Canadian?
the left, with its weak, effeminate, alleged leader envies the American for its strong, alpha male President. While our economy is slowing doing a 180 towards prosperity, Trudeau is busy mandating proper pronoun usage.
I have less friends now
OP at the very least things are much more entertaining and Canada is still a country full of faggots. Please kill yourself.
This, also waste less time on "entertainment"- several artists have been exposed as fools. Those who labeled themselves skeptics and libertarians now look as bad as the SJWs they attempted to tear down. Sam Harris has also been exposed as a POS shill. I do like listening to him, I do agree with some of what he says-but he's still a fucking idiot. I take him as seriously as I take Hannity
As I non-American I'm most grateful that Hillary Clinton did not get elected who would have plunged the world into war, economic stagnation and mass censorship of the internet.
I am also grateful that someone has show it IS possible to stand up to the authoritarian far left. Hopefully this will inspire Europe to rise up.
I saw Kennedy shot live on TV. Was told the "Magic Bullet" story...What I saw was simply a "conspiracy theory" Nothing to see here...Yeah, my life has changed. I always believed my eyes, not what the "JokeMedia" told me...Trump is a no bullshit guy... So basically, eat a bag of dicks...try the Chinese mustard, helps everything go down better..
>crypto up
>libshits on suicide watch
>whites waking up
>gen Z getting indoctrinated
>economy improving
I actually got a job after being employed for a while, about 6 months into his presidency
Also been getting new job interviews too
I don’t think he’s going to save America, but I think he’s doing a breddy gud job
C'mon guys, help fuck the NWO. Please!
Problem is Saudi now has a Russian puppet.
>but Sup Forums MbS is friends with Israel
Oh fuck my narrative is busted
Shouldn't you at least put some effort forward? With work ethic like yours its no wonder we are pushing your shit in so hard.
It changed for the better
P.S. Kill Yourself
My take home pay is literally $700 a month higher because of this man. Get fucked leaf.
Thank God the Leafs have Castro's Drama teacher to lead de we 2 destroying their "country"
No life got worse because of obama and bush.
Tell the left that please. They won't shut up
It's actually changed A LOT for the better. 401k doubled, incomes up, factors like you are upset because they don't have a job at 32. Life is great right now. I'm on vacation in South Korea.