Red pill me on SSRIs

Red pill me on SSRIs

I'm currently on the Zoloft Jew now I'm hearing funny things about it and how most mass shooters are on them

am I going to get psyop'd? in unironically worried now

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I was on 200mg of Zoloft for about a year. I didn’t feel like it was benefitting me, so I slowly tapered off. The discontinuation symptoms were literally hell: extreme anxiety, vivid dreams, heart palpitations, etc.
It’s honestly a hit or miss with SSRIs. I’m currently attempting a holistic approach and ditched them entirely.

One of the problems with the psych meds is that you don't get prescribed them unless you are mentally ill. Normal, well adjusted people do no use psychtropic drugs.

>am I going to get psyop'd?
are you wearing the boot?

I was on it (when I remembered to take the pills) for a couple weeks but then just stopped. Was on addies before that but it made me feel like absolute garbage. Try eating healthy low carb zero sugar, removing dyes from foods, take walks in nature daily, and interact with a consistent group once a week in a fun or relaxing setting.

You should only take them if you are on the verge of suicide, and if you are on the verge of suicide then you should probably just go ahead with it.

Your brain works kind of like a septic tank. Chemicals in your brain help control your mood and help signals get sent. Your prefrontal cortex is where you sit in your brain, that is "you". The part behind your brain is the amygdala, it regulates emotion and reacts to threats and stuff.

So when your prefrontal cortex interprets stimuli or data, it sends it to the amygdala, and the amygdala tells you what emotion to feel. This is a crude explanation.

The signals between the two parts are heavily dependent on those chemicals to send signals and operate properly.

What ssri's do is basically stop your brain from draining excess chemicals and spinal fluid, or some make you drain them faster. It just regulating your dopamine. But here is the problem.

Let's say you jerk off constantly, smoke tons of drugs, and eat junk food all day. You are going to have a huge excess of dopamine, in turn your brain will slow down dopamine production, in turn you become depressed. So slowing down dopimine production even more is probably a bad idea.

This is a very basic gist of the problem with ssri's. There are many factors, mentally and physically that influence dopamine.

Zoloft makes the disorders it treats permanent.

Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Vitamin A (activated animal form), Natto, Kefir, N-Acetyl-Cysteine would be better for you...


cold turkey is the only way
heavy drinking helps
stop now

>1 post by this meme flag
ssri's are for pussies and losers. the brain stops producing serotonin to try and get you off your ass and not be so complacent when you start failing. its a survival mechanism, stop being a faggot and go lift some weights

Once got me out of severe depression I doubt I could have handled otherwise. But only take it if you see no other solution and the stick to it for at least half a year or more. Stopping it because you see no results after a few weeks is stupid. For example the it's the neurogenesis hypothesis the ssri work by restoring hippocampus Volumen and function. But don't just wait for them to change something but do what you can to improve yourself. Lifting weights synergies with antidepressants and even on its own the the best thing you can do against feeling down and being anxious also effects will kick in much faster. Also a healthy diet and an impression rich life is mandatory. Also consider taking zinc, low zinc levels result in worse outcome to ssris and stress will heavily reduce your zinc levels

>taking drugs designed to alter your thinking
>wonder if you're getting psyoped

Also, enjoy your non-functional penis.

good point actually

SSRIs did nothing for me, mirtazipine worked though.

Get on Adderall instead

It will also help you discover more about the filthy Jews scheme

No. Correlation doens't equal causation.

Just because shooters have been seen on psychiatric medication doesn't mean the drugs caused them to murder people.

>our new allergy drug kinda sucks, but it seems to be making the rats happy
>cool, let's sell it for that instead. How does it work?
>fuck if we know
>great! Let's charge $10 a pill

Listen to me. Closely. You do not want to get health advice that could potentially fuck up your entire life from a board of 18yo armchair intellectual kids. Go see a fucking doctor. A reputable one. Go see a few of them if you have doubts. Get a referral to a psychiatrist (not a psychologist) and discuss it in depth with him. If you are on them already, stick with what you have been told, but treat it like a life or death priority to go get other opinions, and from people who have done the science.

Anecdotal evidence from anyone on here is dangerous as fuck. Go treat this seriously, get a proper opinion. The fact you are asking for information here signals to me you are in danger of making some serious life changing mistakes. Doctors are not evil, they are not part of a conspiracy. Go see one.

youre already on pol so its not like your life can get worse

I take escitalopram and lorazepam for my avoidant personality disorder.

It seems to help. I even lost weight from not being nervous all the time and nervous overeating. Went from 156 lb to 140lb

Honestly listen to this guy and seek proper medical advice.

I've taken at least 7 different SSRI's.
Then they start me on at least 3 different anti-psychotics.

I asked for Ativan or Xanax and I was called a "drug seeker" and was told not to come back after spending my entire teens and early twenties looking for the "right match".

All I needed was anti-anxieties.
Now I'm addicted to opiates because they calmed me when I had nothing else to calm me down.

Now I spend all my time on Sup Forums because I hate society.

Psychiatry is a Jewish invention and a cult fueled by drugs and subverting Christian morals.

Best answer so far.

SSRIs are designed to put a chain around your brain, that is all they're designed to do. Phrma companies have been trying to develop addictive synthetic drugs for years, SSRIs are just one of the many productions. They do not cure anything, they simply get you addicted to them. They are addiction-meme pills.

Oh, but they do affect your reproductive/sexual system. So there's that.

>tfw doctor prescribed zoloft and I never took it

i was circumstantially depressed, can only imagine what a drone I would have been for the rest of my life if I had listened to that doctor for something that was passing. fucking certified drug dealers, is all they are.

>yes goy just listen to the doctor
you may be right in Australia, but in the US, doctors are in bed with drug companies, and most just want to make you a dependent customer for life.

I think I took this once. Isn't it for anxiety?
Do as I did. Terminate it.

I was on zoloft for 1 year before my doctor had me moved off antidepressants and onto mood stabilizers.

Coming off zoloft was a bitch. Brain zaps were annoying. Headaches were awful. I couldn't speak right for about a month. Hyper-vivid dreams and derealization.

Now I'm on lamotrigne. Seems to work pretty well fof what I have. It's like a combination of severe depression and explosive anger.

You want to make lifestyle changes to address the root cause of the issue so you can get off the jew pills soon

zoloft is very common, many people take it and aren't shooters

i myself have been on it for ages combined with seroquel

i'm probably skitzo and the meds tune out the disturbing thoughts so i can function

i wouldn't be able to function otherwise

they didn't ask me much to put me on it either.

>are you depressed?
yeah maybe idk
>you look depressed.
oh ok
>do you ever get nervous or anxious?
on occasion, sure
>take these and talk to an overpriced psychiatrist your insurance doesn't cover
uh, right.

Holy fuck, why are you americans so fucked up in the head. Its like you cunts are all mentally ill.

Whatever happens, make sure you livestream it and put a link in pol. Godspeed, you glorious insane bastard.

big pharma

Try supplement of Iodine, fella.
If your thyroid is under-fed you'll basically have hair-trigger anxiety.
And be prone to eating salty snacks chasing the iodine you need.
Which you'll then balance out with sugary drinks, which will fuck your moods up too.

That's right, that is the intended course of action for those with high stress and anxiety. Actual drugs that can treat acute anxiety are denied categorically, while the SSRIs are pushed as a "cure-all". Where do you go from there, hm? You go to the street pharmacist, for opiates and other stress relieving medications. The opiates on the street generate revenue for government, at the cost of its citizens. It's all one big system/game, very rarely will you find individual actors at the top.

I don't know much, and I only got Zoloft very shortly long, long ago at the start of my depression, but to give you a quick rundown:
I took antidepressants from the age of 11 to 21, most of them were SSRI, and I "cured myself" by stopping taking meds. Not brutally, I asked my psychiatrist to drop the dose to zero over a week.
Never felt better in those last 10 years than by stopping them. I'm certainly not happy and I can't get myself to work, but at least I don't want to kill myself, that's a huge progress.

The implication are so terrible that I'd rather not t hink about it. I might be an outlier, but still, how many people are in the situation I was, taking SSRIs that hold them down? How is this shit even possible? How many years have I wasted by taking meds that were supposed to protect me but were destroying me?

all pharms are jew shit, i've been on 5 differnt psych drugs at once and it didnt 'help' me at all, get off that shit, vape if you have to, it lowers estrogen and cigarettes have natural anti-psychotics in them, that shit will rewire ur brain so you cant feel happiness anymore, literally doing heroin for 6 years is less damaging to ur brain than doing this shit for 6 months

Sup Forums get off meds, it is the literal bluepill

i would rather get shot in the lung than take meds for 3 months


Also, there are more violently insane people now due to simple population growth. Don't let the fucking lugenpresse influence you that easily.

Hey OP, ask for Abilify instead. I take small doses (2,5mg) and it has antidepressant properties without making me asexual.

Are you saying big pharma is making americans ill?

dont listen to all the retards on the internet

if you are truly depressed meaning there is a genuine chemical imbalance in your brain the SSRIs will have a significant effect over the course of many months or even years. if you are just feeling whiny and bitchy they won't do shit

I have inherited genetic depression meaning I have had it my entire life. I was extremely sceptical before finally taking SSRIs because absolutely nothing else worked. and the SSRIs actually made a difference, it was just very slow. most important, I feel like my brain performance increased. I mean I pass classes with less than 10 hours total semester effort and I do very well in IQ tests. the most noticeable difference though is that for the first time in my life I don't actually want to kill myself. so all the people who say that SSRIs make you more suicidal are full of shit

anyway, don't expect them to be a complete game changer. the impact is still pretty small. they are supposed to give you a foundation to build on, they wont magically make your life super great

they're making american dependent on their drugs, and in some case worse symptoms, and more ill, so yes.

It saved me.
Was having Rage episodes that turned physical after my father leave us.

Yes, stop being a weak faggot dependent on pharmaceuticals and doctors to function properly. You don't need drugs, you need self-discipline nigger

It didn't save you, it ended your career as a boxer.

>all of these people with SSRI experience
Jesus fucking christ this place if full of mentally ill pussies just like reddit.

How to become ultra paranoid meth head.

Yes, they are.

Very useful tool:

Search for your doctor/physician to see a list of all the payments, donations, bribes and lunches your doctor has received to shill SSRIs.

Lol. Doctor....paid shill, same thing really.

Stop all medication immediately and buy a gun.

Jordan Peterson should do a video about them, since you can tell by his dead eye expression that he's a long-term walking research project in antidepressants.

I got on escitalopram 10mg a day and it completely got rid of my lifelong depression.

>I'm hearing funny things

>Non mexican spic

The Anxious Ones.

look at statistical studies that correlate IQ and depression rates

generally lower intelligence correlates with higher chance of mental disorders including depression

however something very odd happens once you go up far enough on IQ. beginning at about IQ of 120 the chance of mental disorders increases again and people with an IQ of above 130 have a chance of over 50% to have clinical depression

Psyfag here. Zoloft is serious shit, and it's best use is for temporary use to keep you functional enough so you address whatever problems you have psych or otherwise.

This user's ideas are solid. If your shit is serous enough to need zoloft, you should have proper psychological care.

Did anybody get this prescribed because they were having a hard time sleeping?

Psycology is based on opinion, which may or may not be correct.Prescibing medicine is a practice, it is called this because experiment sounds scary.

9 out of 10 doctors recommend this course of treatment.

When you get yourself hooked on SSRIs, you cease being a citizen of whatever country you're from and become a citizen of Big Pharma. By the way they're out to bleed you dry and destroy you. Your choice.

>needing drugs to function properly
You people are what's wrong with society. Change your diet, get better sleep, stop browsing the internet so much and maybe go outside. Don't take mind altering drugs that'll have you dead by 35 and unable to get your cock hard. I figured this board was filled with mentally ill larpers from the start but you freaks are actually taking that shit for soccer moms and & "depressed" people? What do you have to be depressed about, youre spending your Sunday shit posting on a Tibetan basket weaving forum, you're living one of the most comfortable lives compared to the average experience on this planet. What a bunch of pussies, please never own a gun.

If they did you need a new doctor. That's fucking terrible even by Hueland standards of care.


>taking Zoloft when the generic drug is cheaper by several magnitudes and does exactly the same thing

Are you competing in South Korea in the sport of mental gymnastics?

You could have used the rage until you got some skill

nigs are all 80 IQ and not depressed at all

They will prescribe it for anything. Tried to give it to me for joint pain and then later neuropathic pain.

This is very interesting. I know this might be a bit much for Sup Forums but can you cite a legitimate source or a published paper describing this?

That was my initial report, but I was diagnosed with anxiety so they said "sure goy, take this".
I think I took like 150mg (I mean it came to this, we started @ 50mg) of it a day at some point, but it was short lived.

How can you be depressed knowing that you will soon have a chance to slaughter all the Jews? Oh happy day!

>Mfw Bruce lays all the cards on the table

Also prove that the average IQ here is over 120, I'm highly doubtful of that especially on this board.
>too smart to be happy and need drugs to achieve it
Yes, thats what every intellectual says

You're both cultists.

That's why you agree that you're not doing anyone harm.

Everyone else in the thread probably agrees that psychiatrists need to be summarily executed and strung up to our interstate highway lamp lights.

Sleep aids are tricky, but there's at least a full dozen drugs they should have tried before going to Zoloft.

I'm too smart to be happy but I will bathe and sing in Jew blood soon.

I just drink 1-2 glasses or wine these days, lol.
Does the trick like a charm and it's good for ya.

Aye this.

What is this meme? Anxiety is a human feeling, you should have been taught to deal with it mentally instead of fucking up your brain chemicals. How can people actually walk to a doctor and day "I get sad sometimes" and it's LEGAL to give them drugs? This is happening in Brazil too? I thought you third-worlders were supposed to be happier and tougher than us.

Nah cunt. Healthcare actually costs money in this country. Sup Forums is cheaper than a real doctor.

Anxiety and depression are warning signs. They mean your brain is functioning properly, because this world is shit and you should be anxious and depressed. I don't get anxious any more, simply because I stopped fearing death. Learn to cope with reality you faggots.

I dont know anyone who is actually on meds, let alone hooked on them. Get your shit toguether, lad

I probably have brain damage from all the neuroleptics and "medicine" I have been put into my system. I´ve been institutionalized 3 times for suicidal behavior where I was force-fed neuroleptics. Never been put into SSRI though, just schizoid medications.

I do not even understand who gains any help from those drugs. They make you feel horrible, zombie-like drooling type of existence. They make you dumber, probably permanently.

I was under 3 months of heavy forced medication cocktail of valproate, olanzapine, levomepromazine and diazepam.

Every week I saw doctor I told about my concerns that these drugs are making me retarded and I feel horrible. Never came into question that these drugs would have side effects, doc just told me that it is my paranoia and these drugs do you GOOD.

I´ve been literally assfucked by Big Pharma. Don´t ever get into situation you end up in forced treatment in looney bin. Even my room-mate back there said that Prison had much more freedom and no chemical violence. Those pills will fuck you up for good and it takes months or even years of clean living to get your brain working again at normal level.

Get a job you nigger. I pay only co-pays because my employer covers me. You'll figure this out when you get older.

>all the people who say that SSRIs make you more suicidal are full of shit
as someone who stopped taking ssris I disagree. At first Zoloft seemed to help me, then it seemed to stop working. after 3 years of switching meds every 2-6 months. I'd decided I'd had enough with side effects (citlopram or ecitlorpam made me stop feeling emotion entirely (went closet emo for a month thinking maybe it would be bearable to not feel anything but eventually I just wanted to feel anything be it pain or pleasure) after that I decided I was going to taper off) I moved across the state and have been much better since (occasional dark thoughts but nothing like while I was on SSRIs)
>tldr SSRIs can help but it depends on the person, medication and cause of depression

Why did you take them then?

>stops producing serotonin to try and get you off your ass
except that's not how it works
you actually need serotonin to get off your ass, bozzo

It's happening here too, dear burger:

But suicides seem to be dropping:

Lol stop taking it and see what happens. Your brain is going to go ZAP every few minuets. You screwed up by taking that drug in the first place.

>giving advice on mental health
>if you are considering suicide you should do it

fuck off back to montreal leaf faggot

fuck the pills I'm trying to ditch Prozac at the mo

that would be unfair though I wouldnt mind getting me some gold medals
you can see detailed statistics in there (pic related is from page 20 of full report)

as for high IQ:
>the presence of major depressive disorder according to DSM-IV-TR criteria was found in 65% of the 100 children with high intellectual potential (above 130 IQ)

the average on Sup Forums is obviously not above 120 but highly intelligent people tend to be red pilled and reclusive (prefer anonymity), ergo someone who is truly intelligent is much more likely to be a Sup Forumsack than a plebbitor

jesus youre retarded you deserve to be mentally fuckd for life

I'm currently on 150mg for anexity. On one hand it's helped with it, on the other I feel like it caused me to completely check out of society. I started them in college, and I went from a "party every weekend normie" to someone barely motivated to leave the house.

Literally I Wake > Work > Sleep every day, and on weekends its Wake > Consume Media > Sleep. I cannot find it within myself to do anything else.

It's really fucking weird, I feel like it's made me into a robot. I tried going off it once before but I don't think I was mentally prepared. I am debating using my last 1.5 scripts to ween back off and really hit the gym hard to try and fix it.

The only problem is my doctor will probably drop me as a patient if I do, but at the same time I think he is a bit of a pill pusher (He is REALLY pushing me to start taking Beta-Blockers when my avg. Blood Pressure is 126/75.) Sure it's "Pre-Hypertension", but I literally don't know a single male who has a sub 120.

away satan

When the power substations are shot and the fiber optic cables are cut and you are without power and internet and the food stops being shipped to your town, because the supply lines are cut, wtf are you going to do?

If you´re in the looney bin and you don´t know when you are going to get out you have 2 ways:
You stick up with the system, eat your pills and buttlick the nurses and doctors.

The hard way:
You don´t eat your medicine, don´t trust doctors and deny your condition. You could end up being there like 6 months

Suicidal ideation in adolescents is a recognised side effect of SSRIs

not all of us based kangaroo