Hey Britain,
Left the EU yet?
Hey Britain,
Left the EU yet?
Their plan is to leave in 2019.
pussy ass brits dun goofed tryna break wit us they tryna hang on long as they can
Nope, 2 year negotiation period.
We're following the legal procedure you autist. You know, the Article 50 process enshrined in EU law?
If it had been up to anyone with balls they would have left without the official policy. Remain a member, ignore dictats from the Commission and ECJ, refuse to pay fines, avoid paying the budget, closing the borders etc. You know, basically what half of the Visegrad countries are doing at the minute.
Then again, the UK is a sucker for autistically adhering to pieces of paper.
So... how are things with Poland & turkey
The rule of law is king, apart from the queen. :3
y'all should try to have free trade with one another once the UK leaves the EU. Regional trade deals are really gay and as far as I can tell are only ever used to justify infinity immigration from each of the bordering countries. A la beanerland south of our border.
>y'all should try to have free trade with one another once the UK leaves the EU
That is the most practical and sane outcome.
Unfortunately the EU is not a free trade area, but a political federalising project. The EU Commission is willing to watch as the UK burns and millions across the EU27 are put out of work by tariffs on one of their biggest markets so long as it discourages other countries from considering leaving its imperial embrace.
t. Wog
nope.jpg and I doubt we will. Europeans need to stick together.
It's call the common wealth.
And they are members of not only the common wealth, but the common wealth realms (queen is head of state) I'm sure Canada will explain it to you
We are leaving the EU but we arnt leaving Europe.
>The EU Commission is willing to watch as the UK burns and millions across the EU27 are put out of work by tariffs on one of their biggest markets so long as it discourages other countries from considering leaving its imperial embrace.
At least they have procedures that allow you to leave the union peacefully. 600,000 men died in battle last time a section of my country tried to leave.
>At least they have procedures that allow you to leave the union peacefully
They only put Article 50 in in 2007. That means for 50 years there was no way to leave the EU.
>600,000 men died in battle last time a section of my country tried to leave.
The EU is not a nation-state.
One of the stupidest things Brexiters say. When we start having to follow regulations with India, China and Botswana and forced imigration quotas to get a trade deal let's see how European this country really feels.
Keep Britain European.
>I'm sure Canada will explain it to you
I don't speak French.
The EU are will to make there own citizens unemployed with tariffs just to damage Britain.
There quite happy to cut off there own nose with spite.
Britain is just being a flagship, paving the way for others to join the empire.
>Keep Britain European.
You mean EUropean. You speak as a pathetic, spineless cuckolded traitor. Defense of tradition and independence is the most European of all values. Just because most cucktinentals have lost it doesn't mean we need to.
So automation is bad, but migration is good.....
>Population growth is good
People should never be counted as a resource to be traded like stocks and shares.
The whole project undermines the working class and slows down automation.
>The EU is not a nation-state.
Am I mistaken that the EU has an anthem, flag, and currency? Soon it will have its own military.
Excuse me if I can't help but be a bit skeptical at the assertion that the EU isn't a nation-state when the imperialist hallmarks of forced international migration, assimilation, and cultural exchange are all but slapping me in the face when I look at how the EU is currently set up.
Kek, sick burn
+1 internet
>Surrendering our power in the largest trading bloc on earth so that we can defend our traditions by getting arse fucked when negotiating with 3rd world countries.
Kek. How can this end well?
I take it you're a shengen babby? Probably French . Your English is too shit to be a native Anglophone.
A United Europe is the end game.
But there rushing things
french spanish latvian serbian ? he's whiter than you Juan
You would obey such things ? Weak men like you are the problem.
The English have the ability to speak the worst English possible and still have it recognizable.
I am English, why would I need to learn it...
As this user says, the EU's ideologically driven elite that are brainwashed in the College of Europe in Bruges are moving too quickly and trying to push something was happening naturally anyway.
It is not a nation state, it is an artificial body that is being welded together into a state by a combination of stealth, cajoling and unnatural bullshit like European citizenship. You are right in that it is trying to be a state, but it isn't one yet.
Hopefully it ends with us being poorer, since it appears that only Recession stops our country being swamped with foreigners.
What would we want from 3rd world countrys. It's only China and America we need worry about. Even then do we need 3 cars 6 tvs 4 computers 2 smart phones a Costa coffee shop on every corner ECT.
People have grown greedy and do not appreciate what they have
they could easily get away with forming the United States of Europe after they centralize their power a bit more
Name a trade deal where one party hasn't had to oblige with rules from the other side? It doesn't happen.
Britain is going to become unrecognisable as it compromises one by one with every country on earth. I'd rather we kept our strong European roots.
>something was happening naturally anyway.
Totally agree. The formation of the British isles is proof but you can retain your culture but still share open boarders. With other countrys.
As a union with in a union we were always the odd ones out
so in the beginning the people didn't vote to join de EU, countries were forced to join?
Compromise is a poor word, integrated would be a better word.
I would like to build a wall around London with toll gates. There already doing this to a degree with emission tax on car entering and moving around london.
London has no culture, metropolitan are bad.
Yup, and thus the WW2 came to an end
Liberal cucks love poor countries which don't have imperialist pasts i.e. most of the third world. When the EU can no longer stop us from making our own arrangements, the liberals are going to have a field day. Expect co-operative trade deals with these countries even with the Conservatives in charge.
We should protect ourselves as European people and stick with other Europeans.
Legally, yes, last month in fact.
>so in the beginning the people didn't vote to join de EU, countries were forced to join?
Many people countries in Europe were under the impression that it was a trading bloc, which it was back in the 60s and 70s deriving from its origins in a coal trading organisation. Then in the 90s a bunch of new constitutional changes turned it from essentially a trade bloc into a political body with its own citizienship and shit like freedom of movement. Then in the 2000s a bunch of piss poor Eastern European countries joined, flooded the western countries with cheap labour and foreign customs and pissed off a lot of people, especially in Britain - especially due to wage compression and pressures on public services such as the health service and schools.
>Excuse me if I can't help but be a bit skeptical at the assertion that the EU isn't a nation-state when the imperialist hallmarks of forced international migration, assimilation, and cultural exchange are all but slapping me in the face when I look at how the EU is currently set up.
The UK and the EU are in the state of jewing each other in order to jew the best deal.
Conservatives are all about tried deals and privatisation, it's part of there moto.
Why people voted for the rich man's party to oversee briexit eludse me. Labour under Corbyn would be the only main stream party to ensure a thought briexit, since his a socialist crack pot who believes he's role is to enact the will of his people and to persuade them into thinking differently. Sure he would have begged and pleaded to the people to reconsider but he would never go against the will of the people
then it was a scam
Integration is just as bad a word. You want us to be more like these other countries? At least as EU members we are somewhat more protected from this "integration" with the rest of the world.
Keked & saved
can you somehow get us out of there as well?
work your crumpet magic, nigel!
Yup, we've lost. But we won't be the biggest losers.
Not really, it's more that our globalist leadership scammed us into accepting it. If our leaders in 1975 had informed us of EU law cases like Van Gend en Loos which states explicitly that European law overrides all national law, we would never have joined.
>You want us to be more like these other countries
London as a global trading hub... yes
Only London tho
Build a wall around it, and tax the fuckers
They're leaving the legal way, which means they're still EU's bitch. They should have left unilaterally. Now they're fucked because they won't be able to re-negotiate all the treaties to their advantages.
Agree. It's obvious May & the Cons are going to botch Brexit so we get the worst of both worlds. Not a fan of Brexit myself but it seems like Labour with Corbyn might actually do a decent job of leaving given the chance.
>Many people countries in Europe were under the impression that it was a trading bloc
Bingo, and if forfeiting national sovernty and joining into one European country was actually put to a vote it would be lucky to get 25%.
Now the politburo in Brussels know this, so they are doing it by stealth through trade deals and regulations.
Brexit was a dagger in the heart of the EU, thanks based Poms
more like 100 billion
fucking britcucks
dude, everyone blames germany for this crap but we were never asked as well. just take a look at the current state of german politics. nobody wanted the CDU/SPD coaliton again. people voted for AFD out of spite and gues what... CDU/SPD are doing it again. fucking everybody over and blaming literally everyone else for the rise of nationalist movements but themselves. don't you got some old wellingtons in a shed somewhere to level berlin to the ground?
>If our leaders in 1975 had informed us of EU law cases like Van Gend en Loos which states explicitly that European law overrides all national law, we would never have joined.
But it was the only way to stop another war from happening.
The problem is the EU started writing and enforcing more laws. Like free movement
You're basically calling for London to become an independent City state. Without London's tax take, the rest of the country will rot.
I see the "Brexit is going to happen" meme is not dead yet.
They would be cucks if they voted remain. At that time it could be a total failure following the elected Sadiq Khan by londondcucks.
>But it was the only way to stop another war from happening.
Bullshit. Foced demilitarisation of the germans is the only way to stop another war from happening.
I'm sick of that argument, fucking germans saying 'join us or we'll chimp out again"
>this level of reddit mental illness
Corbyns a frontman for (((Lansman))) fuck off back. The only reason to vote Labour is accelerationalism. They'll clapse society faster, other than that they're the nigger low IQ party which is reflected in their voter demographics.
How's about you do One, we pull up the draw bridge and start rolling around in the queens mud. How's that sound?
Sounds lush to me.
Like a pig in shit ^___^
Labours are Muslim cucks.
Immigration deals for free trade is a remainer meme, yes India did try but we have a bigger economy than them and we probably won't agree, they've tried it before
All the big free trade deals atm like NAFTA has no immigration provisions in it
Yeah , so are the Tories,
Stop voting liblabcon
>But it was the only way to stop another war from happening.
A myth perpetuated constantly by EU ideologues. NATO is the only organisation that has contributed to European peace. The EU, if anything, has stirred up hatred between nations. Just look at Brexit.
>The problem is the EU started writing and enforcing more laws. Like free movement
Yes, but people seem to be under the impression that it was a case of them 'going too far' and not 'this was the plan from the beginning'.
>they are doing it by stealth through trade deals and regulations.
They've been doing it through stealth for decades. There are many great works on the subject criticising it.
>dude, everyone blames germany for this crap but we were never asked as well.
Your country is probably by far the biggest beneficiary of the whole project, which is slowly morphing into a German hegemonic vehicle. It is irrelevant that some of your people don't want it, among many it represents your national guilt complex over the war and represents some form of penance instead of most Germans actually seeing it for what it is, an imperial programme. The people are irrelevant, your leadership adores the EU because of the power it gives them. It has turned you in quarter of a century from pariahs into a European superrpower without needing to spent a shekel on your military. Germany is a nation of anxiety-ridden freeloaders that thinks lending to poor nations makes them good.
>The EU is pro European people
If you know but about Taiwan and China relationship, it's be like that. England owns London. London doesn't own England.
It's much like when Cornwall wanted to be it's own independent country so they could tax people coming into Cornwall. The rest of England was like; HA nope.jpg
can others leave the eu like the uk? or the eu will destroy their economy?
>When we start having to follow regulations with India, China and Botswana and forced imigration quotas to get a trade deal let's see how European this country really feels.
It's clear you have no idea how this works.
If I want to sell an electronic device into America, it has to comply with FCC regulations, not CE, into Canada IC and so on. Australia and New Zealand have a very good framework which is more or less the same as the European one. (Self certification, regulatory harmonisation for the most part.) If they can do it, we most certainly can, especially since Britsh standards bodies are way ahead of pretty much anywhere else in Europe. What this means: If I want to export goods to Europe from Australia, it's down to the importer that it's "CE" certified but assuming it met the broadly-identical ANZAC standards, it would almost certainly be able to be "CE" certified, too.
Also free-trade is cancer. I want tariffs back, personally, and all the associated jobs. If Nissan/Bentley and others are thinking of moving across the channel because of muh tariffs, it follows that Ford and BMW will open plants here.
I've already mentioned my views on what to do with London. Muslims are align with Labour by default. So are the working class. The masses are in general. It's the people's party, that's why Labour has so much discord. Conservates are the rich man's party. Labour is the poor man's party. You argument isn't even an argument rather a Sup Forumstard LVL regurgitated meme diarria vomit.
At this point you should go back to where you hail from
NATO can't do anything inside the EU since it's a union, so no international boarders have been crossed. NATO is there to defend Europe since there is no EU army...
We're the ones who will need the trade deals to make up with lost trade with Europe. Of course we will accept immigration from India if it means some rich Conservative donors make money.
They would crush the economy. Wouldn't be the first time Germany tryd to destroy Europe.
That was just RE cars. Obviously there are many other gains to be made. The State needs to increase Customs/Excise funding considerably, not just in Staff but Systems.
When you consider a globalised world where everyone is buying shit their personal goods from Aliexpress (anything valued over £15 from outside the EU is owed monies) and nobody is paying shit, this is money we (the taxpayer) are just leaving on the table.
Now think of Amazon/FB/Google. OK, we'll almost certainly allow them to use a nominee-agency corporate structure to avoid their true tax burden, but ANYTHING is better than the literal fuck all we are getting right now from those economic vampires.
>Britain is still in the EU
Wew lad, are you really this dense? London is where all the power is and the money is made. Would be easy for them to say fuck it to the rest of the country and become independent. There is a growing movement.
so maybe you can leave the eu because uk is strong enough to take punches from germany, but other countries would have much tough times if they do as the uk did
Go fuck an emu
Global corporations are bad.
It has the world global in it... seems to be a trend this century, globalism is bad, it's communism on crack
>pretends to know what he's talking about
>regulatory harmonisation
So whose regulations harmonise with whose? To agree on regulations, at least one side has to veer from their own rules and laws.
Like shit London has the ability to pull that off. The rest of England would quite literialy blunder London
Brexit was a huge victory here, we smashed remain snowflakes by over a million votes, we have triggered Article 50 and the UK will exit the EU on Mar 29, 2019 at 11 pm. I think the best thing is how EU bootlickers are still in a such state of screaming tantrum over it all though lol, I absolutely love it :^)
>Muh peace in europe
What a fucking sap you are, there is a nuclear deterrent which is why only shitholes get invaded in the modern era.
No one in europe would can go to war with us even if they wanted to, there's also NATO ffs
The threat of overwhelming defeat isn't a peaceful resolution. It breeds terrorism.
They'll be ploughing on with federalisation now.
No shabbos goyim leaders of western european countries will even let a referendum take place unless they think the EU will win to end talks of another one.
It'll become a federal european state before destroying europe forever (they intend to follow (((UN))) plans to the letter, demographic replacement of europeans) and the only way out will be violence
What the fuck does terrorism have to do with it?
We're in the era of information warfare, propaganda and psyops and being in a superstate run by globalists that don't care for their member states or the people of europe whatsoever doesn't change anything
War tend to be the best way of bring people together just look at Japan and America. Or the Nazis and the eu
We are in this state because with have the EU.
This is evolution.
Evil being defeated only resurface in a new form.
What do you think? I think it's you that doesn't understand how this works or the implications mate.
Obviously Australia/NZ largely (I did use that word deliberately) are based upon EU/British standards. Combined they are half of the UK alone in size. As I said we have one of the largest standards bureaucracies in Europe. Most regulations are for the most part common sense anyway, but we can diverge where we like, or hugely deregulate domestically. Australia and New Zealand don't apply essentially the same standards because they are cucked by the EU, they do it because it's common sense.
Another example: FCC rules tend to be very similar to CE rules (but not self-certificated) in the categories it applies to for example. The difference in America is that not every product NEEDS certification in the same way it does in Europe or Australia/NZ.
They work in a much more forward-thinking way which is essentially, put it out on the market, if it doesn't work or causes harm - sue me. This lowers the barrier to entry for smaller companies. Not that I can see us doing that in nanny state Britain, but firstly: a lot of regulations are common sense, secondly: where they hinder business domestically we can modify them or deregulate to suit. So this whole "being ruled from Brussels thing" is a complete non-starter.
Evil was never defeated in first place.
The very thing those ebl nahtzees were fighting against was the globalist banking syndicate that has a stranglehold on world finance, and treats people as nothing but economic assets, livestock to be milked.
They were destroyed and the concept of nationalism, finance that is controlled by the representatives of the people and not a third party that loans every penny with interest to the government or protecting your own people was tarnished forever.
The EU is not the nazis, the EU is the jewish version. Red tape in place of armies and money in place of rifles
Your first post makes literally no sense anyway my retarded friend, so I don't know why I humoured you with such decent replies.
Are you fucking retarded if a British company wants to sell for example vacuum cleaners to America they will have to get their vacuum cleaners approved to americas standards regardless of wether we have a free trade deal or not, free trade means zero tariffs not that you have to follow the same standards / regulations
You can sell anything to any countries so long as it meets their standards
fuck off euro shill go kys you know nothing bellend sucking donkey raping spaz
Stop voting
As long as they take their suburbs with them, I would gladly see London walled off until they figure out just how well they can do on their own.
It would make East Berlin look like Disneyland.
Quite a coincidence that Hitler's snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by making lots of really bad decisions, and the holocaust giving rise to the state of Israel being created e.g a homeland for his people which hitler said he would have to give his life for so he knew he would loose the Second World War and have to kill himself ( or make it look like he did ) thus creating a Jewish homeland and creating the EU a Jewish bank controlled superstate totally opposed to nationalism that had its reputation tarnished forever by Hitler
TLDR : daily reminder hitler was a Jewish operative
p-please no