why all the hate now?
why all the hate now?
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You also need to apologize for the katyn forest massacre you asshole
Because kikes want to squeeze money out of everybody then can and Poland won't cough it up. And I'm sick of hearing about Polish collaborators, they weren't 5th column against their own country like the Jews were in the Soviet invasion of Poland
Well yeah, they were complicit in the sense that not being complicit was basically a death sentence
It's that new dumb ad I assume your tax dollars paid for.
>roasties on Tumblr
>muh White Nationalists are Nazis may may
You would think that as much as they talk about "nazis" and "racists" they might actually know what they actually believe.
>fighting kikes by catering to them
It’s just Jews and women, actual people don’t hate Poland.
These people are brainwashed NPCs. Don't feel bad, boland.
Thanks for another redpill to add to the collection.
Let us not forget Poland warmongering right next to Britian in the inter war period of ww1 and ww2.
All those poor ethnic Germans they killed and also they helped save jews...
wait until both Fox news who loves (((OUR GREATEST ALLY))) starts talking about this and CNN starts talking about this as well calling them all Nazis then you'll get every Boomer in America hating Poland.
That’s sadly true. Anyone who’s still susceptible to the jew media, Poland will be made an enemy. It’s not just the holocaust law, it’s their willingness to stand up to the EU and refuse refugees that’s a problem for the Jews.
Yeah they just think the holocuast is their best vector of attack against poland and they also have to deal with Hungary. Too bad the EU army will be total shit and get mopped up by Poland Hungary etc.
JIDF is out in force I see
Keep it up senpai.
I am enjoying how much the kikes are kvetching about this.
Still, you should have allied with Hitler when he sought an alliance with you, so we wouldn't be in this fucking mess.
You must pay for your transgressions. The brutality and hostility you co-conspired in with the Nazis coupled with your shameless denunciation of such history is proof of crimes against humanity.
Furthermore, not allowing refugees in when the ME is in chaos is more proof of your lack of humanitarianism. We cannot, will not, and never allow a natsoc state to pop up again. Choose wisely.
Fuck em. Don't pay any attention. Just keep the muzzies out
no one has ever liked poland, you were hitlers #2 enemy
The white guilt thing is being pushed extremely hard these days. We all have our past and it's basically "You're white and you guys (fill in the blank) based on our individual history. Like whites in the U.S. are all still responsible for slavery even though most of the population of our ancestors didn't even show up until after the Civil war or lived in the North. I don't quite know what the endgame is yet but I suspect with them flooding our borders with browns and pushing us into a corner at the same time they're wanting us to kill each other.
says the jew who cries out as he strikes you.
Time is running out schlomo the whole world is waking up to you parasites.
Just wait until the blacks all hopped up on black empowerment get wind the jews ran all slave trade and they start popping you like pigs randomly and the soft whites let them off cuz the dindu nuffin and just shot a (((white))) man.
Actually in Poland stuff about Jews who work with Hitler arent something strange and more people are suprised that Israel is upset about it. I assume that our PM too.... XD
>Japan ravages all of Aisa and all the Asian islandnigger nations
>literally nobody except those nations care
>a few poles colaberate
>oyvey end of the world
literal nigger of geopolitics
Northern Imperialist Go Home!
>be poland
>get gangraped by germany and russia
>get killed off by both sides in war like in ww1 when you were forced to fight yourself
>get thrown in camps
>get enslaved by russia for 50 years
>the year is 2018
>jews have so thoroughly brainwashed the world into thinking they were the only people who died in ww2 that people unironically believe poland was complicit in raping its self
Tucker won't cuck on Poland though, he either won't cover it or tacitly support the Poles
Think that in this fight Poland need go alone but if they win then it will be worse than get extra nuke from Isran for Israel. xD
Most of the people whining about Poland didn't know anything about it until the media told them to be upset about it. Now they are all experts. Jews hate Slavs and have been writing a lot of articles in the media lately, they're upset they can't say whatever they want about whoever they want anymore. Poland is based.
Fuck's sake, I didn't even get to the bottom of that bullshit image before wanting a drink. I'm tired, anons. Are we ever going to turn this shipwreck society around, or should I sharpen my knife for the easy way out?
You are aware all the anons with a desire for actual political discussion left this place right?
Go for your life, search anything & you'll find a little community of autistes to cater for your thirst.
Maybe when you're ready I'll invite you to one of our deep cover MySpace chat groups.
Why is Poland so ridiculously far-right?
Seriously, you guys have almost no muslims, refugees, niggers, or any ethnic group that would do the shit that usually happens in most of the West, so there's no reason as to why you should have a far-right surge like the rest of the EU. What's going on?
Oh shit I thought the autism couldnt get any worse
That was obviously a mass suicide followed by a strong breeze which covered the bodies. Uncle Joe would never order a massacre. Perhaps a stern talking to...
Fuck off Jewnigger proxy troll.
Concern troll bot post. No human would unironically post such whinging shit.
Hi Ivan!
>Why is Poland so ridiculously far-right?
They've seen the fall of France and Germany.
we survived communism and can detect subversive (((activities))) in our school systems and policies etc
The surge is most likely due to what we see happening in Europe and not wanting it to come to us.
Well "gomunism" and EU made most of job, refugees crisis just turn it harder. Same stuff you can say about antisemitism in this country, almost no jews but many people has problem with them because in worst stalinist era many people who abuse our people has jewish origin, people just dont forget who made orders to beat them(just like Jews do about Poles after 2ww and prewar poland).
I love ya Poland, but you're not building your Death Squads fast enough.
they dont have that shit because they were far right all along
What kind of 4D chess are these slavs playing?
Holy fuck the nerve of those people.
Why have death squads when you can have tracksuits and knives?
There's some great blogs out there in truth. I found this place during the raid there in 2011? was it?
I rarely visit these days but still assert there's lots of great dialogue & debate to be found between all the blue haired freaks & trannies. It's a bit like a long form twitter I guess.
Now we're constantly being raided 24/7 it's a good place to go for troll free collated news too.
>why all the hate now?
Only members of the chosen people are allowed alter history.
Good for you. Encourage others to fight the battle in detail. I rather doubt Sup Forums is popular in Poland. What openly conservative nationalist sites exist?
I guess it's time to reopen the "German" death camps.
Keep on fighting the good fight pavel we love you.
We used to have our own Sup Forums called karaczan but that was mostly for trolls and pure shitposters and want really politically incorrect and just posted whatever rustled the normies like Jan Pedal II (gay John Paul II).
And there are quite a few people on Sup Forums from poland but thats mostly the ones who can read and speak English fluently