>Grab their guns, now.
Grab their guns, now
Other urls found in this thread:
Grab your son now, before he dies from his congenital heart defect.
I'd love to see this good goy killed by two niggers in a car jacking.
edgy, but you wouldn't dare to say that to his face. pinches internet tough guys.
I would.
post a pic of yourself please.
I bet you wouldn't let him suck your cock
here you go
>I'd rather be shot than accepting that liberals might be right on some point
Whoops, wrong pic, here we go.
>we should discard our freedoms because someone on tv doesn't like them
Thank you Based Jimmy
you can't ban guns, that would violate the rights of the armed toddlers
imagine being such a fucking goon you save these fucking conspiracy theory memes and then no one reads them every time you post them.
lol americans.
>healthcare and children not dying is irrelevant so long as i gots mah gunz
Retarded gun humping cunts discard the freedom of life for children
>armed toddlers
Now I'm confused
Damn, I'm clumsy as fuck. Here we go
>make guns illegal
>shocker, criminals still have access to guns
>even more children die
smooth move, child lover.
God knows what your kind will do when that's no longer a dirty word
>you must abandon your rights if you want healthcare. you can't have both!
dead kids don't trump the bill of rights. get over it
>access to guns has become much harder
>but even more children die due to the proliferation of said guns
ok lad
I'm Rambo, my hand go, somebody Van Gogh
>thinks someone will read his neonazi images
just fucking leave?
Honestly, did this faggot cry? Like, I hear about a hundred people die, but did this faggot cry again?
the "cry about guns in a fit of hysteria for about a week" routine is getting very old and predictable
Reminder it was a falseflag
1) Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Scott Israel want to have a school shooting in their county.
2) Alphabet Soup gets a tip on a "suspicious comment" that N. Cruz made about wanting to be a "professional school shooter".
3) Alphabet Soup says they can't verify it and leave him in place to become the patsy.
4) Date & time of shooting is selected by DWS and Scott Israel.
5) Feb 14th – Students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have an evacuation drill in the morning.
6) Something causes Cruz to show up on campus via an Uber Taxi("Hey meet me outside class after Pre-Calc! --Cindy").
7) Hired team of 2-3 shooters goes into the school and kills kids with Cruz on campus.
8) Alexa Miednik(Blonde Jew witness) sees Cruz during the evacuation and speaks to him while hearing shots fired elsewhere on campus.
9) For unknown reasons, hired shooters fail to execute Cruz and stage his suicide.
10) Students are evacuated and Cruz leaves campus in the shuffle.
11) Cruz does not know the police are after him and decides to go get something to eat at McDonald's/Subway without knowing he is the pre-selected patsy.
12) FBI/Police arrest him as he walks down a residential street on his way home as he has been pre-selected to be the "shooter".
13) They spend the night using MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques him convincing him that he has done the crime.
14) Feb 15th – Cruz pleads guilty to 17 counts of premeditated homicide due to the MKUltra/Brainwashing techniques.
15) Feb 16th - Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced to cover up the scene of the crime.
>access to guns has become much harder
>but even more children die due to the proliferation of said guns
Funny how all these shooting happen in "gun free zones" rather than at police stations or NRA meetings. It's almost as if people only want to shoot up places where they know they'll be the only person with a gun.
If three people save them and read it, it's a win. Truth isn't something you can stuff into people's minds overnight.
>owning a killing instrument is a right we prioritize over remaining healthy and not dying needlessly
>look at all of these guns used by criminals and gangsters to kill other Americans
>they were bought illegally from the massive black market
>how do we attack the problem of the gun black market? I KNOW:
>let's make it harder to legally get guns
the absolute STATE
>i don't understand what freedom is
yeah, we know
>NRA meetings
wish they would happen there more often DESU. all those stupid fat rednecks getting gunned down by their beloved gunz.
How’s that War on Drugs going?
maybe have your police force actively go after the criminals and gangs instead of shooting unarmed blacks?
>more often
you mean at all. stay mad pussy
this bait is fucking fantastic
please keep it up, Jimmy
>fuck quality of life, so long as i have guns and no foreskin that's all that matters
ABC News - Israelis Detained on 9/11 Spies
Spy Rumors Fly on Gusts of Truth - Marc Perelman - Forward
FBI report - Israelis caught celebrating after first tower was struck
DEA report on Israeli "art student" spies who visited sensitive DEA and DoD locations directly prior to 9/11
What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks? [good summary]
FOX News - The Israeli 9/11 Connection ep.1
Ryan Dawson - War By Deception [contains info on how ((neocons)) used 9/11 to get us into Iraq]
Israel Mossad Chief - Juval Aviv, (mossad agent on whom the movie 'Munich' is based)
tries to cover for Israel but ends up admitting a lot
2.40 'there is no doubt that there were various Israeli teams in America... who were MONITORING terrorist networks...
3.08 'Israel had [the 9/11] information that they were giving the American government..'
continues to blame the CIA for storing bombs in the towers
>i still don't understand what freedom is
there there gungrabber. maybe you'll get it one day
yes its literally in the bill of rights. right to bear arms, shall not be infringed. focus your energy somewhere else because this will NEVER go away.
>gun owners
>voting for obama
didn't think that one through, did you
>on tonights show i'd like to take a minute to talk about how i'm rich and famous so you should stop spending your money buying things i don't want you to buy and start spending it the way i tell you to. i'm so upset you're not doing what i want you to do i'm going to fucking cry.
someone tried to tell the fbi that but they were too busy to even forward the tip to their miami field office
I read them
I´m reading them.
What does gun rights have to do with /tv?
* deposits shekels into your account
It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!
>no guns
>...except my private security!
t. pro-abortionnist
Powerful stuff. I'm convinced.
are there any jews who're against jews?
With just a quick look I spotted four of them that aren’t Jewish what are you babbling about mutt
>muh healthcare
Irrelevant to the topic at hand. Just because your country is cucked to all hell doesn't mean we want to live the same way.
You mean criminal niggers shooting each other using illegal firearms, and suicides (I mean that's still an American shooting an American, right Snopes!)?
There's a handful. They get attacked pretty vehemently. They're rare though. Jews are tribal as fuck.
Gun homicide has been on the decline while gun ownership has been increasing though
Jesus Christ
Know what killed more than all those combined? Obesity. So get your lard ass out of here.
>adding z instead of s
Retarded underage redditor please kill yourself
Do you have a dog in this fight?
>posting a repeatedly debunked "quote"
i'm in the same boat as you but c'mon senpai
>There's a handful
Are there any celebs?
>Neighbour is Mexico
>Harder access to guns for criminals after ban
lmao at (you)
>abram slutsky
BRO everyone is dying from fat induced heart attacks and opioid overdoses but we have to repeal the 2nd amendment because of this statistically irrelevant shooting
>Oy vey, I spotted 4 people among those 190 that aren't Jewish!
>clearly the rest are false
Who are the four?
I'm reading and saving them and I'm gonna re-post them too,
because they clearly trigger the right sort of subversive faggot.
Most movies have guns in them, if they become illegal, action movies will become extinct.
The criminals could just get them illegally
Stupid Amerimutts.
>hurr durr mentally ill people and people with police records should be allowed to own 20 assault riffles and 1000 pieces of ammo
Actually, he has a Thai ladyboy piss into his eyes offstage.
Nobody can naturally cry this much.
If you want to stop gun deaths in the USA, the solution is quite simple.
>i hate freedom and don't understand it
stay mad gungrabber :)
>10 year average of terrorist attack "Deadly Attacks Since 9/11," New America
>Since 9/11
For the sake of completeness let's include all the Islamic terror in the year 2001 shall we?
Let's see now that's 2,977 dead + 11 from these stats = 2988 divide by 11 years that averages to 272 American killed annually by Muslims.
Now obviously that's nowhere near the number of shootings but what I would like to know is how that data is parsed by race
Fat doesn't give people heart attacks. Carbs do.
wtf i hate baguettes now
The leader of the Alt-Right thinks there should be nationalized healthcare too.
So everyone in Texas owns a gun, but there aren't a disproportionate number of shootings there. The people that do shoot others tend to be the kind that couldnt legally acquire a firearm. Logistically speaking, disarming the american population would be a nigh impossible and probably spark riots if not revolt. Proper education on the safe and applicable use of firearms, as well as a mostly equally armed society are the only way to stop massacres like this. If you're teacher has a gun and is trained to use it in the event you pulled a firearm on them or another student, the likelihood of you trying is much lessened, and the ones that will anyway are not of a mindset we find acceptable to be a free member of our society and we had to find out one way or another.
Am I wrong, seriously asking? I don't understand how people think disarming a population of 300 million is even possible. It sounds like all the thought they gave the subject was "Oh no, he used a gun to kill people, if only he didn't have the gun he couldnt have killed people."
Motherfucker stabbed me in the thigh with a pencil in 3rd grade, he could've done my neck. People kill people.
Give me one good reason why any regular citizen needs an assault rifle. I completely understand owning a pistol or hunting rifle but there's no reason for assault rifles.
>15) Feb 16th - Demolition of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fl is announced
That move was so obvious and sketchy. It's like we're living in some kind of Coen Brothers comedy-of-escalating-fuck-ups.
Repeatedly doubling-down on a lie beyond the point of absurdity seems to be a hardwired Jewish trait.
>go to a dictionary
>look up freedom
>doesn't list 'owns a gun'
i think it's you who doesn't understand, cleetus
>I did a you're instead of your
It’s weird because you seem to think this is a pejorative
>t. nogunz pussy
stop embarrassing yourself
>i hate freedom! GRRRR
stay mad eurofaggot