>Australia banned guns
>No mass shooting since
Explain why you need 2A in the current year. inb4 "SHALL" memes
>Australia banned guns
>No mass shooting since
Explain why you need 2A in the current year. inb4 "SHALL" memes
Other urls found in this thread:
>anti-gun thread number 433
Newfags learn how to not bump threads
>Australia let in lots of muslims
>Terrorist attacks skyrocket
>Let in Sudanese
>Carjackings and home invasions skyrocket
I'm from Libya you stupid Amerifat.
real simple B
>multiple massacres since then with other means such as arson
>more mass killings since then than nations like canada,czech republic, switzerland, etc all of which have much laxer gun laws
Australian population: 25 million
Predominantly white
US population: 327 million
73% white
Because Australians are literally retarded.
Your a meme faggot, hail hitler 1488.
1 more proxy to filter, thanks!
australia never had the right to bear arms written into their constitution you nigger
To shoot shitskins like you
>Americans should be cucks like Australians and meekly surrender their guns to the goverment
No thanks.
we don't have blacks. they do.
it's good that australia banned guns, i rob servos once a week and there's no guns to stop me
There are more firearms in Australia than before the Port Arthur massacre
>>Australia banned guns
>>No mass shooting since
Bruh, I have some bad news....
>Have a fucking wall of water around us
>gun nut invokes 2nd amendment
>Okay you can have all the guns they had in 1776
Problem solved
>73% white
try 50%. "white" hispanics are not white, and illegal aliens are not white either.
So it doesn't count as a mass shooting unless a white kid does it? Gotcha.
>>Australia banned guns
>>No mass shooting since
>Explain why you need 2A in the current year. inb4 "SHALL" memes
Explain why mass shootings are a real problem
Guess we'll ignore Bikies doing drive bys and in some cases getting the wrong fucking house or even the Lebanese Bikies who will shoot you for literally nothing. face it Aus is fucked it's what America would be like if they had no guns
Australia is an island with only 20 million people.
America is a mainland continental country with 320 million people (including tons of niggers and spics).
Thats why faggot.
The US should ban non white, that will solve the Problem just as well.
Australia banned handguns and full auto rifles.
You can easily get a shotgun.
"We still got our guns cunt"
To potentially overthrow the government if it becomes over draconian and starts trying to take away rights.
>>No mass shooting since
Other than all those mass shootings that they don't count because it makes it look like they threw away their firearms for no reason.
>Australia banned guns
>No mass shooting since
Lets see if the enrichment they've been receiving changes that
>guns they had in 1776
you should use one of those to kys
>guns banned in Australia
What's it like being retarded? I can go shooting whenever I like you dumb fuck.
>port arthur was a false flag
>specially ordered morgue truck able of carrying 22 bodies was brought into the country just a week before and never used again since
Yeah nah its obviously fucking fake
Cuckstralia is the BIGGEST nanny state in the world
>No right to free speech, hate speech laws out the ass
>Need a license for fucking air rifles
>Need a fucking license for paintball guns
>Need a license for crossbows
>Airsoft is banned
>LASER pointers over 1mw are banned (effectively banning the vast majority)
>Fucking YO YO WATERBALLS are banned
>Novelty toy-like lighters are banned
>Smokeless tobacco is banned
>Toys containing beads are banned
>Need a helmet to ride a fucking bicycle
>Plain packaging on cigarettes
>Absurdly high taxation on alcohol and cigarettes
>E-cigarettes are banned
>Many violent games and movies banned or censored even after the R18+ certificate was introduced
>feral species problem because of gun laws
I'm all for giving us shit because of our shitty gun laws but that's just untrue
>liberal nut invokes 1st amendment
>Okay you can have all the press equipment they had in 1776
Wow, so this is the power of straw.
62 percent
Post sources for any of that shit
I just feel that whatever the government is able to use on it's very own citizens, the citizens should be able to use themselves.
These are great ideas. I've forwarded these links to my mayor and senators
US is 62% white
Not counting jews, spics or muds
memes are more than just images.
We have a proud tradition of school shootings.
Another example. The transgender hormone therapy and treatment thing has fucking exploded lately. Once the idea is out there it spreads like a cancer.
So think about how you kill a meme.
Now apply that same logic to mass shootings.
Bingo you've solved the mass shooting problem.
>in case you didn't figure it out it's over saturation
>we have to have so many mass shootings that it becomes cliche and boring
Puckle Gun was an assault weapon invented in the early 1700s.
2A is there to keep our government in check. We see what they do to shitholes around d the world.
Explain to me the AUS gun ban... was having guns a constitutional right for them before the ban?
Banning things doesn’t work (see:war on drugs)
>USA is the #1 world superpower
>Australia is a cucked nation nobody even cares about
I'm sure there's much more than this. But at least we don't need a pond and TV license.
You cant stop technological advancments, that includes firearms.
The 2nd amendment isn't even respected. It is heavily infringed upon. The reality is Americans have guns and Americans will kill anyone that tries to take them, and that will never change.
niggers are the root of the problem.
They are the only reason we have so many guns.
They all have guns
So we feel like we need to have guns
So everybody who has a gun spreads the funness of guns around until pretty soon you have more guns than people.
Get rid of the niggers and the gun problem solves itself.
You're not a real country. Besides, Libyans should understand why a population shouldn't be unarmed.
>So think about how you kill a meme.
>Now apply that same logic to mass shootings.
No it fucking does not work like that, as long as
a) The media glorifies it(as in everyone in the country knows about it, it gets tons of news coverage, you get a fucking message in your phone if you have news turned on)
b)Mental illness exists where people enjoy hurting others or have anger issues/don't care for anyone and hate them etc.
There's always gonna be mass shootings everywhere.
I thought that place was like mad max by now? Do people really still live there? How is society functioning? The government has been non-existent since we bombed you, right?
Isn't it just mass anarchy and rival tribes/gangs fighting over oil platforms?
I’ve been thinking about this a lot.
Within the constitution there is enough for EVERY American to live safe, happy and healthy life.
Australia does not have wise founding fathers who founded nation on prayer and treaty.
Australia is nation of convicts, it is very good we have gun control over here we do not need them/have the right to freedom America has. Australia needs to work together with indigenous. Unique opportunity. Unique nation.
We do not need to push our laws on America. We need to respect them, and pray for them.
New Law is not the answer in this case for America, pray for return to founding fathers.
just ban dying
>Australia bans guns
>jews no longer stage shootings because the people are disarmed
>America refuses to ban guns
>jews stage more shootings
There's your answer,retard.
Massacres in AUS after they took away their guns.
AUS Government report states violent crime down in America and UP in Brit. and Australia.
Why should a Libyan dictate my right to self determination?
Pew Research: Gun Homicide down 49% since 1993
.National rates of gun homicide and other violent gun crimes are strikingly lower now than during their peak in the mid-1990s, paralleling a general decline in violent crime, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of government data. Beneath the long-term trend, though, are big differences by decade: Violence plunged through the 1990s, but has declined less dramatically since 2000.
Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Mass shootings are a matter of great public interest and concern. They also are a relatively small share of shootings overall. According to a Bureau of Justice Statistics review, homicides that claimed at least three lives accounted for less than 1% of all homicide deaths from 1980 to 2008. These homicides, most of which are shootings, increased as a share of all homicides from 0.5% in 1980 to 0.8% in 2008, according to the bureau’s data. A Congressional Research Service report, using a definition of four deaths or more, counted 547 deaths from mass shootings in the U.S. from 1983 to 2012.2
gas yourself kike, great OP image though I lol'd
Fixed that for you
Freemasons and other secretive groups.
Ty user. Someone had to point it out.
Also plenty of armed incidents where the cops took out the perp before he got started.
> Once we gave up our arms (((they))) stopped with the false flags.
Another sharp one over here boys.
>Gun restricted pretty hard
>Last school shooting in fucking 1925
The hardest redpill you can get is that to live in a FREE society, does not mean you can do whatever you want, you need to sacrefice some of your rights for the good of all. The other solution is to make 2 year military service obligatory, and give a gun to every citizen who have completed thier duty. Except that would probably not work in commiemurrica since ppl there are fucking snowflakes and I wouldn't give a gun to a leftards even if that ment saving my life. Also too many niggeroids.
Either a shill or somebody from a country controlled by ISIS where there are literal slave auctions trying to tell people what is good for their country. Gadaffi would have had you killed and I wish he had. God rest his soul.
>doesn't cite number of casualties before and after gun ban
30 mass shooting in USA this year so far..
>implying we even had a mass shooting recently
Shit was staged. There's a mountain of evidence.
You already tried this, Democrat Jews.
Gun bans did nothing quit quoting Australia as this utopian model faggots.
I can't be assed linking the on going shootings and murder suicides we have in Melbourne and Sydney.
Owned him tbvqhrn (right now)
less than a tenth population of USA and is over 90percent white.
No shit they have it better
bro are you actually fucking retarded do you literally live inner city or somthing
Yeah we just have stabbings and glassings happen 100x every weekend... I'd rather have a gun to shot a fucker trying to glass me at the pub then getting glassed and legit dying ayy lmao
>Australia didn't have a feral animal problem before 1996
OK champ
>Posting best boy Oberstein on Sup Forums
He's too pure, faggot. kys
but its mostly whites doing massacres with guns.
whats your point here?
>73% white
You fucking wish, it was 63% in 2010
You tend to forget that they never had mass shootings before that one incident, so that argument doesn't hold any water until we go to year 2100.
Yes nice copy paste retard archive.4plebs.org
Let the Vampire of Chaos explain it for you with a graph. Stole it from his twitfag account.
The United States isn't even in the top TEN for gun PROBLEMS, but it's the absolute TOP for gun OWNERSHIP.