Fondling ugly schoolgirl
Young Jordan Peterson caught
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sauce, pics, vids, dont be a faggot
quads for vid
can someone give me a tldr on this man ? i see him and hear about him a lot but i dont anything about him
Read this.
Oh look, it's the shills from Chaps trap house and leftypol.
>Meme flag anti-Peterson shill still going strong after several weeks
>muh eBoomer
>pls stop
To All the Jordan Peterson Supporters (((((THEY))))) are trying to turn YOU against HIM. Don't listen to (((((THEM))))). The left can't defeat him because he has actual logic, this is just another ANTIFAG, SHAREBLUE NIGGER. JP Fans, go about your day, ignore this propaganda.
Go back to your eDaddy's subreddit, cancer-kun.
yes peterson is a zionist fag, but hes opening the minds of some normies, shilling this as a commie nazi is stupid
>yes peterson is a zionist fag
Gotta admit the amount of OC this butthurt leftist/paid shill churns out is pretty substantial. Really earning his shekels.
Sieg heil!
>only one person on Sup Forums doesn't like Peterstein
Gotta admit the amount of butthurt Peterstein's followers exhibit is pretty substantial. Really earning that individualism.
>only one person on Sup Forums doesn't like Peterstein
I didn't say that, I said you in particular are incredibly asspained.
this guy is mad af
kill yourself you faggot shill
Peterson is based
don't mind me just gunna leave this here.
Someday senpai will notice you, don't give up bucko-kun.
Where the fuck are you? You're at the centre, your a pacifist cuck. You can't seem to realise that, the left and the right both despise you because your cowards who would rather stay out if it. We're are saying this fight is for you against those who want to destroy what your forefathers have built. The least you could do is lend us a hand.
Do people actually fall for these kind of shill threads?
>Because Peterson isn't absolutely perfect and agrees publicly with everything Sup Forums believes that means we should just ignore everything he has to say
Spoken like a true brainlet. Your little divide and conquer won't work here.
The chutzpah of these kikes is unreal.
kek this is a good one, but wanting a white ethnostate held together by culture and not a commie state is not racist in terms of geopolitics, personal choices and personal actions and to advertise yourself as such only hurts your cause and goals
you can only shill for someone making money.
They don't understand a TT is after them.
I'm not even a centrist you dumb fuck, I'm saying disregarding Peterson because he isn't some 14/88 goosestepping faggot is retarded.
The slav jew makes another appearance. Wherever National Socialism is discussed this shill springs into action.
Sorry bucko-kun, I don't need a Zionist boomer to teach me to wash my balls twice a day.
I understand he's a very important figure in your life. It's probably for the bet that you close the tab and go back to his subreddit.
peterson-shills are turning on joe rogan because Joe has been doing conspiracy related broadcasts.
>Baseless strawmanning ad nauseum
You need to realize what we're actually up against.
heres a short video, hes a centrist and the left is losing their minds over his popularity and categorize him as an alt-right and nazi they even go to the extent of infiltrating here on pol to talk shit about him, but basicaly I would say he is centrist but a huge amount of points that he makes resonate with the alt right:
Someday your senpai will notice you.
>"Just focus on the golden ball, Not the inhuman monsters and never take a stand, just clean your room like a woman"
They don't even understand the stakes.
He is tricky that's why. He is blending honest self help advice with Liberal ideas. Remember he is a university professor and a psychologist. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a ploy to turn young men naturally furious at the state of affairs in the to docile sheep promoting the system.
Here's a video, he's a Zionist and the jewish MSM is shilling him non-stop to increase his popularity and categorize him as an anti-hero savior of the West, they even go to the extent here on Sup Forums to shill him every day, but basically I would say he is a subversive agent that has outright stated that his intent is to subvert the right:
Lies about the (((Marxist))) plans to replace Whites, too:
>Has been systematically dismantling leftist arguments and publically humiliating them for over a year
>Has been encouraging disenfranchised wasted of space "men" to take responsibility for the world
>Somehow this is a bad thing and he's actually just some leftist subversion agent
>They don't even understand the stakes.
They are weak.
>Dismantling leftist arguements.
Dude he is going hyper leftist.
THE FAR LEFT shoots Gay trannies and minorities on sight you moron just like THE FAR RIGHT
just for different reasons.
You can say that again.
You've honestly gotta wonder if he's a paid shill or if this a personal vendetta at this point.
will you retards ever talk about OPERATION PAPERCLIP?
God the shills are working overtime today.
He has clearly stated that he aims to prevent White men from mounting an effective resistance, because "collectivism will lead to a holocaust".
>hurr if anyone has a problem with that it means they're a leftist
Just go back to your subreddit safe space and keep collecting cancerous "clean your room, dragon slayer" memes.
Do you think white men will be able to mount an effective resistance if their life is a fucking mess and they have no monetary or social power? Do you think you're going to be able to make a difference sat on your fucking ass shitposting on Sup Forums?
>hurr if anyone has a problem with that it means they're a leftist
Strawmanning again.
>ugly schoolgirl
Looks pretty hot to me, just making a weird face.
>by my carpet goyim
>Hitler is a bad daddy
>I can be your new daddy
>I'm a good daddy
Taking responsibility is protecting your people, your nation, its and history. Think of yourself second if your not up on arms about this say good by to Britain.
this pic is pretty accurate.
he shills for zionist kikes HARD.
Its culture*
What about it ?
It isn't hidden as much as the MK ULTRA stuff which is about brain washing.
It is simply about recruiting people for enhanced levels of tech but they seemingly failed because
*Alien Booming Horn sounds*
While nation states where busy jerking themselves off over weaponry I made peace with ET all ICBMS will be taken out midflight.
We are joining the Galactic Union.
They need to stop going into the ancient temples with power tools too if they don't want to explode it ain't the curses they should be worried about its the historians.
Shooting a Grey on a Runway was a bad mistake.
Now back to talking about mind control and indoctrination of children through violence.
>"The Individual rights supercede the group let your kids wear make up but don't call them xer"
This fucko needs to understand that the individual gets killed by other groups too so we need to create a party and queue up for some dungeons the fucking big nerd.
>he provides basic self-help so that means his clearly stated ulterior motives and direct connections with and involvement with the people responsible for White genocide are irrelevant
Do you plan to collectivize with other individualists to commit violence against Whites who collectivize to stop White genocide?
>talks about zionism, doesnt talk about zionisms relations to nazism
i see a shilling pattern developing here
Peterson's whole mantra is that you can't effectively have a positive impact on the world unless you yourself have your shit together. He goes on to say after you've straightened your own shit out THEN you should go out into the wider community and help it. He's not some be-all-end-all individualist that advocates you cut yourself off from the community, you're just misrepresenting him.
I always just say this
This guy gets it. Video related:
they're afraid
Adolf Hitler Rothschild Patron saint of Israel.
>zionisms relations to nazism
Take your kike disinfo back to Tel Aviv, Chaim.
>Works in psychological academia
>Surprised he associated with kikes
Kike disinfo.