Fact check: not true
Fact check: not true
Thanks, Snopes.
Thanks. I'm a Hillary supporter now. Cheers.
thank you based Jew
Fact check: OP is a faggot.
Well done
Im now with her
Does this mong actually believe they took the special 'catch autismo burger' squad off the case because of him? Don't answer that with muh 16quqrdillionj chess, yes he does.
The Russia hoax continues, now it's ads on Facebook. What about the totally biased and dishonest Media coverage in favor of Crooked Hillary?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 22, 2017
Trump knows for sure that it was Sup Forums, right?
"The Russia story is a total fabrication," he said. "It is just an excuse for the greatest loss in the history of American politics. That's all it is."
"Have you seen any Russians in West Virginia or Ohio or Pennsylvania?" he asked his audience to bursts of laughter. "Are there any Russians here tonight? Any Russians?"
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
After meeting with the Russian president in July, Trump told Reuters that he asked the Russian leader outright whether Moscow had interfered in the 2016 presidential election.
"I said, 'Did you do it?' He said, 'No, I did not, absolutely not.' I then asked him a second time, in a totally different way. He said, 'Absolutely not.'"
city people are retarded
“Every time he sees me he says, ‘I didn’t do that,’ and I really believe that when he tells me that, he means it,” Trump said, the BBC reported.
“I think he is very insulted by it,” he added, “which is not a good thing for our country.”
To be fair does he think the FBI takes every report of a crazy teenager that seriously????
city people are not always the smarter ones...
Fact Check - This is a true statement.
Urban niggers aren't retarded?
the whole story right there in that autismo face and dead eyes
Thanks you piece of repeatin shit bot.
>39 tips on him sent to the FBI
>They never responded to a single one
Sure Ahmed, the FBI did everything they could and are as innocent as babies.
>excuse me sir, we're here to arrest you for posting pictures of yourself on Facebook
OP is obviously retarded lol
Wasn't it only 2 tips. But the cops visited his house 36 times?
And do we have statistics on how many school shooters the FBI catches before the fact? To see how often things fall through the cracks?
I deeply know there is no collusion, just people voting.
Why does this still get responses
Mine not included
>not understanding what he means by Russia hoax
lmao dumb dumb the whole hoax is Trump/Russia collusion, but you already knew that dumbass shill
>Feebs are alerted to potential school shooter situation
>immediately contact their Mossad buddies in Broward cty
>clear the op with Sheriff (((Scott Israel))) and DWS to get more shekels
>disguise Mossad ops as firefighters
>have fire drill to remove all prying eyes, disable cameras, and bring in FF stuffs disguised as firefighting equipment
>"we already have a patsy"
>oops, patsy got away before we could snuff him out
>ditsy jewess bottle blond fuxx up the narrative claiming two shooters; other students to follow
>other students tell of being coached by teachers on how to make a school shooting scenario look real
>"Dammit, Scott! I'm a wet-worker not a babysitter!"
>"don't worry guise! we'll just Building7 the entire school, the (((MSM))) will carry our narrative, and we can pay off the Feebs with new money we'l get for "peace & security"
He's up to something
Yes, this will surely not push the FBI even harder to fuck him over now.
The guy had a MAGA hat. Why should they investigate an obvious good guy?
Source on the 39 tips?
What's he building in there?
You act like they can lmao, Trump is spotless faggot
>delusion: the post
>long career in real estate and showbizz.
Pick one
>Sources say
@4:00 what did you hear her say?
Student hangs from a shelf and hides in cabinet to stay safe during shooting
She was talking to the accused shooter when the shooting started.
the meme is incorrect.
other witnesses say the shooters where armored like swat teams and had gas masks on.
Something very fishy about this whole thing.
It's like a Obama era shooting.
Secret service did a active shooter drill just three weeks earlier.
>Since when does secret service do active shooter drills in active schools?
I thought that would be the police that would do that?
>They did the drill just after the FBI where told that Cruz was planning one...
It all stinks
>19 Feb 18
the guy was also antifa, so there is that
he did things just to trigger people for attention.
I'm not convinced he did it, due to the fact that people where with him when the shooting started and it would have taken time to put all the body armor on.
Wtf is your problem, Jim? Why do people think it's okay to disrespect the president of the united states, without even using reasoned arguments or logic to back up their statements?
The same freedom of speech they want to censor. Im sure if 500 people left "You're a stupid nigger" on every post he ever made he'd cry like a little faggot.
He didn't say bed before!!!
he said Basement!!!
Trumps 2nd mistake
1st one was miss speaking during the right to life rally
2 years two slip ups!!
Impeach now!!
Obama loves racism, he fucking feeds on it.
before Obama there was a maximum of 26 school shootings in a year, most where accidental discharges.
When obama was president there where 226 school shootings a year.
Obama literally used divide and concur on the middle class by inspiring racism.
All niggers get more free gibbs because white man
Fact check : You are still a dick sucking faggot. Go back to bed and bite your pillow.
Well he threatened multiple teachers multiple times. He already threatened to shoot up a school earlier. Cops were called to his house 36 times. Was not allowed to carry a backpack into school. He should not have had access to that kind of fire power
Watever you say, we'll get on that right now! Just let me finish laughing at your post.
The school does, and local law enforcement does; enough so to run active shooter drills, tell the kids not to overreact to the sounds of screams, and make it look real.
You people are just fucking retarded. These shooting are not hoaxes explain all the dead children. Its not a secret that those sandy hook photos were photoshopped.
Do i believe that the fbi are not doing anything about in on purpose sure. But this kid was fucking insane.
The mysterious Twitter accounts named in Robert Mueller's indictment Friday were long-suspected of being sock puppets of a Russian influence operation, with a Texas contact recommending to focus on purple swing states. Now, a federal grand jury has agreed.
@TEN_GOP & @tpartynews = Alex Jones. Pamela Geller. Breitbart. Russia Today.
LOL! You're all going to prison for conspiracy.
>I know your phone's dead
Poor choice of words?
GET OFF Sup Forums JEW
Your responses are no less anecdotal bullshit! congrats!
Go suck soros sick you liberal faggot
Congrats! you believe what ever you read on the internet and then ignore facts just so you can be right!
No leafs voted for her tho
Considering that the FBI will show up at your house if you post a threat here, yeah
Aw conservative butt hurt, the post.
>acts like alex jones has any evidence that Sandy hook shooting was a hoax besides a fake photo
>acts like just another contradicting report that there is always a drill when these shootings happen when there were other reports that he pulled a fire alarm is sure fire evidence that he is right
>Now, a federal grand jury has agreed.
Please show me the convictions if the jury has already agreed.
City folk contribute nothing of real value.
> Liberals politicize tragedies with no respect for the victims
>aw another liberal that probably believes everything he reads on face book with no independent thought what so ever
Exaclty didn't even wait for the shooting to be over to try and push an ar 15 ban people are so stupid. i live in Ny where you can conceal carry a 50 cal handgun whats the point of banning something thats 22 caliber? And ny doesn't exactly have lax gun laws and you can still own an ar 15. Liberals just have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to guns