How come whenever black girls are the topic of conversation the girls being discussed are always sluts, lolis, demons, or loli-demon-sluts. Does Sup Forums like any black girls?
I mean they're 2D so it's kinda like they are only half black.
How come whenever black girls are the topic of conversation the girls being discussed are always sluts, lolis, demons, or loli-demon-sluts. Does Sup Forums like any black girls?
I mean they're 2D so it's kinda like they are only half black.
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Coffee was a class act, though.
Hilda was pretty responsible and level headed from what I remember.
They earned my respect
But best girl isn't any of those things.
I'm sure glad there was no third season. There's no telling what might have happened to my favorite chocolate bar. I get choked up just thinking about it.
>half black
Blacks are ugly. They are the worst. Stinky ugly smelly blacks. Semi-black half white mix are exotic if they have good white genes and look white with mocha skin. Most are ugly ugly black black with albino skin and ugly black face. Big nose and forehead and nostril like hoover. Suck suck all dirt no white. So ugly.
You're math is off. Being 2D means they're 2/3 black.
this is a weird post
you're weird
>I mean they're 2D so it's kinda like they are only half black.
It seems you may have a boner for gorillas. Not really my cup of tea.
My eyes actually started watering thank you user
>tfw the only manga I read with a black protagonist was Knight.
Anyone got any recommendations for rare mangas with dark skin or black protagonist?
seeing her like this makes me not want to watch her get fucked by monsters and demons and just watch her in an anime
A shitload of shounen protags like Guts, Goku, Luffy, Ichigo, Naruto and so on have darker than white skin. Many of them are actually light brown instead of full on white or Japanese standard skin tone for some reason.
Gunsmith Cats.
Is that the Indian-looking broad from Utena?
Not noticeable in the manga, and anime whitewashes them the more you advance through the series for some reason.
Lalah from MS Gundam. She's a newtype.
That's just called having a tan, you dummy.
Japs tan incredibly brown.
Hm. So why do protags have tans then?
See, I just can't buy that when shit like Ebony and BBC are among some of the most searched for porn terms and Hip Hop/Black Urban Street culture is by far the most imitated on the planet.
Say what you will about ever wanting to be in a relationship with one, but there is no doubt that they are quite attractive.
Nah I guess not that's here right there.
Oh. Hair color threw me off.
She's Indian you dumb cunt
Nadia is everything Sup Forums detest : a vegan, feminist, afrocentrist cunt who almost dumped her faithful husbando for a BBC but she's still cute.
Because they're japanese, and japanese can get pretty dark when exposed to sun, which most shonen protags often are?
Not really my concern and not really what I was talking about but whatever. I guess an action protag with bleached skin is kind of a stinky faggot thing to have.
I know she's not a real African but she believed being one so I guess in 3DPD world she would look like one (with natural straight hair though), so it counts.
Why are you bringing up what some 3D roastie sloots think is sexy in a thread on 2D darkies?
Why are you discriminating against Indians? A lot of Indians have darker skin than a lot of American "blacks".
But many side characters who travel with these guys have lighter skin. It's really fucking weird.
Aww shit, here we go. I thought the thread would plummet off the cliff when somebody posted Aisha or Nadia or Casca but this is even better.
Maybe they don't tan as well?
There are variances, even amongst the faceless yellow hordes.
Are Egyptians honorary blacks?
Sand niggers*
Because japan isn't murrica, being black isn't part of japanese culture and that's why there're no anime with relevant black skinned girls.
Wake up nigga, if you want to watch gangstas then go to the cinema, anime isn't taking any of that shit.
Just don't tell them that. When you suggest they're non-white they sperg out even worse than hispanics.
Yeah, she pretty cute. I can't hate her.
Back to my dick. Please just pleasure it with your eyelids.
Eyelids are the most intelligent and efficient way to pleasure the tip of your prostate sausage because not only it cleans the penis, but it also pleasure slightly and in tiny amounts, enough to make you come close to coming.
They're objectively arabs, not black nor white.
Spainiards are white though.
You're not making any sense.
Because generally back means African descent. No human being is literally black.
>one series every 10 years features a relevant black skinned character
Really makes my neutrons get attracted to protons.
Mate, stop pretending to be retarded.
Not just in regards to that. The notion that all anime and manga revolves around Japanese culture. But you'd rather drone on with your Sup Forums memes so don't let me stop you.
>everyone who remotely says something not nice about black skinned people is Sup Forums
You sure are showing your true colors plebbit, no wonder you know certain series.
Afro Samurai is the best anime series, amirite? it doesn't matter whether anime is made around japan culture or not, it's a matter of facts that the people who make anime are people who grew up in a society based on japanese culture and surrounded by japanese culture, that's why japanese culture is directly mirrored into anime, whether it's anime about monster girls or sci-fi or whatever.
Fuck off and keep your delusion out of here.
Blaster Knuckle.
It's kind of Berserk meats HnK but set in the old west.
You're gross you ass pheasant.
Dreads and fishlips are gross, you faggot.
Anime from its inception has been quite heavy on western influence. A great number of series, past and present, feature a Japanese take on blatantly western settings and stories, and many characters are included specifically to acknowledge the west. In your original post you said there were no black characters because being black isn't Japanese enough. More than just being about niggers, that statement was nonsense. That's never been a good reason not to include something in anime, as anime has blended with western culture since forever. That's why what you said didn't make sense.
But benefit of the doubt: Sorry I mistook you for some triggered Sup Forumstard. It's easy to forget lately that some people are just regular retarded.
That user is right though.
>Anime from its inception has been quite heavy on western influence.
That's only true for those shows with an explicitly international/western focus, and those are quite rare.
Most anime is focused on Japanese characters, in Japanese locations. There really aren't a lot of explicitly black characters in anime, that aren't some flavor of background character.
Dot heads aren't niggers though.
>you said there were no black characters because being black isn't Japanese enough. More than just being about niggers, that statement was nonsense.
>That's never been a good reason not to include something in anime
Are you unironically implying that the reason why there're no relevant black skinned girls/characters in 99% of anime series (and light novels) is not because being black is not part of the japanese culture?
>black is part of japanese culture thus it should be in anime because.
Is this what I am reading on Sup Forums?
>Sup Forumstard
>le Sup Forums is one mind meme
Back to plebbit with you.
what about cute brown guys pretending to be cute brown girls?
I can't agree with that. Going all the way back to Astroboy and Speed Racer there have been no lack of high profile anime with heavy western influence and non Japanese characters. It may be awash now in a sea of generic SoL, but even today big names like Shingeki no Kyojin and One Piece feature a shit load of western influence and references.
Oh fuck off with your back pedaling already.
You literally just reiterated my point, which is that the only shows with a prominent black character (black meaning actually African/African-American) are those that use western settings and locales. However, most anime are not set in the West, they're set in Japan. This is true for plenty of prominent japanese series going back to the very first animated flipbook woodslides produced by entertainment artisans in the 1800's.
You don't think things like Lupin III and Golgo 13 have heavy western influence? Hell even Tomino was inspired by Star Wars with aspects of Mobile Suit Gundam. Japan is nowhere near the bubble everyone makes it out to be.
Of course they do, since those shows are using international settings and characters.
Most anime don't.
Is this all you have left to say? black people don't live in japan (inb4 muh 0,05 minority), japanese novelists and mangakas never have a chance to meet them, they don't build relationships with them and they don't feel the need to feature them in their artworks.
Besides, black people hate anime so there's no reason to pander to people who will never watch their works.
Why am I writing this when it should be frigging obvious even to the most autistic shitposter/plebbitor?
>Besides, black people hate anime
Not that same guy but you just lost any arguement you might've had
It was not my intention to reiterate your point, only to say that anime, which came into prominence in the 1960s and 70s, has featured plenty of western influence and still does to this day. And that is why saying that something is never included in anime because it's not historically Japanese is nonsense. This isn't about the ratio in terms of sheer number of shows produced, but what shows have defined the medium going back 50+ years. You'll find no lack of western influence when it comes to anime at large, even if you can name 8,000 slice of life shows for every 1 Dragonball.
>I don't have arguments so I'll try to discredit his whole reply
Keep trying, I'm sure it's gonna change reality.
There's no black people in japan, wake the fuck up already.
By the way, enjoy:
The UC franchise largely takes place in space so I dunno if I would consider that international. However you also seem to be leaving out almost every single fantasy anime to ever existence which almost always is filled with European aesthetics. Even the popular maid tropes that we love so much are usually Victorian maid style.
I'm just saying your statement that anime rarely ever has western influence in it is pretty skewed.
>space isn't international
Come on, dude.
Well technically it is out of this world.
Which is why its international.
Like how international waters are parts of the ocean not within the borders of any nation.
Well space isn't really between any nations.
It's just Earth and everything else
Dangit user, now they're gonna start up again.
its a well known fact that brown is delicious
Is that so?
I wish I had the chocolate spectrum sheet saved on this hdd.
This argument about Western influences and black people in Japanese media is completely off the mark.
It's a country where around 99% of the population is ethnic Japanese
Western influences are hardly relevant when it comes to racial demographics in anime and manga. The Japanese will happily infuse influences from all over, doesn't mean the characters are going to reflect any of this with their ethnicity. Even in series that are "international", much of the time you're going to just find Japanese worming their way in there somehow and "Europeans" and "Americans" who are just generic templates of lighter skinned people or outrageous stereotypes.
Best girl of the show. Wish I could find someone like her irl
Like how most foreign characters are half jap half whatever
>getting offended over nigger but not dothead
Why are black people so self centered?
same, only have the untranslated nsfw version
Lily is not a slut!!
oh hey, praise jewgle
Nothing you said is wrong, of course. I too thought the initial statement was off the mark. If it had been put that way to begin with there'd have been no argument.
that's not black
As a Pajeet I was offended by dothead but I was too shy to say anything.
Neat, this is what a healthy body looks like.
>inb4 someone has to complain that it's not thicc enough
brown whites and asians are delicious
What does the dot mean anyway and why do only some people have it?
more than half the girls in this thread aren't black.
>the okinawan
that's the fucking best, even the way they speak is cute as fuck.
Blacks in anime are recolored whites/asians, but I still love them to death, wish they looked like that in real life too none of the features which make blacks distinct are there.
Where would you say Radical Edward falls? I'm thinking somewhere between Scent of Cinnamon and Turkish Rosewater.
I for one am torn between Beduin Dreams and Dark Vanilla
2D makes everything better.
That's not always true. Well it's definitely more true for women than men, but even then, not always.