Am I a Christian?

Am I a Christian if I believe in the metaphor of God?
Religion is not to be taken literally. It's painfully obvious.
Why do atheists ignore this?

you're not a Christian.


Because God does not purport himself to be a fucking metaphor.


God is a metaphor for something that is true.
Why are you so sure its meant to be taken literally?

But Poland is a Christian nation and the least fucked out of everyone. do you think western civilisation has improved or got worse with the rise of atheism?

not sure what you're trying to ask here.

Because God literally said so, and that historical truth that people died to insist was true is preserved in the most-scribed book in history, the Holy bible.

Saying it's a metaphor is a baseless assumption, especially when every prophecy fulfilled has been literal. All of them.

good point user, I truly didn't even see that post...maybe my BS filter blocked it from my vision.

It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. Ask god by praying.

>It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks

This is false.

Why would you even want to be or larp as a christian ?

But the blaire witch project said it was real. That doesn't mean it was. It makes no sense to say 'because god said so'
I'm not saying its not real. im saying its a metaphor for something that is real.

>But Poland is a Christian nation and the least fucked out of everyone. do you think western civilisation has improved or got worse with the rise of atheism?
Atheism is a meme. Worshiping books isn't worshiping God, it's a form of idolatry. What you're talking about is nihilism which was caused by Christianity being a fucking lie.

The rise you're talking about is called the Enlightenment and yes it made things better. Christianity is the poison in the veins of the white race and Europeans. It's 100% the prime source of Jewish power and the reason for massive anti-natural race mixing.

>Burned down ancient history
>Burned alive our ancient traditions
>Told everyone they were equal if they bowed to a dead kike.
>Created massive race mixing in South America and Eastern Europe
>outlawed usury (which is good, like Romans did) and then let Jews give loans to the monarchies and church to take control.
>Took credit for all of white accomplishments and say it's because they worshiped a Jew as God.

It's pure cancer. It took over Europe around 1250AD and was rejected by 1850AD by anyone with a brain or an honest bone in their body. Now it's about 80% non-white and all the young Christians are African or Hispanics, even Chinese, but not white.

>It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks. Ask god by praying.
t. delusional behavior

Do not shift the goal posts, whether or not it is real is a completely different conversation. The belief system claims to be real, you either accept that or you reject that. Anything in between is something you made up.

God literally came to earth and showed us how we should live many did not accept this and killed God , you can read all this in the book he left behind called the bible

>God is a metaphor
>can I be a Christian if I don't understand basic theology

Got you covered, senpai

>The belief system claims to be real, you either accept that or you reject that. Anything in between is something you made up.
You can make up whatever you want. You worship a fucking busted up book that's all fucking translated wrong and stolen from other religions, written by fucking revolutionary kikes just like "The Communist Manifesto".

There are a billion versions of the same mind control slave cult claiming Jesus as their master rabbi and represenation for the creator of existence (kek)

>It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks.

>everyone's opinion on theology is equally valid

This is how you end up with pic related

>You worship a fucking busted up book
No I don't.
>that's all fucking translated wrong
hmm What is textual criticism?
>stolen from other religions
Such as?
>written by fucking revolutionary kikes just like "The Communist Manifesto".
Jesus Christ was unlike any other man in history
>There are a billion versions of the same mind control slave cult claiming Jesus as their master rabbi and represenation for the creator of existence
really? literally a billion?

Are you done typing bullshit on the interwebs, user?

What specifically is translated incorrectly in the bible?

And to which translation are you referring? In which language?

I hope you aren't a catholic or orthodox who misunderstands sola scriptura

food for thought. i shall give this some thought.
my initial response..
it may be cancer, but it prevents aids.
>Now it's about 80% non-white and all the young Christians are African or Hispanics, even Chinese, but not white.
Whites are in poor shape with low birth rates. They are the ones without christianity. Don't you think there is a connection there?

>The belief system claims to be real
It would though. I dont get how you dont understand that.

There are so many things wrong with this post
>Worship a busted up book
Wrong, we worship God and his son Jesus Christ
>Translated wrong
There are not many wrong translations in the Bible and those that are are done intentionally by (((them)))
>Other religions
You are retarded if you believe this. What proof you deluded idiot?
>Written by revolutionary kikes
First kikes are Jews who hate Jesus and Christians
Second not all Israelites are Jews. When you take this into account you notice that there are not a lot of Jewish authors

For example, the first five books of the bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy written by a Levite called Moses. And Joshua was written by Joshua who was an Ephraimite. The book of Judges was believed to be written Samuel, who was also an Ephraimite
The book of Luke and the Acts of The Apostles was written by a Greek called Luke

So no, the bible was not written by 'revolutionary kikes'

>There are billions of versions of the same mind control slave cult
user, there are not that many false denominations

God is the realest.
If you're Christian you should seek God, not treat him like a post-modern atheist does.

Absolutely, christianity is a self improvement religion not a pre-made box of factual beliefs.

You're not really human until you realize the importance of social cohesion. Intellectually decadent edgelords don't understand that until they undergo some trauma that makes them question their mortality and if their materialst pursuits are a good way to potentially use the only life they possess. Redpilled athiests understand the true role of religion and cults, the edgelords looking to debate everything in the name of science and only science aren't much different than the average feminist that critiques everything in the name of critical theory without understanding the negative consequences it may have to society in the long term.

>God is a metaphor
>Brainlets like this ACTUALLY exist

No, you are not. You could be a theist who believes some sort of supreme entity, but not really the Christian God. Why? Because in order to be a Christian, you have to follow Jesus' Gospel (that is why it is called Christianity, because of Jesus CHRIST).

You should evolve your belief into gnosticism and disregard christianity.