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Clam digger
The shooting was fake and gay.
__Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School False Flag Timeline__
+Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a second high profile shooting in their county and meet to select date/time. ( archive.is
+Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter". They leave him in place to become the patsy. ( archive.is
+Teachers receive training and are notified a simulated incident will occur. ( archive.is
__Feb 14__
+Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning. ( youtube.com
+Cruz shows up on campus via an Uber Taxi for unknown reasons.( archive.is
+Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus. ( youtu.be
+Alexa Miednik sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus. ( youtube.com
+For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
+Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle. ( See Alexa Miednik interview above ).
+Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the patsy.( archive.is
+FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home. ( archive.is
__Feb 15__
+Cruz is presented with a plea bargain that will let him avoid the death penalty and avoid and real investigation/trial. ( archive.is
+Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide even though he has not killed anyone.
__Feb 16__
+Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime. ( archive.is
women with shaved heads are always legitimately nuts
opinion discarded
The president is in control of everything and can change all the laws he likes and it's his fault that criminals exist!!!
yeah they are now politicizing children again to push an agenda. but why use a butch lesbian with a shaved head as the spokesman? people's first thoughts are not gonna be "oh that's sad" but rather "why is her head bald?"
What a big girl being used as a slave actor for political gains. When you're enslaved to a Jew, you become them.
9/10 would fug
>would need to see her feet tho
Why should I give a shit if they get shot?
This user gets it.
>shooting survivor
You mean someone who was no where near the people that got shot and knew no one besides passing them in the hallway that got shot.
Isn't she the girl from V from Vendetta?
What's wrong with being happy that some men were true heros? Trump loves people truly do god's work he doesn't dwell on negativity just ambition and power
>Mass shooting during Obongo’s Presidency
>Blame congress for not taking action
>Mass shooting during Trump’s presidency
>”Fucking Drumpf it’s all his fault, literally Hitler”
She isn't the only bitch crying. Lulz
Seriously fuck deumpf!
Most people saw another LGBT, leftist mouthpiece and turned the channel. The shaved head dyke look doesn't resonate with non liberals.
This, they couldnt pay a white girl to cry about this?
What sort of concentration camp look is that
Home school and get rid of future democrats
The plan is to have white people kill themselves first before the 2nd amendment gets repealed.
Mean while the shills are trying so hard to hide the fact that the reason the shooting happened was because the FBI fucked up and ADMITTED that they fucked up and didn't follow their own procedure.
I think it's brave that she spoke up despite her cancer.
Quit being pussies and turn in your small-dick compensation toys you fucking troglodytes. American kids are dying while you play with your toys.
the public is starting to realize this but the left will continue doubling down until the party as an entity ceases to exist. their funding is down to critically low levels and the public is going to vote Trump back in 70/30 if they keep it up.
>women are always legitimately nuts
fixed it for you
Honestly, where were all the teenage girls villifying their president over the same issue 2 years ago? Apparently all school shootings are caused by the president, how come Obama got away with it?
Blame big pharma, I guarentee cruz was on SSRI's.
stranger things is popular right now, the leftists always use pop culture imagery for sub conscious programming
La Creatura.
Democrats are only really succeeding at turning me from a moderate liberal into an increasingly callous individual.
Their bullshit doesn't work on me. I see what they're doing. Anyone with half a brain sees what they're doing.
god damn the left really picks some fucking gems to represent their agendas
I think the more realistic approach here is to ban school.
get a hair cut you fucking hipp-
wow she actually did it! the madwoman
Uncovered David Brock drones
The left can't stop themselves. You don't just wake up and stop being drama queens.
imagine being a white slut who just fucks with people
>that image
please god tell me that's real
Using ur pic related on Normie sites, I hope you don't Kimmel about it!! It's for a good cause.
>some ugly pos confused male girl crying
>shave head too
Wow, this is the power of liberals and democrats. Might as well give her pink purple hair and some cistransbraptxxuz support badge. No one is going to give a shit except for the zombified zombies.
>vote trump back in
I mean Trump isnt the demon that leftists paint him as, but he isnt the fucking god emperor either.
He acts like a fucking clown and lost a lot of his supporters, so I really doubt he will be re-elected.
Rather I see it more likely that a more competent republican that can deal with the Democrats takes office after Trump.
take. my. rights. NOW
> but he isnt the fucking god emperor either.
hooolllly FUCK did i just read that horse shit
I've become pretty callous too.
All these kids involved have turned out to be annoying as fuck with their live streaming, virtue signaling, prepared statements, social media BS, etc.
It made it impossible for me to sympathize from the start, because I knew this shit was going to happen.
Everyone stop what you're doing and listen to the batshit crazy bald shaven teen/woman. She must be right because she's crying. Welcome to 2018...
So was the shooting real or not?
you only see what they want you to see. he's actively making the lives of the average citizen better, but it gets no publicity. if Obama had accomplished even half of what Trump has, he would be looked at as a deity. As it is, the powers that be want him gone so bad they absolutely CANNOT admit any of his triumphs. He really is looked at as a God-Emperor by those of us who he's helped. We're tired of globalist ultracapitalist interests taking precedence over our nation's wellbeing.
Come move to Portland, there’s so many of them imagining it becaomes quite easy. Fun to pump and dump when you know their game though. Whores.
Democrats turned me from a left leaning live and let live to hard right libertarian, complete with hippity hoppity git off mah property
oh i know i live in SoCal
>ugly brown troglodyte from the prejurassice era in front of the camera
This is how you know this shooting was a false flag set up.
One, the ugly ass creatures like this did not get shot.
Two, this is figurehead these morons picked for an emotional plea? I bet everyone iis thinking why is this balding digglet didnt get shot
notice how it's all hwites, that have "proper enough" english or crappy english because they are not all that good at english yet somehow in the u.s. doing normie english shit to sound compassionate? otherwise it's some annoying normie sjwhorerrior
These "disasters" are normie faggot shit
You hit the bullseye, faggot!
Can't stop laughing, what do?
Trump's tweet about suspecting McCabe will not make it to his pension date becomes even better now!!
NVM, I will just continue laughing as originally planned.
The west coast really would be a perfect place to live if they all suddenly vanished
but what is their game?
Lmao this kid
Guess what that girl was jew in the movie and in real life
oh yeah then i could swim in mestizos
lol stupid lezbo short haired bint
>Defund mens mental health programs and chastize men for everything wrong in the world since the late 1900s
>100 years later men finally have enough of being shit on by idiot normies and thots
>in the last 10-20 years mens health has taken a drastic dive directly due to femenism, 3/4 homeless are men, 1/2 of men are underemployed even more underpaid
>finally get sick of all this and sjw femenists shitting on them and the ((Shootings)) start
Pure, unabashed narcissism to the highest degree.
>listening to a woman with a shaved head
People were shot and killed. It DID NOT happen the way we are being told, FWIW.
I play counter strike daily. You are lucky I don't have real awp in my home.
I meant get rid of all the liberals, I like my gun-totin’ redneck keystone-lovin’ white girls.
>American kids
Sure don't look American, or even a kid for that matter.
Her face tell many story.
She is soon going to dump that dude even if he is black.
>American kids are dying while you play with your toys.
I refuse to get rid of my swimming pool.
How is this Trump's fault? Is she angry he didn't come to the school and stop the bullets with his mind like she probably thinks Obama did in her twisted dyke mind?
They’ll try to wear you down, make you feel worthless next to them.
Use humor. Laugh when they try to subvert your natural superiority. Poke fun at them, but playfully; smartly, just enough to show them you’ll always be above them.
Do not chase them. Give them enough, but then remove interest and attention. The DENNIS system is actually a pretty good rough outline, albeit comically exaggerated.
Pretty much
Milo put it best
>demonize boys and men, treat them like absolute shit and like crminals, invade and destroy their hobbies, and then you act surprised when they lash out or have such issues?
Women and their enablers ruin everything
Ignoring all the other factors, at the end of the day Guns>random urbanite kids
Why couldn't she have been shot?
Excuse me, zhir or whatever sorry
poor Cruz
Correction white women, jews and african american CUNTS ruined women and men
& Brain Aids
it'd be nice if anyone that mattered was covering this
people died, let's use this against Trump :)))
i hope more people die soon cause i'm a good person ^-^
Pro tip: Don't trust Hispanics with your gun rights. You would think that coming from shit holes where they're rights are oppressed by people with guns that they would exercise that right here. Nope. They're so fucked up because all they know are cartels and dictators use guns, so guns must be bad.
Why the fuck do we care what she says? She doesnt even have hair.
>Betas asking Alphas to turn in their guns
How about no
The educational system is to blame, it needs a total overhaul, BOTH to protect students and to improve educational standards.
Yeah that is why they are stupid and it has nothing to do with their IQ......
since all the liberal rage and nagging about gun control, I feel less sympathetic towards them.
they're getting annoying and in your face.
Pretty soon people will start calling for the psycho to get pardoned.
First hand advocate of this('tll HS then I went Private 98% Cracker HS but, I digress...) just make sure you find MANY other ways for your kids to learn social skills and I would 100% recommend. But, only if your wife is worth a shit, obv..
if one of those kids or teachers had a gun, they could have stopped him
You can repeal amendments.
Good post
yeah blame it on trump