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why are nazis so fucking bad at making memes

This is probably an antifa troll.

I guess you don't remember the many, many IOTBW threads in which it was stressed over and over not to alter the plain text on white background in any way whatsoever? The many, many threads of shills trying to push versions like pic_related, only to be rebuffed again and again?
Didn't think so.

>shadilay in 2018

Show me one good leftist "meme" there is not one.

I remember this thread, It was you guys who made this. Hahahaha


It really is bad.

Remember when Pepe was made by a liberal and you dumbshits were too awful to even come up with your own mascot?

i will never grow tired of the song

>a cartoon = a meme

lol retard

This was funny back in October.

Remember when your ideology was created by a NEET who was too lazy to work, but dictated that working people should share with lazy kikes like him?

Lol, someone sounds upset.

I beg to differ

>Doesn't even know about Feels Good Man
I memeflag for (You)s and capitalist tears.

your about 2 months 2 late fagit

Yeah Sup Forums's filled with retards what's your point.
Is that some kinda French bread?

probably same reason commies are so bad at food

Why? You're the one who made it

>lol but it really was us! bamboozeld! the left can meme after all!!! xDDDD
grow up and get a job retards

>b-but Marx was the historical equivalent of some pseudointellectual Wikipedia kid parroting some lines from books about the topic hastily borrowed from the next library on some newspapers historical equivalent of a facebook page comment section posting shit that only got pinned because he was butt buddy of some rich influental people at the company and he once wrote a cringe mostly also plagiarized DEEEEP science fiction selfinsert comic book thats very popular among mentally retarded NEETs.
He had a job Sup Forums BTFO!

I have a job. Not all of Sup Forums is NEETs like Sup Forums

Some overweight neckbeard in his mothers basement got trump elected and changed the history of the world for ever

Why are leftist so prone to impulsive violence?

>signing Sup Forums
>using words to make it look like a Sup Forums poste
really bad bait.

this isn't ylyl

>I have a job
Pushing grocery over the checkout on the weekend isnt a job.

>some unemployed underweight soyboy in his mothers basement made Hillary win the presidency
Thats not how the U.S. elections work

nice meme, OP

wanna come to my house for Shavuot?

Gotta admit, i like this new version better.

This picture is so reddit, it hurts

>Long live Hitler
Fucking stupid lefties.

That’s what intolerant people do when they can’t win an argument. They resort to violence.

lol you are beyond retarded

A leftypol original

Iceberg in the shitocean

Autism incarnate, authentic or not the author should be sterilized.

/leftypol/ are not this dumb

Um, nice try sweety

holy fucking cringe. this entire thread is a false flag. just letting you know how hilariously obvious you all are. see you tomorrow lol.

the plural is uteri

honestly dont these people ever go to the chinese supermarket?
i guess not since they never leave the hiuse

Why are leftists so fucking bad at making memes ?


Surely you mean (((troll)))

smells like some kind of flag operation

looks like sabotage

another word for my filter
thanks nigger

Can you say false flag?

Surprised it wasn't earlier
If I spell it wrong it should show up right!?

Imagine being so stupid that you actually wrote this post.

>liberals post this to sabotage
>other liberals see it, have low IQ so think it's real
>come to Sup Forums.org/pol/ in order to defend niggers and kikes
>end up getting redpilled, while shitting up the board
>board remains shitty, but still redpills people, just like it always has

>meme flag
And to think whites are the most genetically mixed up race in the world.


welfare is never mentioned, only payrises for working classes

>implying this is not counterintel OP to damage Sup Forums

No this was one of ours guys trying to make other our guys angry

He was successful in doing so

Newfag get out


Pepe has been a thing for ages, man. The left media pushed him to being alt right because they see his pic posted so much here.

your chinese supermarkets sell uteri?


Someone wanted to write an article about the horribly racist 'it's okay to be white' posters, but didn't find any poster damning enough, so they printed an obnoxiously off-message one, slapped it up, and snapped a picture, making their own news.
TL;DR Whatcha doin' rabbi?


Because an Antifa made this as a pay op. But 2 can play at this game. Time to make some "leftist" posters.

The good thing about these fake posters is they help recruit white supremacists without doing any work.

It's strange. The right make the best memes more often and the left make shit memes but if you go far enough into the right they become very hit and miss.

Some are hilarious as there are no restrictions on the content but some are cringe af like Shadilay

this was probably the best moment of Sup Forums in 2017 they got so scared that they immediately tries to de-legitimize the movement

Don't answer retards with meme flags

It’s a chill song

This definitely looks like fanfic

It also proved that 'any message is bad if it comes from the wrong people'
These people are so conditioned. I didn't think "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" would become a working theory.
Of course the bigger question is 'was it done intentionally or more history repeating itself by people who don't study history'

severe brain damage, same reason they're leftists

h said good user, not forced

"I hate niggers and I'm gonna blow up da whole werld!"

My Enemy

false flag

>print out flier
>tape flier to a wall in your house

What's with the semen background?

This was a /leftypol/ false flag campaign.

It's from Obama's portrait


I ran most of the half chan generals leading up to IOTBW last Halloween, can confirm

the poster in OP's pic was put up by antifa

don't worry about those fake posters, they get completely drowned out by the overwhelming amount of real ones

t. La abominación

>Time to make some "leftist" posters.
We'll eventually reach a stage were left and right don't even make posters. The just make posters for eachother

>t. murderous genocidal savage

t. Syrup drinking dog fucker

It was r9k's mascot first.
We turned it into a Nazi because that's what we do to everything, get over it.



Leftist memes are just ones badly seized from the right. To portray dumbass commie talking points.

so you could say they're trying to seize the memes of production?

2/10 false flag, not subversive enough.

it's funny though

Don't you have some boer to kill or something?

>liberals trying to co-opt the meme
why are they suck fucking failures?

Why kill when you can rape