Is this guy the only somewhat "normal" alt righter that isn't just an autistic sperg?
Is this guy the only somewhat "normal" alt righter that isn't just an autistic sperg?
bobble head with deformed fingers also the whiny voice, not really "normal"
I'm talking relative to the other guys like Enoch, Spencer and Anglin
he is """normal""" because he is a 19yo dweeb who lives in his moms basement, no wonder he doesn't have the baggage of people you mentioned. Literaly no one is swayed by his opinion aside from Sup Forums teenage memers already who agree with him 100%
Thanks for the input, shitskin
I see the MDF (mestizo defense squad) is already here
someone needs to photoshop an amerigoblin head on spicky fuentes
>"normal" alt righter
He's only 19? wow. I just heard about him recently. He seems ok on the surface but I haven't dug into him all that much
kys newfaggot
>in all fields
I mean, he has a hispanic last name is that really that bad compared to some of the crap in the other leader's backgrounds?
I've watched a couple of his videos.
He's fairly normie-presenting if that's what you're asking.
My wife told me that he had a very public falling out with his producer or something. Minor mistake. He's still very young and and reasonably intelligent. I hope he stays loyal and doesn't cuck out as soon as he gets a better opportunity
>that isn't just an autistic sperg?
>alienated or betrayed literally every one he has ever worked with
Fuentes is basically everything wrong with the alt-right: high verbal IQ, no integrity and no social skills. As a result, he has no vision beyond forming a Youtube debate club and is toxic to IRL groups. People like him aren't just useless in political movements - they're harmful.
do you have links of his fuck ups? I'd like to know more about him
He's not alt-right
that's right, he is a faggot
Ehhhh not sure
He talks like he’s pretending to be a 1950’s door to door salesman and it’s kind of eerie sometimes. I also live near him and absolutely nobody talks like that in our area
He’s fucking LARPing
yeah he does talk like he has trained to talk on tv
Yeah I guess you're right, there's nothing wrong with le based magapede hispanics (don't wanna to get called racist after all). As for "leaders", are you even serious? Are you going to take orders from some faggot? Also, since you seem like you just came from Reddit, go check out Jared Taylor before you go back
He's from Chicago, to my knowledge he has the typical chicago accent
I find him kind of annoying although I’ve heard him say a couple interesting things
He’s like 19 though so whatever, I was smoking pot and playing in a metalcore band then
nah hes a wannabe alt righter, hes not even white lmfao
Yeah I live in Chicago
Absolutely nobody talks like that, only a few old people who run hot dog huts still talk like that
He’s trying to brand himself, I get it. Whatever.... but come on that’s kind of cringy
Most of it is either buried deep in his videos or stuff I've heard about in IRL circles. Pretty much every Fuentes dispute goes down the same way:
>Fuentes works with someone who is farther right than him in order to boost his own profile
>he shit talks that person behind their back or makes personal attacks against them
>whenever they tell him to back off, he claims that they can't take a joke
>after they finally have enough and tell him they don't want to work any more, he takes the dispute public - leaking private messages or doxxing the other party - often lying about details
>once that person responds to his lies, he pretends like they attacked him first and that he didindu nothing
>he then repeats his "jokes" unironicly
He got thrown out of IE, the Republican Party, and pretty much every informal circle he ever worked with. He's a smart guy but doesn't have any social fluency or real regard for the people he works with. You can smell manipulative people like him a mile away - it's best to just not engage with them. Solid debate skills on one issue (Israel) aren't worth the mountains of personal baggage that come with him.
I was a pretty shitty person at 19 as well, but his behavior can't be tolerated if he's going to try to assume a public role.
I said leaders for lack of a better term and his last name makes him less white than Enoch or Weev or Heimbach? Not based on the eye test
his DNA
yeah that sounds slippery
>living outside the family without being married.
>Continue to believe being single wage-slave working more hours a week for statistically(ie inflation) less wealth is a healthy norm.
Good goy. Move out of your neighborhood and destabilize it. Siphon its wealth into our corporate network. All the easier to infest it with minorities then buy the land for cheap.
yeah dude, add some bullshit reason to the fact that you are a poor failure. You are not fooling anyone, nigger. No agency, no will to work hard, sad!
>trying to paint Nick as the bad guy instead of the friend as a complete flake
>even entertaining the idea that political correctness is a sustainable ideology anymore
You tried. But the only demeaning trait Nick has is his showmanship. Everything else about him is solid and only hopes to grow stronger through age.
You can post your real flag. Nobody really value what you think.
He's pretty well versed on the JQ, but buys into the whole left-right paradigm way too much. Hopefully, as he grows older and more jaded, he'll come around.
This fag is somehow worse than Destiny
Enoch is pretty close to normal, not sure what you're on about