Hey, murricans, what is the best state and why?
Best state
fuck off we're full
depends on what you want to do? what kind of people do you want yourself to surround yourself with?
you are not
Washington. God-tier nature, liberal, no ghettos
Dude, there's like 3.5 retards living in the most of the country
As in state, not DC, right?
yes, the state
None. They are all cultureless hellholes.
God tier Illinois, most finnish ancestors in the state.
There's only two states with any culture. Both are southern, have national park mountains and historical site beaches. I won't tell you which they are because fuck off we're both full, but amerimutt anons will know the two.
What makes you think you deserve the best? Go to the worst and help those guys out.
you decide
Not even a wafer thin mint? (what's the hippie flag look like?)
Ones you let someone in you can't control their movement within the country. It's your laws
It really doesn't matter where he moves. It's one extra white person and we can use all the white people we can get.
For now. We'll balkanize soon so pick a place that won't pogrom russkies. Maybe California?
Fuck you Oregon is better
just nuke Portland
All the best places are also liberal so there will be no problem
Oregon is about the same but with no major city
That's the best part rusky. You've got mountains, forest, ocean... it's the best part of the US. Pacific Northwest is GOAT anyway
The ones without slide threads, faggpt
Well, he isn't wrong...
Probably New Hampshire to be honest. The live free or die state.
Texas got flooded with niggers after new orlands got destroyed by that hurricane, and they never left. Avoid Houston at all costs. Austin is flooded with homeless and hippies. Dallas is approaching Houston tier. El Paso is basically Mexico. San Antonio is probably the best city in this state, but it's nothing special.
Move to a majority white state some where in the middle of the country.
Western Pennsylvania
Western PA is awesome for the individual. You can escape, be free, have privacy, and do whatever the fuck you want. For the based fucking regular guy who takes care of his shit and teaches his kids not to be little assholes it’s As close to Kekistan as it gets. If you are competent enough to live with the seasons and plan for nature it’s generally a great place. Pockets of poor filth, white trash, and union faggots everywhere, so going in public can be a disgusting verification that all the amerimut and Chad memes are accurate for many of them. I can see why others would hate it, but I thinks it’s awesome.
Maine, but only if you like nature + peace and quiet.
Arkansas inna woodz is the best part of the country. As soon as you even get close to the ozarks and away from the urbans we have really low number of minorities hell white texans and californians move here because they got over run. Harrison is the most redpilled city. There is so much to do outdoor wise and allot of people are welcoming to newcomers, Come home white man.
One is full of dindus, and the other is full of soyboys unfortunately
Being reasonable, how the fuck do your Confederate LARPers ever expect to "rise again"? They're vastly outnumbered by niggers.
Illinois sucks, it's corrupt as fucking hell
Oregon should be nuked from space, it's like a Marxist fairytale land. It's a beautiful state, but the people are awful
I like maps like this. I wonder what it'll look like in 20 years time. I'd imagine that red line will have shrunk
Commiefornia. Summer all year, IT heaven, sunny beaches, what's not to like?