Buyfag Thread

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Why did they do this? Both of them look terrible.

Because they can and they know fans will buy them

3rd for IKEA Is literally empty space with cardboard

I never said anything about IKEA though. I wonder why that first guy got so mad. All I said was display cases. Never anything about getting them from IKEA.


>expecting someone to know the random names of IKEA products

She's out

we buy?

Nice butt, nice tits, nice thighs, not a fan of the FUCKING GREEN pantsu

>Not knowing of Klingsbo, probably the third most popular poorfag display case
>Not recognizing the name as sounding like something that came from Ikea
Many things were missed.

Why so many Gwendolyns?

I can get the Taiga figure with the short shorts and the tail and cat ears for 55USD, no extra face no extra tail. Should I do it?

Odin's Sphere's Saber

Thats damaged

I never said anything about Klingsbo either? do you just not realize that "like that" doesn't necessarily mean "exactly that"? or are you just that autistic

Hair looks a little too gray instead of white. Still waiting for A2 figure though.

yeah, but undamaged goes for 3x as much, and that's really the only damage i can find

Undamaged complete and boxed you mean

And who knows what other BS includes .

Not worth it imo, either pass or get a good condition one


The pantsu is a miss yeah, the tightening under the butt was the lewdest part. Also her pose look kinda awkward without her clothes.
I still feel tempted though.


Does anyone own her? And if you do how bad does she lean if at all.

I imagine it would have some sort of metal wire running through it like the prototypes, that's a very risky base because it's not under the center of mass.
Unless they packed her backpack with osmium or something.

DFC sideboob with cute dress > naked regardless of the stupid arm pose.

Am I the only one who isn't bothered by her panties? I really like how her hair is painted, as well.

What is your cutest figure buyfags?



Thoughts?, she's finally out


retarded chestplate



Could the whore figure on top be removed?

No, but her legs are flexible.

Her pantsu are really cute.

i don't know what's with the trend of some figures having big anuses.

that's a missed opportunity, the multi-headed dragon could be used as a mound ride by other figs

They like to stick the toothpick all the way in.

Does anyone want a cat? I'm sick of her.

Is armor with tit holes part of the plot?


You deserve this hell.

What would it take for you guys to consider buying figures from an unknown/new brand?

I can see someone asking for SAL Shipping this cat

A promising prototype, 6+ months lead time and probably a relationship with a known company ( distribution, nearby booths, etc)

I'd wait until it gets released,

>owning pets, which serve no purpose and are a constant drain on time and resources which could be better spent buying more chinese plastic figures
I'll never understand pet owners

I wish your father would have thought the same about having kids.

yeah those breasts look silly, still it's the best figure of her so far.

Kids are objectively superior to pets. I don't even want any and I know that. You can't make your pets endure unpaid labor in Chinese sweatshops to make more plastic figures for you.

A good prototype. Like if you asked me what I thought about Manasmodel a year ago or so I'd probably tell you to bugger off. But after seeing shit like or my answer would be something along the lines of "That looks quite fine".

I wish your father would have thought the same about having kids.

>A good prototype.
Not enough, you are mixing handcrafted limited edition runs with mass produced products.

Fair point, but I'd much rather wait and see what it could look like in a best case scenario than throw the money in right away. Not that you can do that anyways. After you see a decent amount of prototypes and final products you sort of develop a feeling for how things are gonna turn out. Though some manufacturers are less consistent than others.
Probably has the best way of going about it.

That I was objectively superior to having a pet? Yes, that's the point.

I'd wait until release. I remember first seeing Union Creative put out prototypes for all sorts of series that were otherwise ignored. Boy, am I glad I waited until I saw pictures from the unfortunate buyers.

That you should be working in a sweatshop instead of posting here.

Is Zenmarket worth using over Buyee for YAJ?

found someone who sells the hat from pic related if anyone is interested

fuck off

>Got 3 figs in the mail
>Panicking over whether to open them or not to display them because of collector value

What do I do? I got a bunch of mooks/artbooks too but I bought them knowing I'm gonna read them/study them so I don't mind opening them but figures are different.

you can't post that here, delete your post.

>wearing a shitty forced meme


>he can't multitask
If you can't make your own figures and shitpost at the same time, you're not living your life correctly.

Buy two copies, one to display and one to keep for resale. Problem solved.

They're all sold out. I'd have to play hardball with the stingy NEETs over at Amazon auctions.

I will never understand keeping them in the box. My friend does the exact same and I feel that it's a complete fucking waste of money. Reselling I can understand, you can put a decent price on boxes that haven't been opened. But those things were made to be displayed, you're denying them their purpose.

She looks precious.

Hat sucks but I like that taiga patch

>out there, thousands of waifus are locked away in dark dingy closets, trapped in a cold plastic prison. Never to be seen or admired for their beauty.
should be a crime.

I use the excuse of "when I move and have enough space I'll display them"

Still not any closer years later

The stars would have to align for me to preorder. It would need to be cheap, have a good prototype, be of a character I like that isn't likely to get anything else and be based on solid original art. Staff from established companies working with them would be nice too. Otherwise it's just not worth it to jump in on pre-orders until they've proven themselves with not just one but a few figures.

Realistically, if the figure gets so damned rare that people will flip their shit just to buy it, having a preowned figure with the box will still net you some good money.

I've been told that there's something wrong with me keeping pic related in their boxes.

I think the pleasure I get from buyfagging is just knowing that I own the figures. Displaying them doesn't really do anything for me anymore.

My friend just has a fucking shitstack of boxes somewhere in a corner in his flat. All of them mint, he bought the Reika fig a couple months back and it's still in the box. He absolutely refuses to display them his only argument being that "it lowers their value".
Don't even bother buying if you're not gonna display, you're potentially locking up someone's favorite character with your collector autism.

>"it lowers their value"
Do people who say this ever even plan on selling, or is this like hoarders who say "but I might need it some day!" as an excuse to never get rid of their stuff? Thye just keep everything hidden away and never do anything with it.

Rate my collection.

>I think the pleasure I get from buyfagging is just knowing that I own the figures. Displaying them doesn't really do anything for me anymore.
So you hate money and space?

Needs more horns and knife ears.

This is the old collector anecdote. These same people would seal the thing in a vacuum chamber or in a jar filled with the air from the workshop the original was sculpted in if they could. I understand not getting rid of the box because whatever, but there should be a limit.
They're all yandere for the stuff.

I never noticed the cat jumping out and pushing her skirt up. Cute

I could really only understand this kind of autism if you were a Japanese collector, or at least a someone living in japan.

He's Chinese.

as in lives in china or is just a Chinese person?

I always throw away the boxes unless the art on it is particularly cute. That said, I am nervous about moving soon. I don't regret saving space, but I will have to think carefully how I want to package them.

>I understand not getting rid of the box because whatever, but there should be a limit.
The boxes have been pretty helpful for me for multiple cross country moves. They're beat to hell but they've protected the figures, which has been nice. Now that I live in NYC, they're both a blessing (moving a few times within a few years is common here) and a curse (any place I look at has to have enough storage space for them).

touhouvania version when

He's a Chinese person. I wouldn't really blame it on nationality though, I've seen Americans do the same thing, French people too.
Hell, I'm pretty sure there's a Dexter's Laboratory episode where they parody this type of obsessive collection.
Makes sense yeah, haven't thrown mine either since I'm planning on moving sometime next year.

This one?

Does anyone else get bothered that their collection is a hodgepodge of figures?
I like the figures individually but as a collection I am just not too happy with it. Maybe I have no taste in how to display them. Maybe the higher quality figures are making the lower quality figures look bad?

>He's a Chinese person.
ah, to be clear I meant a Japanese national living in japan. I just don't see the kind of re-sale market where you could buy a figure, and hold on to it for a very long time to resell it later outside of Japan. And even in the States (or elsewhere) i'm sure there are few people that would really care if it was factory mint as opposed to just well taken care of.

I think that too many figures in the same place look bad.
That's why I would never buy a detolf. I just have my few figures across some shelves, or on my desk. I keep my swimsuit Alter Nero on my desk for example.

Yup, that's the one. I'm actually surprised it was Dexter's Lab and not some other cartoon, I haven't seen any of the older ones in over a decade.
That's what confuses me the most.
I remember the guy that dropped his Deep Sea Miku in a fish tank and it looked fantastic. I know I'm pulling out some preserved autumn leaves when my Shigure arrives, maybe you should try experimenting with backgrounds or such?

I've always felt the opposite: that figures on shelves and desks looked kind of tacky. But to each their own, of course. I'm sure my display (I have Detolfs in white, for some ridiculous reason) looks like shit to other anons.

Maybe you should trying displaying them in different places if possible or arranging them in a particular order. If you're trying to cram everything together it's not surprising you might feel that way.

Definitely. It'd be better if I could group them by theme or motif but for some I just don't have enough that go together and display space is an issue.

Can't decide between Mai and Galko. At least both of them have the same sized boobs in Nendo form (although in scale wouldn't be out of the question, either).

>Maybe the higher quality figures are making the lower quality figures look bad?
I display prize figures separately from the scales and on the lowest level of my display cases, which helps a little. I think that if you collect more characters from the same series, things can also look thematically cohesive. I have all of my Alter/Altair Tales figures on the same shelves, which keeps them from looking too out of place, in my opinion.

I'm going to be in trouble when my next few orders come in, though, since I'll be running out of space. I'm currently in the market for a roommate who's cool with me putting some shit in the unused living room: if not figures, then maybe some of my books and shit.

Are you in the UK?

It'll look alright, right?