Is Elle Reeve /ourgirl/?

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She looks like a pedophile


she was very good in the documentary about what happened

she sucks in this though

christ those glasses are fucking hideous. does she have autism?

this sucks, im disappointed

This girl is the most awkward reporter I've ever seen. It only makes sense that she's the one that somehow is the connection to the real world for the alt-right. Whenever she tries to do her, "flirty" thing to try and coax out information from people, it makes me cringe so hard.

>in all fields

No, and no one gives a damn about her. She's too old to be interesting.


Fuck no

is shee their mom and they are suckling shit from her teeted stomach

She's pretty fucking autistic

Definitely /ourgirl/

she's /ourgirl for sure. watch the Vice video on Charlotseville, she fucking loves us and cant hide it

>episode with Elle Reeve
That shit was hilarious been fan of TDS ever since I saw thread about this episode on Sup Forums

>how did you come to know pepe
Fuck this is cringe

She sounds like she’s about to get every hole filled with Alt-right cock at any second

Also Enoch sounds like an utter faggot sometimes. Dude literally sounds like a triggered right-wing SJW when he gets worked up

She's a Memeologist. Vice as usual doing some serious reporting here.

She seems wet like 70% of the time

How is this still up for debate? We settled this months ago.

You know, the retarded thing about all of this is that it shows, that the right and in particular Mike Enoch and Richard Spencer are willing to be transparent about their ideas and talk to basically anyone, even those who argue in bad faith.
And then she comes along and asks questions about Pepe the frog. It was a mistake to allow women to leave the kitchen.
Fucking useless and she'll probably still think that she's being a great journalist for asking questions of that kind.

Alt-right is about to /getlaid/

she definitely looks retarded


Honest question, is she developmentally disabled?


She's perfect, now fuck off.

Seeing her interviews after Chancellorsville she looked like she had PTSD. I don't think she wants to deal with the alt-right anymore.

No, she's a woman who thinks her calling is something other than making sandwiches.


Not gonna lie, I would in a heartbeat

>plot twist
Her and Richard spencer are secret lovers and he is using her to subvert vice and secretly influence liberals







My favorite part is at about 48 seconds in


Wasn't this that crazy bitch who said she was gonna blow up mount Rushmore


kraut got the bantz


>what do you mean you don't want to cuddle germanon, don't you like my nigger jokes?

They do make a pretty sharp couple

Maybe i'm just a projecting creep, but she sounds a little turned on when she's recalling events.


lmao, what a fucking goofball

I don't think I've seen that one before, thanks for posting.

34 years old
No children

jesus im in love

I'd deport every last one of the guys like you that collect pictures of women to fantasize about. It's some of the most unapologetic pathetic shit on all of the internet, you couldn't be a bigger cuck if you tried.

His fagginess is just an act to throw people off the scent. He's actually fucking, and redpilling, a large number of female journalists

>taking charolettesville this seriously

Lmao the MSM is so fucking gay

All of those comments are men

Spencer may actually be gay but forces himself to have sex with women for the white race

I’m not totally sure yet


>Implying you haven't saved every picture in this thread

i bet she gives mean headers

No. This is CIAnigger cattle feed.

Don't project your short comings onto the abyss to make yourself feel normal, or not broken. You should knock it off and fix yourself.

Go away, Elle, no one wants to fuck you.

I want to impregnate and leave her to raise the retarded looking kid desu

Those pads look huge relative to his head

I like to think that it's just his aristocratic genes expressing themselves. Our aristocrats are often very faggy

>Implying projection isn't an unproven jewish meme
Also we're posting on Sup Forums I don't think any of us are examples of peak mental health.

>I don't think any of us are examples of peak mental health.

fuck no. that bitch literally stalked TWP today. her and the other vice kikes kept following them around trying to doxx their houses. FUCK THIS KIKE!

this was after Heimbach's UT speech

shes so hot now with those convictions

This was the first TDS episode I listened to a few years ago. I got a bowl cut shortly after.

This was my 2nd but it's the one that made me keep listening. Honestly it's still my favourite episode

he is at least 25% jewish