What would you do if your daughter brought a black boyfriend home?
What would you do if your daughter brought a black boyfriend home?
Kill myself
which daughter?
> hang myself
> record video saying it was her fault
I'd kill this guy
good work bringing another one in. i'll fire up the furnace.
not if i kill you first
Wtf. How am i responsible for your daugther fucking a nigger
Shove a wrench between the spokes of her wheelchair as she was rollin' by.
you should be a movie director. this has potential.
Disown her.
Lead him to the door and have a short conversation with my daughter. Depending on how that conversation goes, I will either disown her or begin reeducation.
I don't go to school, checkmate
I'll kill you before you can kill him
That nigger is gay. They must be in a play together or something.
I'll kill you both before you even have the chance to kill each other.
That's basically the plot of Get Out.
Disown her
the hot but stupid one
that black guy is gay though
Subtle ...
Talk some sence in to her.And am gouing to beat her mother ass for alowing things to go that far.
>Allowing your unmarried daughter to go out on her own doing whatever she likes with whoever likes.
People wonder why Western society is the way it is.
If my daughter we're a crippled midget, I guess I would be grateful.
>What's your name, Champ?
>Ah, Jimal! You have such a good heart! It's good to see such a progressive young man dating my daughter!
>I told her she did not have to hide her past, she was always sensitive about her pre op past, but now she is a beautiful fully transitioned woman with a wonderfully accepting man!
Dad what are you talking abou...
>OH! You haven't... Ughh I mean...
>Anyways lets show you around the house
>Having a daughter
Kill both
>fucks her so hard she can't walk
how will wh*Te bois ever recover ?
Let's just say she's in that chair for a reason
Embrace it
he's going to steal her bike tho
I'd disown her without question. I know it's a dick move but a mans patience has its limits.
Use it as brownie points to plant myself into the DNC and dismantleit from the inside hopefully fast enough before Hillary has me suicide.
top banter nippon
I read your post as "drown her or begin reeducation.". It should have been the way I first read it.
I have already killed you
He fucked this bitch's spine outta place, stole someone's wheelchair and gave this bitch two black eyes
Wheel her off a cliff
She won't but watch this video because this is a slide thread and nothing here matters.
I would secretly write her out of the will
I would break his face with showel.
"Coal Burners"
I'd show him my collection of ancient skulls and talk about how much I like to hunt certain types of animals.
he looks like a nerd, I don't mind black nerds, if he got her pregnant and dumped her he'd be in a wheelchair too
kill her and kill the nigger.
nothing, you've already broken both of her legs for doing it twice before?
Where is the "like" button for this post? I'm new here
Fuck you faget.
Take away her wheelchair
This but only after i shoot the nigger.
my fuggin sides
1 post by id
kill him. hide the body lock her in the basement forever.
put some crack on his car or some cocaine and call the police, then confront my doughter when they send him away.
You can't be so sure these days.
Unironically, I couldn't deal with a daughter, for reasons like this.
sauce? LMAOOOO
There's no way, no way that you came from my loins. Soon as I get home, first thing I'm gonna do is punch yo mamma in da mouth!
Underrated bants
is that nigga a fucking chaos worshipper
All of are earliest ancestors were black all of you are coons you stupid fuck.
Take him aside, call him a nigger, and tell him ofnhe doesn't call it off, I will kill him and everyone he loves. Tell him if he some much as kisses her on the lips, I will cut is sick off and make him eat it.
kill myself for having a daughter instead of a son
Fuck spell check.
She's pretty hot. Nickname must be hot wheels
no daughter of mine would do it
Are you saying white people are evolved blacks?
Fastest way for her to put out dummy
Pic related is you after she gets pregnant
To be fair, the guy in question definitely looks like a nigger.
Unbelievable that she made the messages public effectively doxing her own father.
Give him the talk and show him the gun collection. Imply that if he fucks and chucks her then he dies.
maybe yours mohammed all proto europeans were white
I would break her legs.
>1 post by this subhuman
it put her in a wheelchair for life
Tell her that if she fucks niggers, I'll write her out of my will.
I'd thank her for bringing home a new slave.
I'd tell Tyrone to quit niggerin' and get to work.
Treat the blackman like any other guest then send my men to kill him and make it look like it's an accident.
I'd divorce her mother, marry a nigress, force her to call the nigress mom and have a litter of mulatto niglets.
Jungle monkey.
Tell her to get a shovel and put it with the others.
The ultimate passive aggressive move
omg that is so hot
Call him a nigger, and when she became pregnant and single disown her.
Burn the coal-
Break her legs like in the pic
Kill her and the nig
Start planning carefuly how to unsuspiciously take care of the nigger and remove my daughter from public existence, keeping her locked up and turn her into a baby factory until I get caught.
Id never stick around if some roastie would give to some slut daughter. I only accept sons
Very Germanic of you.
Wonder how he got across the border, we have no nogs here
Get him deported lol
You need to go back, Mohammed.
you need to go back Sven cuckoldhÄlm. My son will rape your daughter cuck
I'd browse the black web and hire a persuasive hitmen, preferably an englishman
nothing. Crucify the nigger, and make her watch some rekt threads on /gif/. See what niggers REALLY do
Wow, you totally convinced me you're not a shit skin.
wow you totally convinced me youre not a swede