No refugees near children

Finnish city council member Jenna Simula, in the Oulu city Council of Policy (OCP), wants to prevent refugees from going near Finnish children.

She has been contacted by concerned parents who explain that the leftists are bringing adult refugee men to childrens day care homes and schools and such places so that children can see the adult refugee men are harmless and cool.

But Jenna thinks this is not a good idea by any means. We still don't know who these refugees truly are. We don't know if they may have secret motives. It has been proven in the past that there had been persons who did severe crimes in Iraq and then escaped as a refugee to Finland.

Do we want such persons near children?

Finnish-Swedish Red Cross is the biggest party responsible in trying to show around the refugees in places inhabited by children.

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vittu mikä rasisti

Tell me that isn't real

>black hair

opinion disregarded

She looks like my ex. God I miss fucking her.

It is. Liberal women (who are majority of people working in education) are borderline psychotic about pandering to their pet muslims here as well as anywhere.


What do the parents of these kids think? or don't they know or care?

If it was my child I 'd start to kill whoever was responsible and not stop. I can't even blame the filthy wogs for this as they had to be let into the schools by someone in authority.

innocent refugee child on some YLE(tax paid channel) refugee program

same refugee child

There has been backlash, which is pretty much why stuff like that doesn't really happen anymore. That picture is year or two old when the "Finland must take in six gorillion refugees"-narrative was pushed by both politicians and media, but now the same cuckservatives have started to backpedal on the whole refugee thing as it was not taken in so well by general population, and since the current government has done other unpopular things too the career politicians are fearing for their voterbase..

but the refugees still visit schools and such even if they dont appear on tv anymore

what does it say? i dont get the context?

Seems like someone in OCP wants to keep Dick Jones away from children.

>career politicians are fearing for their voterbase.

Should be fearing for their lives - I thought the Finns are armed?

One thing about the feminist UK is there are a million child protection laws so no non approved adult could even work in a school with them.

Source me, as we had a volunteer program with my company to teach kids about what working was all about, but it was stopped as anyone applying had to go through police background checks before they could even be considered. It took weeks for the checks to be processed

>I thought the Finns are armed

Lots of (mostly hunting) guns in rural Finland, but pretty much no guns at all in cities.

So that mayor (or whoever) in cologne said women could protect themselves by ensuring they kept arms length away from migrants, but in Finland they want to encourage kids to relax and get close? The left wing needs to sort out its story

Why are refugees allowed at all? Shouldn't they be told to go back to shitholistan and fix their shit?

Career politicians need to be lynched.

EU wishes to import them, and our local cuckservatives wish to appease EU without any opposition. I can only hope that this shit has tipped the scales in favor of actual conservatives for next elections.

Speaking of based finns whatever happened to those 2-3 women who were shot? Hitman style by a rifleman during the Pizzagate investigations.

That was quite memoryholed, I almost forgot about it myself. IIRC was one politician and two journalists.

You haven´t seen the pictures of adult fugees with babby-tier finnish girlfriends? Sitting in their laps and everything. Absolute madness.

But FIDF wants focus on Sweden only.


Look I find this horrendous just like you, I mean if I or any of you guys wanted to visit a school for ANY reason red flags and investigations would ensue, and rightfully so.

What I wanted to say was, you mongolians don´t really socialize do you? Especially with strangers. So I would presume the govt is partly satanic but the normie side is desperate for SOME integration, of any kind.

"Allowed" user they are brought in and you the UBER GOLEM are the main reason they have an excuse, ie war and bombings and well funded terror groups. You create the refugees (I know it´s not exactly you but you do the work) and we take them in. All for the glorious WW3 plans of Albert Pike.

The died to death on scene, shooter was mentally ill local guy who apparently just shot first people who passed by. It's hard to believe it had anything to do with pizzagate, the shot journalists were working for local small town newspaper, not to any statewide publication, and the politician was just chairwoman of city council.

Shooter was declared insane and put to loony bin.

Hmm okay, it might have been dragnetted into our PG mania as everyone was researching any and all possible leads. Man those were some dark days.

I remember some theories about at least one of the women being relevant to the election / PG. But as said, might just be specu/pol/ation

This is dreadful. Teachers and educators these days truly hate children, and like to put them in danger. We need a revolution and hang these people now.

Jesus F. Christ
and of course it's women who betray their own children

Kill all refugees

This kills the Mohammed and make Chaim cry

She is nice

>commie flag
>kill all refugees
Self hating judenratte or retard?

>I plan to be a "Nazi*" during the next term as well. Go vote.
>*political opponents often use this nickname to describe True Finns, who oppose harmful immigration
It's the current year and it's now literally okay to literally call yourself a literal nazi.
I hope you're proud, Sup Forums.

Does every finnish woman look like the singer from evanescence?

Another True Finn nazi claiming that there are only two genders. So problematic I can't breath.

Yes Solomon we are

Why are Finnish women so ugly, holy fuck get your shit together.

finland austria and norway seem the only western countries with common sense,i wonder why germans and sweeden are so much diferent ,its a cultural or genetic thing?



Keep complaining lol aint my problem.

Oh man can't I move to finland and beat this guys with a hammer. I'll bring friends

Ugly? She is hot you cunt.

Muh based Nordic race

Not all of them but many in North Finland look like this. Its northern trait of having black hair, in South Central Finland everyone is blond

un fucking believable
what the fuck is wrong with scandis

> He doesn't know black hair, pale skin, and light eyes is the GOAT female combo

Red hair isn't far behind, both are made for royalty.

Unironically middle aged left leaning women employed in public sector (education included). They love to be tolerant and hate their own identity even more than young SJW:s, and they have real influence to play out their self-hating fantasies at expense of others.

Isn't Jenna a trap/transsexual?

Germany clearly has a cultural problem.

I think what happened is that when people raise chidren - parents mold them in a way they believe serves them best in the future society.

So the survivors of WW2 in germany and other western countries, promoted hyper individualism to their chidren - EVEN IF the parents themselves don't believe it. Which gave us the baby boomers.

If you know any parents with children you might have observed this effect in practice.

This hyper individualism continued to flurish until now it's slowly breaking up along ethnic identity blocks. But not so much in Germany obviously except for former DDR areas, which was inherently anti-individualistic during the cold war.

Sweden really a mystery to me. They where `neutral` during the cold war.

No, she's a normal married woman.

Always amazes me how leftists think they have a right to increase the risk to YOUR children's safety, not just there own children but everyone else's also.

Holy shit

We can all see you enjoy this Shlomo

She looks cute enough to tie up and play with.

>Finnish city council member Jenna Simula, in the Oulu city Council of Policy (OCP), wants to prevent refugees from going near Finnish children.

That's a Jew, stupid faggot

she is so fucking hot, I'd destroy her pussy

she needs support and backing.if red cross is exporting this shit,donations to that enterprise need to permanently cease.if jews fund it,it needs to be publicly disclosed.
there is no difference,none whatsoever between taking finnish kids into a convicted pedophile community or taking them into a rapefugee community.none.

>Do we want such persons near children?

Do you want cum and shit in the swimming pool?

>black hair, pale skin, and light eyes

Literally Jewish

>Do we want such persons near children?
>Finnish-Swedish Red Cross is the biggest party responsible in trying to show around the refugees in places inhabited by children.

What happens when these savages enter a church service?

Oh right. I mixed her up with the similar looking trap politician who was in the green party


Just... fucking... shoot them

>leftists are bringing adult refugee men to childrens day care homes and schools

But some of the girls are high school age, so they're free to experiment with the refugees in sexual relations. It's about the future of the country. Young girls need to get familiar with how these men court girls.

What is this? Muslim refugees taking pictures with schoolkids? Why are you guys so upset?


Sup Forums thinks the children will grow up to be leftists now. Not that the kids might actually be in danger.

Far better than being blue. Those blue traitors deserve to be shot.

Don't worry, most of their political careers will end with their current terms.

holy shit even finland. Europe is doomed I better pack my shit as fast as I can and run my way to glorious japan

You bet

Muslims are pedos. There's nothing new there. We should get more muslim pedos on the news, but these fake news peddlers are pussies.

I'm just glad that her maternal instinct is working and she wants to protect her country's kids.


As a cruel twist of biology, maternal instinct is also why leftist women push for male muslim immigration, they seriously treat them like helpless chldren.

She looks like she enjoyed Big nigger cocks.

>that thousand law stare

>doesn't like migration
>plans to migrate himself

This is the reason why i resigned from the Finnish protestant church. Bunch of delusional and unsuspecting cucks, who are all over themselves with "muh tolerance" and "muh turn the other cheek" shit.

Btw, that shit in the pic happened here.
Here church officials say that it was for "tolerance education" and this was not the only visit they made.

hope this racist bitch gets gagged by a fat black cock.

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