Leave "JF" to me.
First for Israel.
why did JF think a discussion with him would have been a good idea? How was a boring soyboy-voiced cuck.
boring as fuck
>nothing going on
>no links
Why even make a thread?
I'm not entirely up to speed on the IBSs
jf is soy
he can debate my ass
mma here
>tfw watching Tokes vs. Spencer for the first time now
15 mins in and it's pretty good, feel like Spence is going to get angry
"In your ethno-state what size will the average street be? What regulations on private construction will you have? What rate of taxation will you have and will you opt for a flat or progressive tax?YOU DON'T EVEN FUCKING KNOW! "
I should hope that a flat tax rate being the best is something all white nationalist understand.
who is this girly voiced retard? why does he never answer a question?
lel, this kid is a fucking joke
>why does he never answer a question?
Because he is a brainlet. Keep him in mind every time you see a Christcuck posting on Sup Forums, because that is literally him.
Haven't watched the debate yet but the link JF provides in the description for persecution of scientists (wired.com
Persecuted by Muslims, hardly relevant to a discussion with a Christian
>Michael Servetus
The article itself says that he was persecuted for his writings on reforming Christianity and not his scientific ideas.
Copernicus dedicated his work "On the Revolution of the Celestial Orbs" to Pope Paul III and entrusted it in the hands of a Jesuit. Similarly Kepler's heliocentric work was well received by Jesuits. Galileo's problem was that he proclaimed it as truth and not just a scientific theory even though the strongest argument against it as laid out by Aristotle (no observable parallax shift in the starts), was not disproven at the time. Galileo himself started to argue for heliocentricsm on the basis of scripture. Robert Bellarmine initially forbade Galileo to hold or defend the heliocentric theory, did not prevent him from conjecturing it, but later the new pope Urban VIII allowed Galileo a few years later to write on the topic again. Urban VIII said to just present arguments for & against heliocentricsm and even gave Galileo the arguments for the contra side. Galileo then put these arguments in the mouth of a character he called "Simplico" to basically just mock and this was then interpreted as mocking the pope. For more detail on the affair see: catholic.com
>Henry Oldenburg
The article talks about Nazis. No idea what that has to do with religion and would be relevant to the discussion in the video.
Again, about Nazi persecution of scientists.
Seems to me that either JF has barely read the article or is widely out of his depth here.
why is JF keep letting him squirm out of answering his questions?
I can see now why some people are calling for an end to this thread.
*chuckles autistically* "Listeen, listeen! What kind of flat tax are you going to have? How will you make sure no one is cheating the tax system? What if that causes class divide and you have a communist revolution" *Vee chimes in* "Meeyte, In communist Romania they did the same thing" *once again chuckles autistically* "What would you do if someone doesn't want to pay taxes? If you call the authorities on them... what exact height will you want you officers to be? What hair colour? What would be the proportion of their upper to lower body???"
I was going to mercilessly bully you because someone who likes these threads pissed me off, but this is such a shameful mess I don't have the heart.
See you around cucks,
>Again, about Nazi persecution of scientists.
Just the fake such
HAUHAUHAUHAU What right does the ethnostate government have to arrest people who don't want to be arrested? Are you just going to SHOOT people who try to resist arrest? YOU'RE GOING TO GET PEOPLE KILLED, RICHARD. I DON'T KNOW WHY YOU DON'T SEE THAT.
"Meeyte! In communist Romania {insert comparison to an Alt-Right idea. Conclude the horseshoe theory }"
Ryan Dawson can fix that.
did this moran just bring up wakanda? wtf?
This child has autism and speaks only in memes. You should have expected the worst when JF had to stop him from talking about fedoras.
That christcuck got blown the fuck out by based anti-christian JF
>we wuz science. christianity was the foundation of science
What a retard
So is /ibs/ an anti-christkike general?
"Meeyte! In communist Romania {insert comparison to an Alt-Right idea, the conclusion of the comparison being the Horseshoe theory}"
Fucking nailed it! :D :D :D :D In letters you literally managed to describe the noises and sounds he makes with that autistic chuckle!
>You should have expected the worst when JF had to stop him from talking about fedoras.
oh I did, and when I heard his faggot non-answer dodges. actually, when I heard is retard voice
/IBS/ is pro-white. Our enemies are subject to change.
LEL record a black metal album and stfu, faggot.
just as easy to say White people were the foundation of science, despite the attempts of religion to force people to believe lies
Right but JF argues that Christianity has held back science and philosophy , soy voice really can't say anything relevant as a retort
He's obviously not overly fond of Christianity as a whole
JF was happy to take Christian values as a basis for a moral framework. He just wants to remove unscientific dogma and leave it open to revision.
But he is right. Persecution of the church is bullshit, all throughout the middle ages it was the main preserver of knowledge throughout Europe and even in modern times, many scientific breakthroughs came from Christians.
As the other user pointed out: You could just as well say:
>we wuz science. Whites were the foundation of science
>religion is lies
Religiousness/mysticism is literally the foundation of science. science is metaphysical systems applied to the world and then more metaphysical principles overlayed with physical representation.
SARG'N ...
you believe the first 2 humans were adam and eve, and eve was created from adams rib?
List of people who have BTFO JF
I know he's French but how can one man be so cucked?
I'm not fond of Abrahamic religion either, but so long as individual Christians support the ethno-state, they aren't enemies yet.
Its the same fallacy that the muslims try to build.
thats what it has evolved into regardless of the OP's intentions.
it would be more accurate than muh jewish religion (which destroyed knowledge and methods of obtaining and verifying it) was responsible for the discovery of scientific methods which existed hundreds of years before it and were destroyed by it! Now worship my jewish desert despot as we engage in a middle eastern slave cult.
The issue is dogmatic thinking in the face of contradictory evidence. Religion has proven itself a stabilizing force for society. It could be better though.
the people who developed scientific thinking had many attributes, perhaps one was that they didn't believe what teh religion was telling them
Whites were the foundation of science and Christianity was a slight hinderance and less than ideal framework but Europeanized, Paganized as Spencer put it, enough to work
He also challenged the moral framework, talking about the selfless attitude leads to self destructive behaviour.
I won't argue that other races can't into science at all
>Whites were the foundation
Europeans made Christianity great, not the other way around.
Specifically, the selfless attitude toward the other. Charity begins at home. Don't feed the animals.
>all civilizations that developed before Europe
>not the foundation
Literally all of those ancient civilizations were white.
>I've been found out
We know for a FACT its ruling class was white and it is possible that the general population was as well.
Yes, white.
Arabs never made any scientific breaktroughs you idiot, that were Persians(who were white before the Arabs and Mongols polluted their gene pool) living in the Arabian Empire. And many of them in private were hostile toward Islam and the Arabs.
Learn some fucking history!
I'm personally not a Christian, but the same failing that JF here attributes to Christianity (not being capable of transmitting its beliefs from one generation to the next), can just as easily be attributed to the empiricism that he champions. Empiricism changes with the winds and never gets to any kind of absolute measure of truth because it is always surface-orientated and contingent, hence its tendency towards constantly shifting changes, and the vapid belief in "progression" (which is pretty central to our civilisational rot). Nothing is ever absolute, nothing ever is fixed: all is changeable, all is in flux, all is in need of "updating" for the sake of "progress". This is not a stable basis for the organisation of human societies.
Needless to say this leads to a chaotic state of affairs, and leads to an inability to pass down concrete and lasting ideas and principles down from one generation to the next (hence why liberalism itself changes every generation). This is why the most impressive philosophical empiricist (Hume) ended up making the argument that basically we have to accept customs that we cannot immediately understand rationally because it is most likely they emerged from processes of trial and error and have value that cannot be empirically proven in the immediate--hence why custom was of the utmost salience in his philosophy.
Todd is retarded, but JF has some gaping holes in his overly scientific/empiricist vision of the world. Empiricism should be a tool used to achieve concrete material ends, not some divine guiding light.
Flag of the Liberalist Union
>Right but JF argues that Christianity has held back science and philosophy
What makes you think these things go together? Nothing has held back philosophy more than scientific empiricism. Hume ended empirical philosophy at a complete dead end more than 250 years ago, and if you want proof of that just read the philosophy of people like Russell, which amounts to an exercise in utter pointlessness.
How will Kikeonastickianity every recover, after that shopping?
>Christianity was a slight hinderance and less than ideal framework but Europeanized, Paganized as Spencer put it, enough to work
>Empirical science is pagan
Holy shit this is stupid. Paganism couldn't be more antithetical to the spirit of modern scientific empiricism. People need to seriously drop their pseudo-religious obsession with this dogma and recognise that such a thing grows as genuine spirituality and knowledge declines.
whats this ceritas parabitus crap he keeps saying?
I don't think you know what empiricism is. What you described is (((marxist deconstructionism))). Empiricism is a way of measuring truth trough observation of practice.
>Empiricism should be a tool used to achieve concrete material ends, not some divine guiding light.
True. But I don't think I've heard JF argue for empiricism as the spiritual and cultural foundation of a civilisation. Unlike leftist (((scientism))) it is a means by which we measure truth trough practice and observation not a literal point of our existence. I don't think JF has argued for dildo leftist scientism bullshit.
>when someone is making a fucking idiot out of themselves in the public space
>Leave "JF" to me.
>Paganism couldn't be more antithetical to the spirit of modern scientific empiricism.
The fact to the matter is that the Ideas on which western though (philosophy, science and mathematics) is built upon WAS developed by pagans (for all the mistakes the greeks made, they got A LOT of stuff VERY right, their mathematics alone is proof of that) , so the framing of paganism being "antithetical" to these things makes no sense.
You might argue that it is was a "hindrance", but you need an actual argument for that.
Personally, the "fanfic" pagan religions seem to me significantly more compatible with "science" then Christianity.
Has JewF literally ever won a debate?
>mfw taking a shit on Christianity in zee publix space
A large number of White Nationalists are former Libertarians so I'm sure they understand.
Fb chat with Sargon.
lel, that fucking exit
I cannot for the life of me fathom why someone would take time out of their day to talk to such a worthless human being. You could literally play Minecraft and have accomplished more.
>runs away even at the mention of Enoch
I wonder whose point was proven
You're as bad as each other.
You mean we are both as bad?
I think it's very productive. Sargon's udder is full. He's begging to be milked.
.>Alt-Hype vs Richard Dawkins
>Subject: Race and IQ
I'm creating OC and putting effort into tearing down the individualist colletctive. I think this is slightly better the meinkraft.
Sippy cup liberalists destroy themselves well enough.
slight fix
Never going to happen, I am convinced that Dawkins is fully aware of "divergent human evolution", but he KNOWS that it is nothing that he should talk about.
JF criticizes Christianity and now suddenly this is /fedora/ general? Attacking Christianity is attacking white identity
Sargon is a fucking moron but can someone who is not moron explain why we're holding onto this vague pipe dream of a de facto ethno state when we easily could nullify arguments from morons like Sargon by simply proposing a white or euro centric immigration policy with a basis of freedom of association to keep us from getting mongrelized in the meantime? Most of the nations we're talking about do have a 80%+ white population and don't need to move to Narnia to implement a sustainable ethnic immigration policy.
Even the US could essentially kick out all the illegals and ban dual citizenships and kick newly arrived that don't own property and don't have a job?
Paganism was much more in tune with nature and natural law and science is after all just the study observation and documentation of
the principles in nature's unchanging behaviours and constants. Paganism is itself not scientific or some kind of an intellectual foundation of science but since its ideas are closer to natural law it is more predisposed to develop these sciences. Christianity on the other hand is like communism. ALL of it's premises which are the basis of the religion are simply factually and unquestionably false thus pushing it away from the kind of mindset that can breed scientific discoveries. The premises of Christianity are
-race denial
-cult of equality
-hatred for meritocracy and the successfull
-denial of biology itself
-denial of evidence as evidence (if there is evidence against Christian dogmas it simply is not real evidence and I will just repeat our lies over and over again drowning out truth and if that doesnt work, violence. Just like the commies do.)
These scientists that know about race differences but refuse to talk about it piss me off. Sam Harris is another one.
It's like horseshoe feory
It's funny you mention christianity and communism in the same context, because both were started by jews.
>Christianity was a slight hinderance and less than ideal framework
>Thousands inspired to investigate the nature of God's creation
>Generations of monastic preservation of history and literature
>a slight hinderance
Claiming to be King of the Jews was the crime he was accused of by the Jewish priests who wanted him out of the way because he challenged their authority.
>Then Pilate entered into the judgment hall again, and called Jesus, and said unto him, Art thou the King of the Jews?
>Jesus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of thyself, or did others tell it thee of me?
>Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king.
It was the Jews who plotted against Christ, and it is the Jews who plot against Christ today.
t. Jew worshipper
He actually does talk about it. Just in a typical jewish double-speak.
"Meeyte! In communist Romania {insert comparison to an Alt-Right idea, the conclusion of the comparison being the Horseshoe theory}"
pic related
I know. Were you the chuvash from yesterday's thread
>Claiming to be King of the Jews was the crime he was accused of by the Jewish priests who wanted him out of the way because he challenged their authority.
There you go. It was a dispute between two religion movements within Jewry not a fight of "aryan christians vs judaist kikes" both were kikes and were simply fighting for control over jewry as a race. That should really finish your case for christianity as le white religion.
>Throw out Rabbinic law
>Challenge the authority of the Jewish temples
>Declare the Jews to be lost sheep and have your apostles focus on Gentiles instead
>Eventually killed because the Jews were threatened by you
>All so a mulatto can call you a Jew on Sup Forums
It's a hard life
Yeah they preserved what they wanted and destroyed what they didn't.
>It was a dispute between two religion movements within Jewry not a fight
Yes, and Christianity lost, so it abandoned the Jews and went North, where Europeans saw its value, happily adopted it, and used it to underpin their ethical, legal and moral systems for centuries.