Opinions on latvia? This fucking normie from latvia started talking to me on the street about how latvia is the best country, this country previously unknown to me sounds shit.
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Latvian propaganda, REEEEEEEEE
*Nato propaganda
The only thing I know about Latvia is they had some sort of a potato famine?
It can’t be a relevant country at world stage. You never hear about it in world news.
Nice land. Very low population density and low birth rates.
Lost like 20% of population since we joined EU.
The one I met was a complete we wuz larper, kept saying Latvians are Germanic not slavic
Baltics are separate ethnicity entirely
i asume they moved to others part of the eu?
Yes. And those weren't the old people who left. Consequences in the next few years will be interesting to watch indeed.
Why is Ireland your place of choice?
Nice country, comfy landscapes, sparsely populated, small cozy cities, unfortunately too many Russians and their imperialism due. Would move there.
As far as I know only like 20k to 30k latvians are in Ireland. Most go to UK, Germany or Scandiavian countries. But if I had to choose, I would probably go to Ireland.
Stockhol syndrome for another potato famine?
That sucks dude. Your tax burden will increase.
Latvia is only good for 2 things:
>Decent Women
I like islands.
Define Stockholm syndrome without looking it up now that you have used this phrase, bong.
Yes but why Ireland? I get it why Scandinavia, Sweden was your former ruler, it's close and rich, you have religious ties to it. England is a commonplace choice and also where your braliukas go in droves and commit more crime than fucking Romanian gypsies but why Ireland?
Why does that cuck stay with her? Why do women get away with shit like this?
Well, I don't think brits are excited about immigrants from around here, especially post-brexit. Also, UK is too Orwellianish for me. Also, ragheads.That's just my opinion. And lastly if I had to move, I would definitely move to english speaking country. If I don't know local language, I feel like disabled person, desu.
Those gains holy crap
i used to like latvia, estonia mostly because they were humble, not shit holes but also not quite 1st worlders but nowadays they come here and shit post as if they are equals when they are not in any way so i dislike them just as much as poles and other slavs
fuck you spaniola
T h i c c
qt latvian girls come here as exchange students sometimes. they're cool
>tfw no qt balt gf
Aren't they too tall for you? :^)
>men are 5"8 in UK on average
Thats false the average is 5"10
lol yes, one of them is like 6'1
>tfw 5ft manlet
>This fucking normie from latvia started talking to me on the street about how latvia is the best country
I really love all the "patriotic" eastern europoors running away from their shitholes to USA/Western Europe and telling everybody how great they are. If it's so great, why did you leave?
Guatemala women are literal hobbits.
178 is 5'10" though.
It has pretty strong cohesion among people in contrast to here and looks nice. It's just that it's not that well known because, unlike for most countries where you get periods of prosperity with occasional depression, you get constant depression with the occasional period of where it isn't being shit on as hard.
Are you saying we can make roads out of niggers?
I'm not saying that, the black guy is. Who knows, maybe it's a well-guarded Baltic secret.
God I hope so
Have too many toes, but other than that nice people in a comfy land.
You should never take anyone seriously who suggests that his land is the best while living abroad
they make good networking routers.
is this right? only 2 million and declining?
Why on earth would you even need any more people than that?
To keep bullies like Russia out.
Yep. Not much to do here. Shit wages compared to requirements. That's why people emigrate.
they joined EU and with 2 million they have no say, it's like legally handing your country to others. This Latvia place is done.
Point taken.
>normie from latvia started talking to me on the street about how latvia is the best country
good made up story bullshit britcuck, literally LITERALLY nobody thinks like that, NO BO DY!
Apart from this guy, I guess.
Slavs aren't a racial type, but a language group. East slavs are genetically closer to balts than to south slavs
> his country previously unknown to me sounds shit.
It is shit now fuck off and carry on.
who made you so superior mountain jew? your jew gold? when muslims take over your mountain shack they will repeal usury, enjoy your "superiority" while you can
Sounds like a paradise lol but learning the retarded language is one of their big faults
>Sounds like a paradise lol but learning the retarded language is one of their big faults
Americuck is right
Balts really aren't slavic, neither culturally, ethnically nor linguistically. The only thing they share is their geographic location.
Balts are not slavic or germanic or nordic we are baltic people and only bc us isnt that many its somehow not relevant. Sad
Library in Riga is amazing.
Ticks carry disease.
Food i had was healthy and nutritious.
Everyone was nice and curious (suspicious..)
USSR until early nineties fucked ppl up a bit.
Amazing festivals in the forest.
Sansusi festival was awesome.
Can drive to Estonia and take ferry to Finland.
Cool people, fairly serious, no bs.
Summer weather nice.
English easy in Latvia.