I can't believe they allow nazism into my anime!
Other urls found in this thread:
How dared theys
You can stop shitposting anytime.
Why is she doing that?
Sup Forums is the other way around, OP.
Japs are honorary aryans
There is literally nothing wrong with Nazism, you fucking commie.
Ummm...no? Why would I go to a Nazi board?
She's dumb and doesn't know what it means
That was a nice way for nazis to say "we gas you last"
dont know but the girls who voice tsushima yoshiko and sakurauchi riko are really cute .-.
>be in germany
>go to love live cosplay gathering
>get arrested
Go eat a dick and fuck off, nobody gives a shit about this other then you.
It was posted jokingly, please don't be so hostile
The jews fear the aidoru.
Nico posters confirmed aspies
Niconiggers deserved to be hanged.
Sup Forums is for normalfags, why would anyone here want to go there
Saved from a previous thread. Bless that Sup Forumsnon.
we did nazi that coming
Anyone got a taller shot that a MAGA hat could fit in?
>Sup Forums
>not filled with normalfags
>not one of the highest newfags per capita boards on the entire site
Sup Forums is getting bad, but nowhere near Sup Forums or Sup Forums. You can still get banned on Sup Forums for frogposting or using normie rather than normalfag
Asia for Asians. Nazis respected the sovereignty and culture of Japan.
That's more about robot crosspollination than normalfaggotry.
heil hitler desu
Don't post pictures off my wife like that please
Not really. Sup Forums got it worse with normalfags
is this real?
this posing was popular before nazi
Maybe You is just a fascist, but not a national-socialist. So is not really nazism.
Nazis are cute! CUTE!