How do we stop the slavniggers from dividing our countries?
This is a thread for WESTERN COUNTRIES only, russians go away.
How do we stop the slavniggers from dividing our countries?
This is a thread for WESTERN COUNTRIES only, russians go away.
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Close yourself off to the outside world like Japan did in the XVII century, it's the only way senpai.
I think id rather chat with some Russians before chatting with a Fucking Leaf.
OP is a Faggot.
HAH! You sure got him, what a bitch!
Dude Jewirca and ots allies are the niggers you included, fkin jew.
Yeah I was reading RT long before some "Russian Hackers" started white-labeling their articles for American-sounding news outlets. They're based, unlike Chinada up there
the slav is the lowest form of a human, inferior even to turks
eventually they will starve off
Umad lol?
Quebec should be independent.
Canada isn't divided, it's pajeet.
Russia is exploiting natural enemity between patriots and commie scum. Canada is not affected by any of this. Why are you posting? You might as well be on Mars. Canada is an NPC.
Nice meme flag.
Maskirovka is hilarious and why most of Sup Forums is Russians replying to Russians.
>Why are you posting?
canadians are just worst gay shit on this planet.
He said western countries only, nigger. Go suck jewish dick like you have for a millennia
Sadly russia is useful for countering degenerates and defeating sunni dogs in the Middle East.
But you have to be a complete td autist to not realize they are sponsoring both sides of the protesters and organizing clashes.
They don't give a fuck about spreading their ideology, what they want is to create chaos, that's the only way they can win.
i need that one in my friends list
Lol, most of the "Russian hackers" are actually Russian Jews. And it is true, I know that because I have a Russian citizenship and come from a Computer Science background.
The naivete of some liberals is just astonishing.
It isn't like most of those hackers act by a command from some Russian center - it's a self-organizing system which can't be destroyed.
How did she know my fetish?
Slavniggers are still better than mutts, my friend.
>Still has far less minorities both numerically and proportionately than the United States of Israel
Fucking Burgers. Day of the Diet when?
>russians shitposting online is now a controversy
America literally forcefully put governments into power before, how is this getting news time?
>Go suck jewish dick like you have for a millennia
For a second there I thought that I've posted with one of them meme flags, either Republican or Democrat, and that you've assumed I'm American. I love spending time with you user, you're such a prankster!
Only scum traitors go into your cunts.
We don't need trash here.
I own my own business my life is pretty good and all my friends and business partners would never choose to live in your shithole among niggers and fags over living here among beautiful white women and good people.
>How do we stop the slavniggers from dividing our countries?
Gas all Jews and maybe it will stop. Worth a try.
I think Russians and every slav should grow up, when they visit they are both drunk and have a nasty attitude like they are not the biggest asshole in the room.
I agree with you 100% brother, as-salamu alaykum.
>amerigoy accusing others of sucking jewish dick
How far could your head be up your ass??? USA is by far the most jewed country in the world. Biggest jewish diaspora, greatest ally of Israel. All your vital sectors like finance, media, politics are run by jews. And you are the world's capital of degeneracy and decadence.
Fuck you, kys.
what platform is this, user?