Just how much influence does Pewdiepie have?
More than he should.
a large enough influence to upturn a generation of political normies to borderline anti-sjws
Not enough. He is more redpilled than 99% of normies.
His greatest influence is that he has normal opinions and his humour is basically PC but media has pushed he's some kind of alt right nazi.
The red Pilling is his millions of fans learning how much the media lies and call anyone alt right or a nazi supporter.
Also brave new world is 10/10
imagine being such a brainlet you need pewdiepie to make you pick up a fucking book
Hi, Pewds! The only influence you have is red pilling the younger generations. I can say he has been an overwhelming influence in the development in Gen Z.
A lot. Murdoch Murdoch was right
A shitload, more than like an entire media company
That kid looks like he's being robbed.
>Handing over wallet.
>Tazer to face.
>Phone in hand.
He got famous because of us really. He's the most influential 4channer of all time.
A lot of people hate him without even knowing him. A lot of power
Is it really that much different than an anime board telling you to read a book?
People hate him because he used to make obnoxious lets plays for 12 year olds
You know he saw that, he had to.
He has the wit and ability to appeal to 10-30yr olds
Thats pretty bad, too. If you're so far gone that you need either of these things as a crutch then at least you're doing this one thing about being a loser but you're still probably incurable. It's like how Jordan Peterson made it big for telling people to clean their rooms, I don't have a problem with what he's saying or him in particular but it's not a groundbreaking message by any stretch.
(((Pewdiepie))) is a psyop, retards. Everyone knows that anyone with power is a Jew.
yup the death to all jews and all the jewtube and disney backfire was the best that could happend to his channel, also some user posted a clip of him saying /pol im with you im aware race realism etc... and was deleted after 5 minutes, so i think it wasnt shopped
KEK the most influential YouTuber as well
Pretty much won the whole internet desu he’s still making videos and making money despite everything assraping him
The jews are literally trying to shut him up. That's why Disney cut ties with him, etc.
Not much at all.
Cut off his electricity and nobody can hear him.
>what is a psyop
It’s almost like there’s multiple layers to trickery in the modern age
one of us
Alright lets go trough why having 60 million children watch you everyday is a weapon of mass destruction
>The kids listen to everything you say and accept it, because if felix thinks its cool, then it must be cool, the guy has 60mil yo
>redpills are disguised as a comedy, which makes it easier to consume and understand, and if something is funny, it cant be bad right?
>a small seed of a redpill is enough to make the kid curious to later have doubts and start digging slowly
>these are 60 million people, and the number is growing rapidly
>whoever controls the youth, controls the future
He slipped under their radar. He watched his country die. He wants revenge.
At least he's leading those little fuckers into Sup Forums's arms.
He said nigger in a fit of rage, that's all you need to know, when you physically/mentally train yourself to find the word nigger to be that of rage inducement, negativity, all sorts of evil you understand just how much those black skin devils have ruined everything they ever touched.
Is Gray any good? It's written by a woman so I'm cautious.
>gee, how come your lads let you have THREE hotdogs bill?!
>written by a woman
Dude is written by the biggest fag the world has ever known
It's a good book but its kinda gay, Oscar Wilde in general is womens literature.
I'm all for it. Anything that will get them reading is a good thing.
inb4 the Jews do another hit on Pewdiepie because kids like watching him and his common sense is bad for their plans
they cut his internet
I liked it. It's really gay though. Takes time to get going too.
They're a product of these brainlet times.
>whoever controls the youth controls the future
Oh, my sweet summer child, how have you been so deceived.
Never read picture of Dorian, is it good? Is it like the male version of 50 shades?
He has very moderate "normal person" type opinions. He's also unpretentious and not intellectually dishonest, even as a rich and influential celebrity.
Which in these sad times make fairly unique in his class of fame.