Any anons speak Norwegian? Question on Nobel Prize, help needed
Why do I need a Norwegian speaker? Trying to figure out how to possibly get 16 year old Ahed Tamini nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. The girl is currently looking at 0 years in a Jew military jail for striking 2 jew soldiers.
And what's more, she's White. The family have been there for 800 years, since the last Crusade Far lon, bviously, thn the kikes wh came in the 1930s with the boxes containg cars and ice boxes so big refugees later used THE BOXES as houses....
here are the rules for who can nominate. Just IMGINE the egg the Jews would have on their face trying to give 20 years of military prison to a Nobel Peace PRize winner:
According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, a nomination is considered valid if it is submitted by a person who falls within one of the following categories:
• Members of national assemblies and national governments (cabinet members/ministers) of sovereign states as well as current heads of states
• Members of The International Court of Justice in The Hague and The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague
• Members of Institut de Droit International
• University professors, professors emeriti and associate professors of history, social sciences, law, philosophy, theology, and religion; university rectors and university directors (or their equivalents); directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes
• Persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
• Members of the main board of directors or its equivalent for organizations that have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
• Current and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (proposals by current members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after 1 February)
• Former advisers to the Norwegian Nobel Committee
Asked my Norwegian ex how to say "Bite your dick, cuntbubble". it's bit kukenden, fitteboble.
This girl has kept her genes pure under 800 years of t*rkroach occupation. Should we really not at least try to fight the Jews trying to give me 20 years and kill 40 generations of resistance that have survived to produce her?
your day is coming, Jew. NEtanyahu indicted, unsustainable economy, haredi only ones with kids and all of them on dole, You're done jewboy.
Are you sure you replied to the right person?
well, then maybe you aren't Jude, you just don't seem to realize the board is 18+ and that before it was flooded by shithouds like you, things actually used to gt done her, My apologies.
heng deg selv min lille negervenn
buhuhu why can't punch military? wwaaah waah I'm woman I can punch anyone I want waah waaah
In america this bitch would be shot.
///////thanks for input, proxy kike. In America, we don't occupy areas illegally since 1967 against 27 unanimous UN SEc council condemnations and continually threaten occupied families with house destruction, you jew fuck.
no answer for that one right? "Oi abe, we gotta find some way to permanently destroy these White devils...."
you can tell she's an Aryan just by the how she resists the Jew even at 7 years of age...
>In America, we don't occupy areas illegally since 1967
But Israeli occupations are only possible because of US support, you are in fact by proxy responsible.
Then you have illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, still occupying and raping local japanese by the thousands in okinawa etc. Truly a paragon of virtue.
>no answer for that one right?
No answer for what? There was no question in this post, faggot.
Right, brainwashed by her parents and then thrown under the bus because she'd make a nice PR figure in jail or dead, wtf I love palestinians now!
If it's because you want to make a plea to
>• Current and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (proposals by current members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after 1 February)
>• Former advisers to the Norwegian Nobel Committee
for them to nominate her, then just write it in English. This corner of the world isn't some illiterate shithole where people only speak their native language.
What's Jewish about saying bite your dick cuntbubble in their own language just to fuck with them?
>you are in fact by proxy responsible.
That's interesting circular reasoning Hymie. "If we hadn't corrupted your congress through bribery and faux-pity for something that never happened every nato=ion n earth would have gotten together and EXTERMINATED US from the planet as the Vermin we are." Wonderful.
But guess what, Hymie? Uncle Samuel is just about broke. Netanyahu going to jail. People are aware of your behavior in a way I never thought I'd live to see. You need t try to pass LAWS to keep normal people from despising you.
>just to fuck with them?
You're on Sup Forums, we like to fuck with people. Nice ID.
What the fuck are you on about OP, and why should I give a fuck just because I'm Norwegian?
Whole thread's been a clusterfuck.
I could be wrong, but I don't think Denmark has any official role in the nominations. I'm certain she was nominated already, ut I want to find out how much (if any) "official" lobbying takes place. The Jews, because of the pathological behavior, won't be able to help themselves and not only is she arrested but her mother as well. And the arrest wasn't immediate. The Liberman types --2 days later-- called to have a 5 foot 1, 90 lb little blonde girl arrested for "humiliating" the hook-nosed gargamels. I'm going to look into who is on the committee and how much lobby can be done through my sock accounts without being obvious....
>Whole thread's been a clusterfuck.
lol, no, the Jews just come out in massive numbers whenever this name is mentioned--AHED TAMIMI--- because her image and her story have the genuine potential to put a REAL crimp in the Jews plans like nothing has for a very, very long time. It illustrates them as the cowardly scum they are for the entire world to see . Just search her name and find the video, AHED TAMILI
I don't need Sup Forums to tell me Israeli foreign policy's fucked, yet I'm still waiting for you to make a coherent point. At least explain what Norway has to do with this.
>we like to fuck with people
really? thanks for the notice. This has also been a de facto National Socialist board since Sup Forums HARBOR AND THE GG CLUSTERFUCK, and the ability to something IRL to give ISrael shit PR iw worth more "lulz" than anything.
For anytone real (no agenda), the JEws are going to slide, ignore, anything you can imagine. Thi story is so egregious, and the girl has such a photogentic face and is bearing herself so well, they are fucking terrified.
If youve never seen "JIDF & Co." in action, keep posting this girl and her story and you'll get to see them...
>n what Norway has to do with this.
Noway awards the Nobel peace prize, which would be the best way to get her out of jil and make sure she does not do 2- years. Even for the Jews, to keep a 17 year old Nobel Peace Winner would not be PR they could stand. They'd be officially a Rogue State.
I'm drunk and belligerent enough for an internet argument but are you off your fucking meds?
ikke tala intte norvelkenska
Unleash Finnish autism on OP
>I'm drunk and belligerent enough f
I have no idea who you are, how long you've been here or what you're "purpose" is. If you wantto waste time, go to fucking>
This is meant to be a aerious discussion of Israeli occupation policy and the situation of Ahed Tamali and the chance to get her more exposure and possible a Nobel peace prize. She's an amazing girl whose Aryan character in standing up to the Jews demonstrates her courage time and again. If you want to help, great.
If you are "belligerent" and want to fight, go find some abo huffing petrol:]]
She's a shitskin just like you.
Here's your problem Jewboy-- All my SOCKS on twitterm pro-palestinian ones, cannot be TOUCHED no matter how you kikes coplian. Israel is despised by the right and the left. It only took the right 16_ years and 7 trillion dollars and no (((oil))) to relize it all went back to Richard Pearle and Wurmser's "A Clean Break: Defending the Realm" which was written in 1996 and put into effect right after 9/11.
Anyone think I'm making this up?
>white is just skin color
kys kike
>a shitskin
Dumbfuck, she comes from a family dating bck to the Crusades. The Jews thought she'd been kidnapped and brought there to use as a PR tool. They make them take genetic tests and she has literally been there for 800 years. If you read (you don't) there are several chapters on her cln in the book by the Jew Max Blumenthal "Life and Loathing in Greater Israel:
Funny, the kike on here are always the Sephardi on the Russians from the poor parts of tel-aviv that even other kikes can''t stand,
The world would be a better place without Israel but fuck me you'd have nothing else to talk about.
My family were mercenaries that came from France to Scotland to help kick out the English in the 1300s but I've got better thing to be proud of.
Nearly anyone can be nominated. Does not mean anything, its just an application.
OP's got issues.
That's retarded... It's more like
>Bit kuken/pikken din, fitteboble.
This is great. They are putting the entire occupation on trial. I have to see how one would go about about wiring her lawyers a few thousand dollars. If Soros can interfere in my nation, what should stop me from interfering in his homeland
How does a palastinian nigger get blue eyes but I as a native European only have dark green eyes? REEEEEEEEEEEE
I was taught to swear by a Trondelag. Oslofags hated it.
Nah, im probably whiter than you achmed. Im just saying what everyone says at someone who assumes that it's just skin color.
>OP's got issues.
no, you're just a vicious JEw. Obviously, once the nomination process is completed THEN STARTS THE LOBBY PROCESS. Anything Idi to discreetly give Israe =knose on the world stage
>They'd be officially a Rogue State
you are possibly dillusional if you think thats the case, was china one for keeping a price winner imprissoned?
At least proofread your writing for a few seconds. You might look coherent.
What exactly do you need a Norwegian for?
I don't understand what you said, and I don’t know what that picture is all about, but I feel an overwhelming desire to have violent, nonconsensual sexual relations with the short, unarmed woman.
typical, "muh dik." Nigger much?
>You might look coherent.
The very fact that I'm coddesebdubd ti wrute ti piece if filth like you should be enough. Learn when yoc are in the presence of your betters and act accordingly.
She goes around with a camera-phone bearing friend hitting soldiers to provoke them into hitting her back on film. She can only do so because she’s small and feminine enough for something like that to look bad on camera. She needs to learn some respect.
kys you fucking jew, we chased you fuckers out during nazi occupation
"aryan" nice try
Why? Nobel was a Swede and it's a Swedish prize.
BTW I'm pretty sure the peace prize was a jewish invention. So good luck with getting that girl nominated.