What the fuck has this nigger "invented"?
He didn't invent the Tesla, he didn't design any of the rockets for SpaceX like Von Braun did.
What does this little fuck actually DO
What the fuck has this nigger "invented"?
He didn't invent the Tesla, he didn't design any of the rockets for SpaceX like Von Braun did.
What does this little fuck actually DO
hes a scam artist with a government backed cult of personality
He makes more money than you.
What the fuck is that?
So do porn stars.
"You could tell its real because it looks so fake"
What flag is that
What the fuck do you do that's so great?
Nailed it. This guy's a modern day Edison. Taking credit for everybody else's hard work
He lucked out and invested all his money into a start up that got bought out and became Pay Pal.
Thats it...
He got lucky.
He sells visions but executes
Spacex photoshop
Proof SpaceX Changed & Edited Their Live Stream Falcon Heavy Launch
He knows his role in this simulation. He commits fully to it and reaps the rewards.
I was born in America unlike that faggot Musk amd yourself.
But he's a genius guis!
hes obviously charismatic enough to keep the funds rolling in, so let him go. the alternative is the engineers work for some other company and are still just faceless people behind scenes besides the occasional story in an engineering magazine. this saffer is being interesting and contributing to the fight to get off the planet
You know he is heavily involved in the design process of SpaceX's rockets right? he literally self taught himself rocket science by talking to the aerospace workers he hired. Also how do you 'invent' electric cars when it's literally just a battery pack and electric motor stuck on an a car axle?
I wish there were death penalties for being this stupid.
ISS is in LEO
The car has an apoapsis way into the asteroid belt. The altitude given for the car is plain BS.
>post hair transplant musk
pic related is the real musk.
He’s a boer, so that puts him higher than most
This nigger took 5 billion of government subsidies. He's a fucking fraud
Elon Musk is a chad in an industry full of cucked beta males, that’s why he’s so successful.
He's the modern day Thomas Edison
Did he have a nose job? and chin job?...wait what happened to the real musk?
real musk
>Typical 4chaner
fake musk
>full head of hair
>Suave and sexy
>Typical normie
W..was musk replaced?
He's part of a pathetic new cult of personality CEOs. Like Steve Jobs, like Mark Zuckerberg...
These people don't invent the shit they take credit for, but how they love engorging their egos like a fat diabetic at an ice cream bar.
In Nationalist Socialist Germany they put U-boat commanders and Knight's Cross winners on the front of magazines.
We look up to glorified salesmen and usurers--the jewish spirit at its finest.
>he literally self taught himself rocket science by talking to the aerospace workers he hired.
This may be the dumbest thing I've read on Sup Forums today.
I think he legitimately invented paypal but not sure about that. Don't really give enough shits to look it up right now but maybe check that out.
I learned how to write AI programs by talking to the technicians who program the Fanuc robot in the plant.
He's just another businessman
you're over a century too late
He's had a lot of work done
He has a very feminine personality, very obsessed with appearance
It was merged with X.com which was Musk's business. He had nothing to do with paypal.
he stopped eating soy.
>Web monkey
Pick one.
He had the dream
>Born in Pretoria, Musk taught himself computer programming at the age of 12. He moved to Canada when he was 17 to attend Queen's University. He transferred to the University of Pennsylvania two years later, where he received an economics degree from the Wharton School and a degree in physics from the College of Arts and Sciences. He began a PhD in applied physics and material sciences at Stanford University in 1995 but dropped out after two days to pursue an entrepreneurial career. He subsequently co-founded Zip2, a web software company, which was acquired by Compaq for $340 million in 1999. Musk then founded X.com, an online payment company. It merged with Confinity in 2000 and became PayPal, which was bought by eBay for $1.5 billion in October 2002
It's the goyim baby blood infusions.
Even if this were to happen, there's really no point.
He put a car into space...Wow, why didn't NASA think of that? Holy shit.
good for you!
Seriously this, I'm a robot engineer, meaning I can design a robot from the ground up that is pick the motors and sensors, wire the motors, wire a controller ie plc or micro controller, determine the materials needed for the robot aluminum steel and write the firmware. and program the robot.
IT's a mix of electrical, mechanical, computer and controls engineering.
this nigger only had to worry about programming which is only one aspect of my job.
Its all fake
Why fake this AT ALL????
EESA (Europeon NASA) fucked up their CGI, see 15:10
Reinforcement Learning.
I like dynamics in robotics, differential equations, in order to do kinematics.
Even Edison invented shit. Musk just had good PR.
Only uninformed retards call him that. Most people just know him as an entrepreneur.
kinematic equations are fun, especially when using them for mobile robots. mapping an area can be a fuster cluck in programming though.
He's very entrepreneurial in the way he sucks on government tit.
To be fair, Elon has a physics degree and he tried to study applied physics, it means that he understands some nuts and bolts of what the engineers do in his companies.
Do you mean particle filters for SLAM?
He told nerds star trek could be real so their boners blasted off into space.
>the rocket was a hologram guise
>all those people were in on it
Sure smells like flat earth in here.
To invent a device that can make a realistic hologram is not an easy scientific and engineering task as well. It requires knowledge of optics, quantum mechanics, etc.
Cash government checks, just like the rest of them but on a larger scale.
Another user pointed out you can see 2 sets of stars moving with the camera at 15:47
*as well = either
He is literally the number one welfare queen in USA.
He has never even made a single dollar profit. His whole business model is a massive sponge soaking up ever cent the government will give him.
pretty much, basically the way I was taught to map areas was to use probabilities that an area was an open space or a wall, or an object. assuming everything is 50/50 initially using LIDAR or Ultrasonic sensors to detect a wall and increase the probability that there is an object there.
In college we had had robots and we had to make them go through maps that were randomly setup. how well the robot did was basically our grades. Though I haven't had to do anything with mobile robots recently. mostly just industrial stuff with robot arms. I am interested in drones and have thought about building my own amphibious drone that can go in the water and in the sky. I've always thought that would be neat.
Nonetheless, if he can share his R'n'D achievements with the NASA or so later, why it is bad? Money is an ephemeral asset in comparison with knowledge which pushes the humanity forward.
I thought his Wiki said he dropped out.
I think that fluid mechanics may be useful for flying objects.
Yeah, I had to take that, I didn't like the professor in it though because he was a poo who could barely speak english. had him for Heat transfer too.
As far as I understand, he got physics degree in College of Arts and Sciences and dropped applied physics in Stanford.
he paid other people to make semi coherent ideas become real and preyed upon the dreams of others
Meme flag
He is a middleman for jewish money.
>He didn't invent the Tesla, he didn't design any of the rockets for SpaceX like Von Braun did.
yes but he funds the efforts to produce those cars and rockets
similar to how president Eisenhower didn't invent the concept of a national highway, but it's named after him because he's the one that was able to get the money for it
Von Braun himself depended on the government, he didn't build his own rocket company and make it economically viable
Musk has taken all the risk and keeps allocating money towards new things
the Merlin rocket engine was something literally sitting in some rocket scientist's garage as a side project until Musk came along with SpaceX
now it's one of the only American-made engines currently putting rockets in space
Self taught, lol, sure ans zuckerberg came up with facebook all on his own, goy
what a bum
But flamethrowers, user! Isn't this guy so cool?! He's gonna dig a tunnel under the 405 because he's tired of traffic! How awesome is that?! Doesn't it make you want to buy his products because he's SO COOL?!
I'm not sure, actually. It probably can make sense for jets which fly with high speeds but not for drones where air pressure, drag, etc can be neglected. In the other hand, a robot must react on wind changes and so on, you need to take into account velocity field at least.
i like it hehehe
carmacks a fucking faggot loser
Electric Vehicles are very old tech though, like 1800s tech. actually I believe they are older than ICE engines. They just got shitty mileage so they never caught on. Today they have the same issue of shitty mileage.
They need to run them on nuclear power. if cars ran on nuclear power we wouldn't be worrying about the jew oil in the middle east. OR the car running out of battery power stranding you in the middle of a blizzard.
He did most of the engineering and design. 80% of his workday is engineering.
You're right, electric cars were created earlier than cars with ICE engines.
How about he funds things that actually matter and makes peoples lives better?
>the Merlin rocket engine was something literally sitting in some rocket scientist's garage as a side project until Musk came along with SpaceX
Again, he's an investor. Von Braun didn't invest his money, he laid out essential plans for engineering how his rocket would function.
Musks's titles are completely unearned.
>run them on nuclear power
Like Iron Man
he's the leader. leaders don't invent shit but make people do stuff. trump didn't invent building big houses either but it successful in real estate. what else do you need to know, nigger?
You a fucking idiot, or this a coordinated shill? Been seeing a lot of shit threads about this guy lately.
To start, Space X rocket technology is proprietary to the United States. You can't even work for Space X unless you are a U.S citizen. Rockets that can either take us to space, or be used to implant nuclear warheads in our enemies assholes.
another question i would like to know is why conservative and the people who are always saying how good the marker and entrempesaiurs are ,why this people always critique when someone really exceed in what they are praying ,is like there is a limit of how succesful you can be ?
When I was in highschool I converted an old van to electric. But I used lead acid batteries, because lithiums are dangerous.
is simply envy?
A nutless chimp can put batteries in some shitbox and call it an electric car.
One that will work safely all the time, is efficient, doesn't look like shit, can be produced under cost and be manufacturable in a large scale... that's the tricky part.
Elon has shit loads of cash from PayPal and probably other shit from the dotcom era to invest, an engineer he is not.
the flag?
I read about that, in countries with expensive petrol such a conversion can make economical sense not just for fun.
Well, I'm just not as afraid of nuclear power as everyone else seems to be. I think nuclear power is the future. And I'm sick of being attached to the middle east because of the oil. But saying electric is the alternative is just silly, maybe hybrids, but hybrids still need oil. Natural gas would be a good alternative too. Anything to get off our reliance on Saudi oil. IT also irks me that we aren't taking advantage of the massive oil reserves in Alaska.
Paypal, and being richer than you.
>samefagging yourself
How am I envious of him when I blatantly point out examples of people who earned their titles, and am completely willing to point out other people who have also done more than I have?
Could it be you're simply insecure I'm criticizing your idol?
A subhuman like you cannot understand a person like musk. Go wallow in your shit, you pigfucker.
Natural Gas does not have nearly the same amount of potential energy as oil and pursuing that as an alternative fuel for cars is just silly.
Nuclear could be interesting though, but the whole problem with "car crashes" makes them a potential radioactive hazard.
no im not speaking about yourself is the mayority of conservative people share the same esquizofrenic behabiour ,
and i agree too a degree elon is a fraud but nonetheless its and apreciation nothing more
>Nuclear cars
I see nothing wrong with this.
That a fucking fairing separation, none of you can really be this retarded, it hurts so much
>Zuma Memele calling anyone a "pigfucker"
I had my laugh, you get your (you).
I mean the best mileage Musk could muster was 300 miles on one charge on his Model S. my Buick gets 600 miles on a full tank. I could drive twice as far and it doesn't take as long to refill the tank as it does to recharge the batteries...not to mention I live in Michigan which is one of the coldest states in the US. the heater would kill the mileage.
i only respect the warrior not a salesman