
Slavic thread

Are we even white?

Should we unite under the Russian or Polish banner?

How do we fix our fertility rates?

Are Bosnians, Bulgarians, Ukrainians Slavic?

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>Are we even white?

>Should we unite under the Russian or Polish banner?
Please, don't start this shit again.

>How do we fix our fertility rates?
It's a global trend. Some wester countries have better fertility rate because they import 3rd worlders.

>Are Bosnians, Bulgarians, Ukrainians Slavic?
Yes they are.


>Slavic thread


>Are we even white?

not at all

>Should we unite under the Russian or Polish banner?


>How do we fix our fertility rates?

benis into bagina

>Are Bosnians, Bulgarians, Ukrainians Slavic?

honorary Slavs

yes you're white

What's the case for slavs not being white? They integrate into white society fine enough. Why shouldn't they be considered white?

Some people like to meme the "Asiatic component of Slavs" or "muh Hitlur said so and so about Slavs".
There's a better spin to that story, we can identify as Slavs but not white in order to distance ourselves from western feminized, politically correct, metrosexual "men".

we are as white as scandinavians and germans.
we are considered "lesser in worth" because many slavic countries were cought up in communism which ruined our economies and fucked up our mental state and development.

slavic nations were always the christian backbone of europe's safety, protecting other nations from turkish invasion and eastern influences.

bosnians, bulgarians, serbs are not slavic, nor white. they were occupied by the ottoman for centuries, and their cultural identity is more of the balkans ways than the central european christian aggregation.

>Are we even white?
No, being white is an insult today.
>Should we unite under the Russian or Polish banner?
Neither, we are all equal.
>How do we fix our fertility rates?
Obligatory In Vitro.
>Are Bosnians, Bulgarians, Ukrainians Slavic?
Bosnians and Bulgarians yes, ukrainians are turkic mongrel dogs.


>serbs are not slavic
Are you Slavic? And what's the difference between you and Serbs?



Ante is projecting his syndromes. It happens when you suck to much kraut cock.


I don't want to be considered as white. White means being a weak cuck who enjoys watching his wife getting banged by negroes. We don't want to be a part of western degeneracy.


We get it, you hate Russia. Move along

Are Ukrainians Slavs?


are Bosnians Slavs?


Are Bulgarians Slavs?


So, Germans wanted to genocide Slavs, considering them subhumans. Ideas do not die easily.

Also, your flag is showing kek

redpill me on Siberia Sup Forums. It's been a lifelong dream to ride the Siberian railway, see the aurora, arctic tundra, hunt bear, and fuck a snow bunny. How are people like there? Are there even people in the winter wasteland? How do they treat outsiders? I know Japan is a relatively close neighbor and I'm half Japanese despite being born American.

я yчитьcя Pyccкoгo



>Are we even white?
Yes we are the whitest people currently residing in Europe.

>How do we fix our fertility rates?
That's a question with deep roots.
First you need to ask why is the fertility so low ?
Answer to that is because people are too poor to have children, and also a big chunk of people left for the easy-mode life in foreign countries - same reason rapefugees want to go there as well.

The you might ask - well how do we fix our countries ?
First step to that is - eliminate corruption. Romania did a pretty good job here
Second step is improve education. Universities are a joke - if you finish university you need to be offered an internship which currently doesn't happen. 80% of the people i that finish it never work anything related to that because no one wants to hire people without experience.

Then what else can we improve ?
Stop importing shit from other countries and actually start producing your own. Just look 30 years back, there was mass production of many products and jobs for everyone.
If you do all these no one will want to leave and the fertility will rise.

And most importantly, how do we stop this


Stop being a newfag OP or gtfo back to that pleb place.

>я yчитьcя
ты плoхo yчишьcя бpaтишкa




might as well

deal with it


Are the crystal gems.


Bosnia is a meme neation. Get it through your head. Bosnia is part muslim part christian part orthodox. Out of those there are the Croats and Serbs. The ones that don't like to belong to either are probably muslims.

No, we're not people. We're supermen.
Jokes aside we're not any different from other russians.

No I won't. But your faggot is showing kilometers away. If you're fine with it, so be it.

we must rid Slavomacedonia, Serbia and Albania of šiptars

Get the fuck out of here hohol!

Show us your flag, this is a Slav only thread.

>he put on a meme flag



Also we must purge Marxism from preschools, elementary schools, high schools, trade schools and universities. Marxism in education is literally the biggest threat we are facing right now.

>Are we even white?
North/west slavs are for sure, remaining slavs are mostly white mutts
>Should we unite under the Russian or Polish banner?
Slavic pagan banner
>How do we fix our fertility rates?
Slavic traditionalism, live a simpler life
>Are Bosnians, Bulgarians, Ukrainians Slavic?
Yes, but they're mostly slavic mutts. True slavs exists there though.




Ti щo, дypий?

Slavs must unite. Only a juice would disagree ar bring in some old crap like "my ancestors killed your ancestors" etc. 150 years ago there were no borders, Whites prospered everywhere from Ural mountains to France. And suddenly there's dozen angry "slavic" nations. Fuck this diversity.


How does we fix Ukraine? Would it be better if Putin annexed it?

P-tin is a criminal scum, he does not give a flying fuck about common folk. Ukraine can't be fixed within current borders. It must be separated, as ethnically ppl from west and east parts of cuntry are very different.

>hides flag

hello Israel

Slav or not do Western people treat you as equal?

Go and check!

They don't integrate that well. In Western Europe they are prone to criminality

Honestly have no idea. Nepotism and corruption are the biggest problems in all eastern europe.

imigration to western Europe hurts us more than it does them


No ofcourse not, we're not shitskins.

yeah, that question always gets them. I don't know if Serbia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, etc. are white, but I can tell you one thing - whatever we are, Croatians are the same as well.

don't worry about it. i consider you white but not western

t. chink

Yes you're white shut up already.
Just try to bread out the gook lookin ones ya hear?

>Slavic thread
>Are we even white?
>Should we unite under the Russian or Polish banner?


>How do we fix our fertility rates?

fuck more

>Are Bosnians, Bulgarians, Ukrainians Slavic?

No, either are serbs

t. non serb slav from vojvodina



no, we are

nothing have changed after 30 years even with extreme efforts and sacrifices

we are not equal, always behind, always worse, and local media will never miss an opportunity to recall you that, I want out, they are right, we are worse, we do not fit to their sophisticated game

obriši ovo

Cry more faggot. Or go to your precious West. I propose Berlin to you. Or London. You'll feel better there, among faggots.

Parts of your country were under Turks for a long time too Cromutt, not to mention all the raids on your territory by horny Türks... Hmm

hahaha no, some parts were shorty but most of them were expelled after it was recounquere and there were no raids after 1700

That's how I see it as well

Yeah, and...?

>daily struggle with cold, disease, and hunger
>still manage a happy family
comfy video friend, cпacибa
you guys are building shit with hatchets and hand tools in negative stupid celsius out in the Siberian tundra. I want to be that hardcore one day, no amount of time spent in northern America can prepare me for a Siberian winter.

maybe slavs would have more pride in being white if you didn't completely shit up the image of being white


>ancient Hyperborean Slavs

Info is mostly right, but your imaginary "Mongol military flag" and complete omission of Tsardom of Russia that dates back to 16th century and is the true origin of the name give out you and that infographic author as raging fags.

Please post about Russian language borrowing heavily from Mongol. That would help your case.

Bullshit, Ukrainians, Bulgarians aren't 'honorary' Slavs. Former slavic homeland was in the area of contemporary Polish and Ukrainian border. We can regard Greeks as Slavs as well because vast majority of ancient slavic population has vanished among Hellens.

>Slavs must unite.
>Ukraine can't be fixed within current borders. It must be separated,

Boris, pick one and stick to it.

Hello, I'm writing this from my phone. I am on vacation in Belarus and pol was right, i love your women they are actually women and not these half creatures i am used to, i am going to marry this Belarusian girl in one year since wow this is true happiness, you don't know how good you have it, yes you are poor but in spirit you are richer than we ever could dream of. Even a bit afraid to take her home to Norway incase she transforms.



I love it! Keep up the good work, god bless you.

Norgebro should I marry a Norwegian woman? My gf is from Norway and she seems to be normal, not some feminazi cunt.

Pretty sure you're white. But you seem to be more violent than the Western Europeans.

post slavic folk

>How do we fix our fertility rates?

Instate programs for young couples to date (or figure out a better way to do it, a free market solution would be far better, and serve to enhance the economy).

Provide welfare for married couples having children, an important incentive.

Perhaps a tax deduction would be good enough? 0% taxes for white couples with 3 or more children for 20 years?

>But you seem to be more violent than the Western Europeans.
Maybe that's what we need to oppose islamic invasion

here you are, cябp


Turkish Muslims


Gypsy Slavs


Slavicized Finno-Turkic tribe


Slavicized Balto-Germans

>Real Slavs

Belarusians, Slovenians and Slovaks?

Using words to win your battles serves to create a better government, the non-violence principal creates a better country, imo.

Warfare is something entirely different.

Herzegovinians aren't slavic.

>Slavicized Balto-Germans
user pls


"White" is an American concept, Slavs are European, the differences between them are cultural and religious.

Anyways, anybody claiming Serbs aren't Slavs is trolling.

Sounds right but you can go further. Slovenes are just Slavicized post Romanics and Germans, Slovaks are Hungolians and Belarussians are Slavicized Litvins.

I'm Slovene as far as my tree goes and this is the result. Disregard the Oceanean shit, I have contacted 23&me and they dodged the question with some bs. The Asian component is most probably Avar (other sites confirm the Asian admixture and no Oceanean)



he is kind of right


