Are Traps Gay?
Philisophical anime question
if the dick is under 4 inches then nah B.
If it is then that shits almost as gay as anyone who likes Initial D
What do you call an Idle in motion?
biologically yes.
Psychologically debatable, and probably will never come to an agreed conclusion.
Trapfags are fucking cancer.
Not debatable, they're fucking gay.
Not gay if it's cute.
>is it gay to find this person who looks like a very cute/sexy girl attractive.
No, no it is not.
Liking tomboys is literally more gay than liking traps
Maybe, but who cares. Cute is cute and your dick is always right.
Yes and so am I
I myself is not a purveyer of traps.
but I don't think that they are necessarily gay. A true trap is a trap because you fall for it. A person swinging their dick around is not a trap.
So you see what you think is a girl, react to as if it is a girl. Biologically your body reacts to the secondary female traits and get aroused. You are not aware of the penis and therefore you are not gay.
Those "traps" that are openly boys dressing as girls however.. are still not gay.
We can all agree that those that like cat girls do not want to fuck an actual cat, it's attributes that we associate with cats put on a girl that are interesting.
A trap however seem to be a girl in all senses except the penis, a male attribute on a person displaying a majority of female attributes.
Should you not agree, then you are more or less admitting to only get aroused by female genitalia, not females. That is, at least in my opinion, more degenerate than liking feminity.
Those that do must also agree to get aroused by Buck Angel since Buck's display of male attributes, most likely greater than your own, should not matter. The vagina is there and should provide ample arousal.
Choose! Buck Angel or a trap! Will you fight? or perish like a dog?
Next question, please.
There is no such thing as sexual orientation.
There are just people, what parts they have, and what they happen to have fetishized.
But what if you just didn't acknowledge the cock? Of course the act would be inherently gay in the grand scheme of things, but in the mind of the individual their actions are not driven by homosexual desire, so can you truly call them gay? The act would be gay, but are they gay? That's the debatable part.
>Not gay if you are attracted to it
>Gay if you want to fuck it
Could this be an acceptable consensus ?
There is nothing manlier than making a man suck you off. The homosexuals who want to lick vaginas will never discover that.
>you meet up with her
>she goes down on your dick
>she now wants to do anal
>she bends down as you go balls deep
>you cum
>she turns around revealing that she was a """she""" all along
Your move.
If you have a penis, and lust after another thing with a penis, that is gay.
People could argue that they are, because they are of the same sex, have a penis, and leaving aside recent experiments which are untested on humans (male eggs), you can't procreate with them.
Traps in anime are on average, more feminine than women (in manner and dressing style). They are meek and they behave like women did a couple of generations ago.
It's more of a grey zone, but really, if it's cute, fuck it.
Can we reiterate the question?
1 is it gay to like a trap
2 is a trap inherently gay?
3 what if a trap was heterosexual?
easy, it turned gay on the second line
1 yes
2 no
3 I suppose it would be a form of extreme crossdrossing
I don't give a fuck. I'd fuck anything as long as it is cute.
Infallible words.