Iceland's first rabbi

Guess what's he up to...

Other urls found in this thread:

Yup, just like clockwork

Jews are fucking ugly. No wonder they hate everything.

They don't even hide it at this point. They're getting very aggressive with the whole thing.

He needs to be destroyed.

Im surprised he's not making them get their dicks snipped. Fuck that rat.

it only took 6 days

The man has a busy schedule, you can't expect him to waste time beating around the bush.

kill it with fire and babbys too!

sucking baby dick?

That's fake, there's no link to the article


This makes me angry

post link to article.

A simple Google search.
(Please leave Sup Forums & never return faggot)

Article doesn't seem to exist on Icelandic Monitor's site. Slide thread.

The Icelanders have already startet making snip-snip illegal for anything but medical emergencies, no exemptions for religions.

How did he get a wife like that?

unironically put a knife in his heart in broad daylight or end up like europe and america. just do it ffs


Open Borders for Israel
Diversity is our strength

I think he was more interested in verifying the second article than the first


fucking deport the kike

Hide it? They embrace it as a badge of honor, my dude. The Jews love to boast about how their plight throughout history has been the inclusion of morality into varying different societies, as if they're voice and pioneers of morals. They love to talk about how they stand hand in hand with those who feel "injustice," and work towards "equality."

It is precisely why I despite the rodents.

Almonds, etc.

No luck

I'm talking about the second article, every reverse image search just links to the first article. I also searched Icelandic Monitor's archive, and the second article does not exist. This is bait. You've been had.

Fuck refugees and fuck Jews too.

He's talking about the second article, it's fake.

No fuck jew pendejo

How does he even speak Icelandic?

They are couterattacking.

Can someone edit this photo together with the other one with a nice catchline on it?

Yep, fake

Plenty of real underhanded Jewishness going on in the world guys, no need to make up more

Your taxes.


Second article???!!
Ok fair enough. Nonetheless.

Searching "jew Iceland confirms the initial premise of the thread...

Another instant classic:


The fact that it is fake makes it more true.


Yes fine.

Search Iceland jew etc Iceland rabbi
Lots of info confirming.

God this is tedious.

>Reddit spacing

bait? do you think jews need to pass a local language test in order to set up shop? the absolute state of this board.

this rabbi should be monitored 24/7, if you don't think he is there to turn iceland into america you have learnt nothing from this board and will be joining him in the volanco. screencap this that rabbi is openborders just like all jews. BASED STEVEN MILLER THE KILLER THRILLER DACA GRILLER *hurr durr speaks in american*


This is unbelievable.
Fuck you pol, you're always right.

Get it the fuck out of there NOW Iceland is not retarded are they?

scary thing is, we STILL won't do anything about it

That's the fucking thing, they always bitch about how they are constantly driven out of countries, but if they fucking just stopped trying to subvert them or change the values of their host countries in all likelyhood they would have lasted way longer in many countries

Jews don't like Iceland apparently



WTF, I thought that was the last safe place.

My country's capital doesn't have a rabbi either
Some kike from Trieste manages the ten or so kikes in my country

>muh freedom
>censored search engines


A jewish fire?

I firmly believe that if the Kikes didn't involve themselves in these kind of activism, they would probably be accepted as much as Irish and Italians in America as being part of the white American identity. but it's not good enough for the Kike, he just loves to remind you how he's different while he wrecks the society

it was real in my head tho

That's why they have to be killed. Every single one of them. Even the "ok" ones. It's in the blood. It's a disease.

enough with jewish bullshit!
if they want refugees let Israel take them all
fuck jews telling sovereign countries what they should do
jews are people who made worst decision in history ever - they killed Jesus, why should we listen to those lying bastards? why should anybody?

fagbook . com/jewishiceland/

tell him how you feel about this

Whod have thought

A legal solution to Jews...
Just ban circumcision in your state/ province/territory.

>underrated solution

Not even a week has passed...

Fake news, this article doesn't exist

Shocker. Who could of seen this coming, right pol.

what's the Jewish population there?

You don't need a rabbi if no Jews live there. He's gonna preach to himself and his family?

My Sunday. Ruined.

like fucking clockwork, every god damn time.

Why are they so obsessed with child genital mutilation?

// NOTICE // // NOTICE // // NOTICE //

This is photoshopped. It can't be found on neither the Icelandic nor English website.

Don't get baited by /leftypol/ and other shills into promoting fake images. There is enough bad shit in the world for us to attack, we don't need to waste energy on fake articles.

Shills are tryingto spam us with fake images in order to destabilize the board and to push Sup Forumstards to spread "fake news" on social media for them to capitalize on by pointing it out afterwards.

// NOTICE// // NOTICE // // NOTICE //

They just won't stop


Who gives a shit desu. We all know why the jew is in Iceland. We all know why Iceland has responded by banning circumcision. The dynamics at play are apparent for all to see on pol.

The normie retards are too brainwashed to understand it either way. "Muh human rights should also apply for rapefugees!"


That is fake, the typeface doesn’t match the website and is slightly off, also no link.

Fake, we've been through this already.

>We all know
Yes we do; and the most likely scenario is that this guy will start shilling within the year.

But you're missing the point.

MSM and lefties are attacking Sup Forums hardcore for being "fake news trolls". We don't need to give them ammo. We don't need to give them actual evidence of us pushing things that are demonstrably photoshopped. And we sure as fuck are losing composure if we allow leftypol to simply come in here, openly post fake shit with the clear intention of setting us up and still taking the bait because we get sloppy.

OR.... (((someone))) shut it down

fake news no link

this is correct

guarantee no jews

>so easy to get rid of jews

fucking jews

Why do Sup Forumstards believe these faked screenshots?

This kike is going to demand Iceland take in thousands of refugees? The country only has 300K people. Iceland needs to remove the Jews from their homeland just like they were forced out from that Guatemala village a few years back. They were kicked out

'Asatru' was the norse pagan religion of the vikings (think Dungeons & Dragons/L.o.t.R.) before "Judeo"-Christianity & now Judaism were exported to Iceland. Only thing missing is a big MOSQUE with a cantankerous pro-jihad/pro-sharia Sunni Imam.

with any luck in another week he will be deported from Iceland and the cycle will have come full circle


long nose tribe kicked out of cave this many
really makes grug think

Lot of fresh baby boy meat to munch on in Iceland